Master Summoner Online

Chapter 139: Change house

"What to do, don't go at all, forcibly rushing is to die." Ye Shuang anxiously.

Xiaoxi groaned and said, "Are you crazy by the magic of the mage?"

I nodded, but a look of anxiety rose on my face, and said, "It can be, but it can be too far away. No one can fight other than the archer outside the range of the tower, and the wizard's attack magic cannot be thrown. So far away, the archer hits the monkey year with a bow and arrow, not to mention the other party will return blood. "

Feng Xiaoyue said: "Yeah, the magic master's method of magic smashing is really good, but the most troublesome thing now is that if you want to destroy these five defense towers, the mage must at least rush out of the passage and go a dozen meters further, and Those powerful magic spells chant for a short time, even before our soldiers can't resist, the opponent's attack speed is too fast 3 times per second, once 1500 hurt anyone who suffered, it is too dangerous to do this, once the soldier consumes After that, the mage is behind him. "

Xiao Ai said: "It is still my way to do it, let the dragon spirit be the meat in front of the dragon crest, and then you soldiers will not protect the mage behind"

Long Xin said: "Yeah, if you want to use the magic of the mage, you can only let the warriors and summoned beasts carry a meat shield in front of them, protect the mage from reaching the distance that can attack the stone tower, and then use the magic to focus the continuous magic attack It is not difficult to destroy the defensive towers, but the soldiers and summoned beasts in front of them are afraid of the extremely heavy casualties, and once we can't destroy all the defensive towers at once, our advantage will be gone, and our way I didn't meet a few groups of 7 people. I must have hid in it to help others. When we were not hit by a lot of people, they would lose without a hit. "

Ye Shuang said: "Where did the good sword guy fall to the ground? Now that he was away when he needed him, he went to steal the tower again."

I said, "That Promise (Sword) Saint, Ye Shuang, what do you mean, why do you need him, does he have any good skills?"

Ye Shuang said: "The brother has no cattle B skills, but his weapons will be very good."

I asked, "How bullish?"

Ye Shuang said: "The weapon in his hand does not have high attack power. He can add a 150% increase in damage when attacking a building and a skill that greatly increases the attack speed in a short period of time. With these two tricks, what defense tower can be said in front of him? It's a cloud. "

"Haha, beautiful, sexy, stout, and beautiful tower, my brother finally saw you again, my lovely tower!" Then came a weird sigh of praise behind us, and we looked back and saw that the sword was carrying it at this time. Take it by yourself.

Ye Shuang rushed up immediately, leading the collar and said, "Hey, where are you asshole?"

Good Kendo: "I'm sorry I just stole the tower from the lower lane and then went to chat with the tower from the upper lane. Why did I miss something?"

I said, "Good sword, there are five towers in front. Please steal them."

Good Kendo: "It's a great honor." He ran back but was blasted back by the defense tower without going out two steps. He panted and said, "Hoo ... Hoo, this tower's output is too fast. I can't get through, you help. I, as long as I can touch me, I can get one right away. "

Feng Xiaoyue said, "One, so what about the other four?"

Hao Jian said shamefully, "I'm very sorry for my skills, only enough for me to cut a tower, and the cooling time is very long, there is no way unless there is one."

I said, "Four more stone towers, let us do it." Everyone came over as soon as I heard it, and I continued: "Of course, people are doing things and things are going to happen. This tower is attacking too fast and it will splash. Shooting if we burst into the brain can only be used as a living target, so I recommend that everyone add summoned beasts and rush out together, the high defense knight protects the sword to attack the first tower, and then the mage blasts other defense towers with magic. Then others siege the remaining towers, the targets are scattered, although the attack speed is fast, the number is small, and our casualties will be minimized. "

Ye Shuang laughed: "I believe brothers, there must be a way. In my eyes, you are a miracle-maker."

I said, "Dare, I don't have that ability yet."

After the discussion, everyone went to the exit of the passage. Long Xin sat on the big red eagle and began to prepare his most powerful magic. Other professional classmates of the mage also began to prepare. Then we have two summoners here, one professional and me. There is also an animal trainer, and under their command their summoning beasts begin to prepare. The remaining soldiers, such as Ye Shuang, also concentrated their energy, and their mission was to attract firepower to protect the completeness of the demolisher.

"Okay, let's start!" I drank a long time, stretched my hands forward, launched the attack, and the transparent shield opened. When I rushed out first, the knight player held up the shield root and protected the sword expert.

For a moment, everyone's heart mentioned their throat

I rushed out first. After the first step, five defense towers were sensed. Immediately, I turned the muzzle, and the milky white energy bomb whistled and aimed at me.

"Scatter!" I shouted, and the classmates spread out immediately behind us, and the muzzle was also led away by us, leaving a safe place for the time.

The mage rushed out immediately, Longxin Red Eagle also sent out a long howl, the energy bomb of the muzzle kept firing for a split second, and the shield of my open attack shattered after a few hits, and then started the wind. Guarding, the green shield appeared, but it was also destroyed by continuous bombardment, but I continued unabated, "Ruyi stick sticks out and becomes thicker!" With the changes launched freely, a length of ten meters, five or six meters Ruyi thick and smashed on a defensive tower and then smashed the blow, energy explosion, and assault and threw it all out. Immediately behind me, Ye Shuang pointed a gun and yelled: "Royal savior!

Then a dazzling white light gathered on the gun head, and then sent it out. This tremendous energy power destroyed the rottenness, and after hitting a defensive tower, it immediately sent a huge explosion, and the defensive tower was blasted with numerous rubbles and scattered.

"I see the plateau bloodlines! The Promise Swordmaster is here, my sword is everyone's sword!" The good sword came to the tower with the cover of the front knight and slashed at a defensive tower for a while. The fast attack speed was dazzling. .

"The power of the raging storm! Come down on this earth and clear all obstacles! Death Storm!"

"Thunder in the sky! Roar! Let's be angry! Let those who are ignorant know your greatness! Five Thunders!"

"King of flames! Lord of lava! Put everything before you to nothing! Burn the earth!"

"A beautiful and elegant goddess of ice! Please lend me your strength! The foolish thing in front of me is frozen, extremely cold!"

"No one can stop you! No one can resist you! The infinite power of the earth lets those stupid creatures know your horror! The nuclear explosion of the earth!"

"The flames of **** that devoured everything are assembled here! Turn them into all destructive powers! Burn everything in the world! Blazing flames!"

The super-powerful magic of the five systems of wind, lightning, earth and ice, death storm and extreme deep cold, almost hit the one of the defense towers at the same time and did not last.

Thousands of thunderbolts created by the five thunder blasts dropped, and at the same time a huge trembling lava column spewed out from the ground, which suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire on the ground. At the same time, the ground moved again, and huge rocks rising from the ground caused an explosion. Sound, the two towers hit crashed. Finally, Long Xin summoned out the lava to destroy all the remaining defense towers.

The five defensive towers that were just returned to Bull B just now were all destroyed in the blink of an eye, and no one was killed or injured.

The defensive tower got the building without defense in the opponent's base camp, but at this time there was a sound of explosion behind me. I turned back and came from our base camp.

"Not good. My home was attacked. We can only go home to keep it." A classmate said.

Feng Xiaoyue immediately said, "No, it's too far away. When I run back, my hometown will be taken by them."

"What to do, you can't just sit back and wait." Ye Shuang said.

I said, "Since it can't be saved, it won't be saved. Let's go and change houses with them! See who can dismantle quickly!"

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