Master Summoner Online

Chapter 141: Assassin's Creed

"Come here!" The other party followed with a low drink, a figure flashed, and suddenly came in front of me. The speed was surprising and followed by a pain.

"Ah-I screamed and flashed out sideways. At this moment, the skin on my left arm was bare, and a large piece of flesh was ripped off, exposing the white bones inside.

"Huh, is this your strength?" Everyone lost a **** flesh that had just been torn from me and sneered, "I look down on people but they will suffer." Scanning with fire and golden eyes. Level 49, assassin, equipment: Shadow of the Blade (Seal Equipment), Ghost Boots (Gold), Gloves of Death (Green), others unknown.

"Assassin's Creed!" I lost my voice.

"Oh, you know me, but it doesn't matter when I make a few holes in you, you think you will remember me." Then he gave a cold smile, followed by a heavy blow to my belly. .

I snorted and flew out, brushing a head—500 damage numbers.

Immediately holding my body, I roared, patted my hands on the ground, and a thunderstorm started.

The ground beneath Assassin's Creed exploded instantly, and a ray of thunder rose against the sky. "Hum" Assassin's Creed slightly groaned. The figure flickered, stepped back, and escaped the range of the thunderstorm. I immediately rushed to catch up with the opponent After jumping again, I suddenly stepped on him immediately.

The earth cracked, I just rushed to it, and suddenly it was blown right away, and the waves suddenly lifted me out.

"My detonation charm tastes anything? That thing is much stronger than the lurker mine!" Said the Assassin's Creed at the moment, showing a purple crossbow on his right hand, putting the string on it and "sucking" it, and suddenly a purple arrow turned into A purple light shot out, and after I took a break, suddenly, there were countless small pieces of paper scattered in the sky. In a blink of an eye, I was surrounded by these pieces of paper, and my eyes were full of such small paper. Film, and these small pieces of paper all have the word "Burst!", So I'm in trouble and want to run away, unless it ’s soaring to the sky or to the ground, but I ca n’t fly, let alone to the ground.

I looked at the dense detonation signs all around, without saying a word, immediately covered with the attack and opened, followed by the guard of the wind to open, and then replaced the cold light sword to launch the ice armor, while the assassin ’s creed screamed, a piece The explosive detonation of the film exploded. After attaching these skills, I did not choose to run away but rushed towards the Assassin's Creed.

Assassin's Creed came and went with a little surprise, shocked, and in the dazzling flames of the crazy explosion, I spread my wings and roared at a very fast pace.

"Good boy--" The Assassin's Creed couldn't help changing his face, his body receded, and he threw small paper **** at the same time. These paper **** were made up of detonation symbols. In this way, I could not touch him. By the way, he relied solely on the power of those detonating symbols. Sooner or later, my blood was blown to zero, and it can be said that I was flying a kite wildly.

"Huh!" I suddenly screamed and died, the attack from outside and the shield of the wind guard were blown up, but the distance between me and him was gradually getting closer, and the number of explosive detonations he threw was also Fewer and fewer are obviously lost.

Ruyi stick stretched out and slammed out, but assassin's creed leaned away to avoid it. At this moment, I ran out of the detonation rune, and the ice armor was broken. Without these skills, I must be killed by the detonation rune, even if swallow The medicine was too late.

However, at this time, the opponent not only continued to step back, but rushed straight towards me, slipping at the foot and walking out of a rather strange footwork, the shadow of the blade of the blade on the arm fluttered with a strong wind!

The body was like a ghost, and when it saw the flash of the sharp edge, it was already heavily pressed on the Ruyi stick! Then I pushed hard and I almost fell, but the other party did not give me the opportunity to adjust my body balance. The next moment, the assassin ’s creed swayed, and the whole person had come behind. The speed was too fast. When I woke up, His dagger was already on my neck from the back.

