Chapter 57

Metri Social Church 057.

Even if it was ordinary low-ranking nobles,

A high-ranking aristocrat who is about a 10th noble brings quite a few people.

Reliable escorts, as well as the closest employees.

Thanks to this, the carriages of the Phoenix family were forming a fairly long procession.

The destination is “Metrius,” a metropolis ruled by the Metri family.

Fortunately, it’s not too far from Phoenician.

The Velvet Line where the grave cave used to be – it doesn’t take as long as going to Herntia.

Still, it is true that there is a distance.

All members of the Phoenix are traveling in a large wagon.

The carriage was a luxury item with magic on it.

A luxurious specification that neutralizes excessive shaking and even prevents motion sickness.


“Come on, sister. Forehead! Come on!”

“Tiana. You dare to touch your sister’s forehead- (Kong!) Ako! ….Wow, I’m going to get my revenge.”

“Why are you so vengeful on your bets?!”

And the children were in the carriage with Jessica.

Everyone is dressed in suits and dresses, and they are sitting in a carriage with doll-like cuteness.

Adults still have stories to tell, so they shared the carriage with the children.

Liquia is also on board the wagon.

Jessica, the de facto bodyguard, rides the children’s wagon with them and takes care of them.

“Come on, Peria too! Peria also beat her sister with a single blow!”

“I, I…! It’s a party when you arrive. You can’t hurt your face, so I won’t push you too hard-”

“Everyone will get revenge……”

“Lo, pass!! No pass?! Selena-sama’s face is scary-!”

“Really, my sister! Then- Eud first!”


Eud was admiring the scenery outside the window.

Soon, he knew it was his turn and turned his head.

“Well then, I…”

Phoenician children + Peria who rides as a servant.

In this way, the four of them were exchanging bets while playing hand games during the travel time.



To exchange a lot of information.

But Phoenix is ​​a high-ranking aristocrat.

It is also the 10th aristocrat of great stature.

Therefore, it is normal to come when the party is getting more and more ripe.

In fact, the scheduled time for the declaration of the successor is after 9 pm.

Gareth said that we should arrive around 8:30 according to that, but-

(“It’s too late, I can’t even eat my food properly~!”)

– At the words of Liquia, we reached an agreement to arrive at 8 o’clock.

As much as Gareth was accompanied by Liquia, he was going to accept his opinion.

Eventually, he crosses a very magnificent city.

Clock Tower, Cathedral Church Headquarters. Metricia Great Library, etc.

Passing through numerous landmarks-

Phoenix arrived in front of the Metri family mansion.

Everyone got off the wagon.

Alberto and Joan gave orders to the hunters and users.

Lorona reminded her daughters again about grooming.

Eud had already heard the warning.

Gareth was following a simple procedure to see off Metri’s top butlers.

The Metri family are concerned about the ‘designation of a successor’, so it seems they haven’t been to the party yet.

Currently, the whole family is gathered in the main building of the mansion.

Eud was the third aristocratic residence the mansion saw.

Sharpness like the big city that passed before.

And more gray and cold. The charisma transmitted to the mansion itself.

It was a mansion with a completely different atmosphere from the Phoenix home.

At the pressure of the mansion that was transmitted little by little, Eud also swallowed some tension.

“Are you nervous?! Heh heh heh heh! This is another weird look!”

Liquia laughed as if she had seen something strange.

Liquia, who has always been an independent hunter, is now a suit.

However, the fact that she took off that expensive suit and wore it harshly is still Li Qia.

“Even the golden knights wear suits.”

“Then what did you think you would wear? Gareth is a suit too!”

“No… it’s gold-”

Eud actually knew how to wear something like golden armor.

To be honest, Gareth and Liquia do not have the color of gold at all.

Gareth has platinum hair, but Liquia also has black hair.

Liquia, who roughly recognized Eud’s thoughts, spoke briefly.

“Gold is not about weapons or armor in the first place.”

“……? Then why is it gold?”

“You will find out later. But now it’s a secret.”

“Then why did you get lucky?”


To Eud, who has lost her steam, Liquia froze the conversation as if teasingly.

“Okay then, all the members of Phoenix—”

Gareth returned from talking to the Metri Mansion users.

“Let us go in. Let’s go to sleep, let’s take it easy.”

“The rumors were true. Liquia participated with Phoenics!”

“Two golden knights coming together at once……”

“Gareth’s power is still there.”

“Liquia Demon Rucker. Alberto Cheros.”

“Now with just those three, we can defeat all the warriors of the country.”

“Tenth noble, Phoenix……!”

As soon as you enter the party hall, you will feel overwhelming awe.

Enemies are also everywhere, but I could see that fear prevailed nonetheless.

As noted, Eud is following in the footsteps of her two older sisters and Lorona.(Read more @

Selena and Tiana in their dresses don’t get distracted.

Was the party hall almost overwhelmed just by entering?

However, Eud and his sisters visited the Phoenix party once.

The structure is different, but the size is the same. Thanks to you, I was able to avoid being surprised.

The users and the hunters are currently in split action.

Each user and half of the hunters wait outside.

The other half follow the phoenix family and accompany them to the party.

Alberto, Joan, Jessica, and Feria were naturally moving together.

Soon, the first person approached to say hello.

“-long time no see. Gareth. Mrs. Lorona, it’s been a long time.”

“How have you been? I heard it’s been a busy year overall.”

“I was busy. Liquia, I wonder what you are doing!”

“I came here to eat something delicious. never mind!”

“Don’t worry about the golden knight, huh, huh!”

Gareth and the man shook hands firmly.

Liquia is a little reluctant, but she is followed by a handshake. It’s not like I hate it too much.

“Because we, like Deut, had to choose a successor. But, what. Almost done.”

“I still don’t know what kind of decision I made… But, I struggled.”

“I guess it’s just as much as the uproar you went through. I will inform you about the decisions I have made soon.”

“Then thank you.”

Pretty good relationship.

More than that, I felt a lot of friendship between the two men.

Lorona is also having a friendly conversation with the man’s wife who came with him.

And Eud noticed that his little sister was slightly excited.

As if itching, he wanted to make a quick voice.

there you realize


“You noticed.”

Selena leaned over a bit and gave Eud a hint.

“The tenth noble family of Ragnaril. It’s Camilla-sama and the Radarus’ family.”

When Eud turned his eyes, he met Radarus, whom he had seen at the tea party.

Come on, Radha Ruth shyly greets Eud and his sisters.

And next to it-

“Tiana! Selena! And-”


A young lady with hair between gold and red expressed her delight to see her children.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen a master!”

Camila Emez Ragnaril.

A 15-year-old lively girl.

She was Tiana’s alchemy comrade.

[Review] Metri, Start.

I guess I used ” again… ㅠ

We will correct it.

Let’s burn the rest of the weekend aaaa

My wrist is numb….

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