Master Summoner Online

Chapter 110: Encounter Tooth of Light

Watching the locomotive go away, I was a little relieved, but I realized that I may not be better in the future, and then I turned to the Dragon War: "Dong War, are you done?"

Dragon battle: "It's done, Master."

But I was puzzled at this time, since the boss is dead, I should have experience, but my experience has not risen at all, so I asked Xiaoxi, "Xiaoxi, do you have any experience?"

Xiaoxi said, "Of course not."


Xiaoxi explained: "Because we are out of the experience zone."

"Experience zone?" I wondered.

Xiaoxi said again: "The so-called experience area is the area within a certain range of monsters in battle. Killing monsters in this area will gain experience. If you kill monsters in a certain area, you cannot gain experience. The size of the experience area It depends on the size and strength of the monster's body. The distance between the BOSS in our head is about 300 meters. Judging by the size of the monster, the experience area is only about 100 meters around the center. We How can it be possible to gain experience after being three times as far away from that area? By the way, this is a description of Long Ge's system update, haven't you watched it? "


Well, no experience, no experience, let ’s go back and pack up the BOSS explosion, but this guy is enough to pick the door, only three equipment, and dozens of gold coins are gone, which is like BOSS completely Monsters like elite monsters.

The equipment I brought back for identification made me severely despise the BOSS again. I gave three pieces of equipment and two white ones and blue ones. Now, in addition to the novice, who else wears blue sky and white clouds, so I throw them to the system store. I changed a few silver coins and went to the task hall to turn in the task.

After completing the tasks, I then took on seven or eight tasks to do, and Xiaoxi also separated from me to do the tasks myself, but before I left, I sternly told Xiaoxi that she would not be allowed to say what happened today. Xiaoxi was the most obedient. He nodded sharply, but his mouth was tight.

Next, I will finish the tasks one by one, look at the head, sunset and dusk, the sun is like blood.

I walked through a dry forest in the Scarlet Wasteland, moving lightly like a rushing raccoon cat. Quan Min added that my speed of movement reached a new peak. Even an ordinary high-sensitive archer may not be able to match it. .

However, since I went back as a one-time task, I went back and forth. Since I had run out of the city roll, I forgot to buy it when I came out the last time. Time passed by a little bit, the sun had disappeared over the horizon, and my head was a round of shining stars and moons. Look at the time. Now the game time is 7pm, many night-walking animals and monsters keep appearing, and on the road Of players are on their way back.

On the way, I also saw that it was not a player squad. At night, no one dared to take it lightly. If it was not good, it would lead to the siege of monsters, and it was also the target of those sneak attacks from the dark enemies.

However, no matter whether there are many or few people, at night, everyone will basically use the city to return to the city. If there is no one, they will retreat to the complete area of ​​the system. Few teams dare to compete with those nocturnal creatures at night, just to find a look safe. The underground line didn't dare. God knew if the enemies would be waiting in a circle around the line when it came online the next day.

I walked back step by step, at the same time looking at the three beasts on my body, all of them were hiding in a deep sleep, it seems that the beasts also need to rest, and can not be fighting for 24 hours.

But at this moment a clear voice came from behind me: "Hey, that person over there, don't rush back to the city so much, play with me first."

I turned my head and saw that a woman's eyes fell on a female player a few meters away, and a fuchsia female armor set her figure to an infinite beauty. The delicate face and the waterfall-like hair fluttered in the wind. Smiling at me.

I said, "Are you calling me?"

The other person said, "Is there a third person besides you near me?"


"That's right. Play with me." The female player said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Nothing." The female player replied, saying that he came to me quickly and saw a knife light, and I subconsciously leaned back, but there was still a trace on my armor, and there was no injury to blood. At that time, I could see clearly that the weapon used by the other party was a knife, but the knife was very strange, since there were two blades on one handle.

Seeing that this battle would not work, so I gave up the idea of ​​getting out of the fight and prepared to go all out. At the same time, the opponent had a knife cut. I jumped out to avoid it and knocked it off with a knife. The opponent immediately blocked it with a knife. When the relay turned over her back and turned back, but the opponent's hand holding the knife was easily blocked and turned his head and smiled at me, I immediately stepped back.

Then Ruyi stick stretched and ran into it, but at this time, a rectangular shield appeared on the left arm of the arm to stop the blow, and then opened the Ruyi stick with the right-handed sword. "Are you capable of this?" I punched a circle in front of me, and then this circle turned into a blood-red full moon, and the full moon shattered countless red lights through my body. My countless damage numbers floated out, and suddenly blood and blood lost more than half.

I quickly rolled away the blood, and then used Tengyun's raid to rush up and then launch the smash attack, energy explosion, and powerful attack. The female player perfectly defended with the rectangular shield on the left hand, but still lost a lot of blood.

At the same time, I opened my golden eyes, Level 46, Beast Knight, Equipment: War Wolf Blade (Silver), Amethyst Set (Purple), and others are unknown.

This ... this beast knight, isn't this person the tooth of light on the list? !! No ... no, I only had a fight with the guardian in the afternoon, and now I want to fight again with the Fang of Light, how can I be so bad! I met two super masters in one day, which showed that I was too lucky or too bad.

But then something more surprised me happened. Since a white shadow appeared on that shield and looked like a turtle, I asked, "What's that?"

The tooth of light looked at the shield on his hand and said, "You say it, it is my good partner. I call it baby turtle. By the way, let you see my other friends and come out, sister Sister!" As the tooth of light drank a snake-shaped white shadow from the sword, and then rushed towards me like lightning, I immediately turned away.

Then rushed up, knocking Ruyi sticks heavy, but the opponent used that shield to stop the attack. I immediately made a circle of Ruyi sticks and knocked up again, the light tooth jumped up immediately, but after she jumped up Since it didn't fall, I looked up in surprise and saw that a pair of white wings appeared at the back of the Fang of Light to let her float in the air.

"Ha ha, scared boy, we are absolutely not letting touch a lady's finger!" Suddenly a bird's head appeared on the shoulder of Lightfang and said what he said.

The Fang of Light said, "Okay, don't talk about Mr. Bird, let's go together!" As I quickly dived down from high altitude, I flashed sideways, "Come on, Wolf Samurai!" With the Fang of Light drank her A wolf-head-shaped leggings appeared on the left foot, and then hurled at me at an incredible speed. I didn't think of real or fake movements to avoid the blow.

"Leopard Boss, give me lightning speed!" Lightfang shouted again, and a leopard-shaped leggings appeared on her right leg, and then a step struck me in front of me. I waved a stick, but the teeth of light Immediately flew up, and then the bird's head on Lightfang's shoulder reappeared with an ironic tone: "Boy, you have no chance of winning, the ordinary summoner can't win us at all, and you don't even summon the beast, It ’s impossible for us to win, do you understand? If you understand it, you will just admit defeat and wash your face and go to sleep, ha ha ha ha ha! "Not just this bird's head, an animal appeared on all four limbs. Then his head started to laugh wildly.

This group of guys are really annoying. This is my evaluation of this animal. Lightfang said: "It's just fine everyone, don't laugh, let's get him together!"

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