"The Battle of the Throat Cut!" A blood light splattered—a huge damage number of 4240 points from me. "Ding ~! You can't use any skills to maintain 1.2 seconds in silent state!"

"What!" I whispered in secret, followed by the Assassin's Creed, from behind me and then came to me, and then the arm dagger swiftly struck me-1940 damage brushed out, and I fell down.

Then Assassin's Creed pointed at my neck with a dagger and said, "You lost!"

"Is it ?!" I chuckled in and out, "What!" Then the Sonic Werewolf appeared silently beside him when he didn't respond, and then punched it with a punch, then I stood up and swallowed some medicine.

The assassin ’s creed was shot more than ten meters away, and his head floated—2740 points of damage. The golden eyes saw that this guy had less than a few hundred points of blood left. Obviously, like Tianzhao, he had more attack power than his defense power. Qi is very low, it seems I have a chance!

"Spit!" Assassin's Creed spit out a bite of blood, stood up and patted the body, and said, "However, it's much better than that guy just now, and I'm going to be serious!"

I said, "I want it."

"Dark power hidden in the abyss, come out again!" Closed his eyes and whispered, and then countless weapons of various shapes fell from the sky, inserted into the ground, and a black smoke floated from behind him and quickly circled around, Soon he and I were surrounded by that dark mist.

"Cut!" Assassin ’s Creed screamed, picked up a long knife in front of himself, and rushed at me. I immediately attacked with Tengyun's assault, hit the long knife in his hand, and then waved a stick to let the other side easily escape. Then I jumped high and I didn't know when there were more than one spear in my hand, and it stabbed in the air!

Ruyi stick raised and opened the spear, but he also watched it with a short sword, I immediately Ruyi stick horizontally holding his dagger "Good job! But ..." Saying the other hand to pull up the ground one Swing the one-handed sword across me sharply.

I immediately leaned back and rolled down, then rolled out with both hands, but the opponent quickly caught up with a sword. I sat on the ground with a low **** and rolled away to the left, and then the Sonic werewolf appeared on him and punched him. "Boom!" There were numerous black cracks like spider webs on the ground, and they could jump to the right in the direction.

"Sonic werewolf, roaring cannon!", The Sonic werewolf immediately made a harsh roar, and the Assassin's Creed was immediately stunned, immediately Ruyi stick thickened and lengthened, and then hit him in front of him, a loud noise banged on the ground , Hit the ground out of a long pit.

But the Assassin's Creed, which was crushed by the Ruyi stick, suddenly turned into a scarecrow, "howl!" The Sonic werewolf growled again. I immediately turned my head, but the other party had come in front of me. The Sonic werewolf waved a punch to him, but his body was low. Dodge, then chopped one arm of Sonic Werewolf from bottom to top, and then kicked Sonic Werewolf with one kick.

Then he stabbed at me non-stop, and then stabbed into my chest with a sword. Assassin's creed had such a smile, and then when my body became a smoke in front of his eyes, his smile was frozen.

"Don't think that only you can substitute." I appeared behind him the next second, "Oops!" Assassin's Creed turned back in shock, but only half of the time I had come behind him and patted him behind his back. A twist of "grab the cannon!" Behind the assassin's creed was suddenly blasted out of a large hole-3278 points of great damage brushed out, the assassin's creed fell to the ground, and then a white light of death rose!

I took back the Sonic Werewolf, took a big sigh of relief, and then watched the energy node of the opponent in front collapse, and then a message flashed.

"Ding ~ !, 11 teams in this team battlefield (get the name when signing up) win, all 11 players participating in the battle get 5% of the current level experience!"

"Ding ~! As your information shows that you are a student of Golden Dragon College, you will receive additional rewards from the school. The current level experience is 1%, 100 gold coins! Double experience for 12 hours, there will be calculations from the next online player!"

Cheers on our class channel were finally rewarded, and obedience finally paid off, and since the additional rewards were doubled, I had no idea at all that I would have to participate in more class battles after watching it.

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