Master Summoner Online

Chapter 156: Beast Dragon Army

The battle lasted for 6 hours, and the players' legions finally regained control of the outer city walls, and then everyone unexpectedly appeared. The monster army suddenly began to retreat slowly, and no new monsters were brushed out. All monsters are good. Like seeing something terrible, Yang Tian wailed, and then lowered his head and began to retreat.

Everyone was stunned, never thinking of this situation, and the battle was not over yet. The ten-hour defensive time had only passed by more than half. However, the monsters suddenly stopped attacking the city. Did they just keep it like this?

Someone suddenly said: "No, everyone, look at it, there is a big guy coming out."

As soon as his voice fell, a tremor suddenly appeared in front of him, and all the monsters roared in the sky. The sound of sorrow was no longer, replacing an excited howl.

A huge monster emerged from the ground. It looked like a mutant rhino with a long tail and a fangs on the tip of its nose. It staggered to the open space. It looked more like a giant elephant, covered with blue and black. Solid scales, the size of this big guy is less than that of a building, and at a glance, it is known that it is a monster with high protection and low sensitivity.

Not only this one, but also another one that looks like Tyrannosaurus Rex, but the skin on its body is dark green, and a turquoise dinosaur and silver-gray dinosaur can be said to be an army of dinosaurs.


Four energy bursts from Gatling Blast Dragon. Monsters are at least one or two kilometers away from us. Archers and magicians cannot attack at all. Only this high-tech weapon can work.

Four explosions of "Boom Boom Boom" exploded on that weird rhino monster, but the scales of the other side splashed a spark like a metal alloy, without any damage, except that a head burst out—122—120—119—121 Four injury numbers.

I was taken aback. This attack was only 2500 points of damage. This monster's defense is too bad. It is comparable to that of the Skeletal Dragon, but the Skeletal Dragon's defense is more terrifying.

Then there was a roar of terrifying dragon in front. All the dinosaur monsters stopped about one thousand meters in front of the dragon city. At this moment, I immediately started the scan with the rhinoceros, Kodo Beastmaster, Level 70, BOSS, Introduction: Living in the Canyon of the Dead In the depths, a giant beast is the proud warlord of the orcs, but with the fall of the orcs, the Kodo beast becomes a masterless beast.

Next is the dark-skinned Tyrannosaurus Rex, T-Rex, Level 80 BOSS. Introduction: T-Rex is an evolutionary near-perfect creature. His shortcomings of constant eating have been made up for by his unrelenting power and developed digestive system. As a monster born just for appetite, the tyrannosaurus will migrate when its prey is seriously insufficient, bringing nightmares to another land. It is fast-moving and has a fast metabolism. It must eat enough food to maintain a sufficient daily temperature, so anything that can supplement protein and calories will come. Tyrannosaurus has no obvious site awareness. For it, fighting is only a process of predation, so it is not difficult to find patience in the middle and find other prey. According to the sergeant of the ecological book: The tyrannosaurus becomes irritable once it has been preying for too long. It may be a tool to accelerate the action of anger as a tool to speed up predation, but it is not understood that hunger is caused by faster blood circulation. It is currently known that Tyrannosaurus will choose a very deep permafrost cave as a nest. But no one has ever noticed the process of succession. This behavior of closely hiding the next generation is unique among Beast-Dragon-type monsters. Because any kind of monster will do its best to put the tyrannosaurus infant child to death, even the mild-tempered herbivorous monster is no exception-in order to not let yourself be short of food or extinction. Being collectively hostile by other kinds of monsters makes the breeding of T. rex more difficult.

I have a basket, a level 70 boss, and a level 80 boss. This is not alive. You know that the average player level in Tianlong City is about level 40. This boss level is twice as high as the player. This ca n’t be played at all, but The system will never do this kind of thing, it will no longer exist without monsters and players.

Next are the other dinosaurs, Blast Hammer Dragon, Level 50, Strengthening Monster. Introduction: Blast Hammer Dragon is a powerful monster monster. Their hard jaw can crush the rocks and use ore as their own. Get staple food. In addition, it can cleverly attach lava to the surface of its own body after processing, and when it is shaken, it will cause those rocks that can be burned and blasted to cause an abnormal vibration around it. Some people find that there is a small chance that it can drop rare ore!

Steel Hammer Dragon, Level 56, Strengthening Monsters, Introduction: The beast dragon species is fierce and cruel, and uses a huge jaw to strike enemies and stones. I like to eat all kinds of ore, and I can smash rare ore with a shovel.

Earth sand dragon, level 50, elite beast, introduction: The monster that lives in the sand plains uses strong feet and a hard head as weapons. It is very good at collision attacks. It likes muddy terrain and generally hides its body in the mud. The huge insect living in the sand plain is his proud food. Some people have witnessed it smashing the insect's nest to obtain food. In addition, the mud of Dishalong will make the visiting enemies enter the clay figure to slow down and unable to attack.

After seeing the information, I passed this information to Zhao Bo.

After seeing the information, Bo must have a bad face, but at this time, the monster launched a new charge, and countless huge bodies threatened to crash into Tianlong City. "All the fires are concentrated and attack! Come on!" Shouted.

These monsters stood against the fire of the players, directly crashed the city walls and surrounded Tianlong City from all sides, and instantly confronted millions of players inside. The fighting broke out in an instant, but the monsters' fighting power far exceeded the players. Anxious, the number of this group of monsters is between about two hundred thousand and three hundred thousand, and the combat power is much more than players several times higher than them.

Zhao Bo shouted, "Classmates shrink the line of defense, return to the inner city, and pull the distance back to the range that the mage can attack. Although these monsters are not invincible, our real enemies are not the monsters in front of them. "Everyone did not fall in love and immediately spread out. Although this confrontation killed thousands of monsters, we paid three to four times the number of deaths.

The players returned to the inner city, the defense line shrank, and a large number of warrior-based professional players concentrated at the gate of the city. With them were a large group of summoned beasts. The magicians on the city wall were ready to launch their own horrible magic, and the priests provided blood relief. Falling will bring some players who have lost combat power back to the battlefield.

Waiting for the hordes of beast dragons to charge into the attack range of the mages immediately, "electromagnetic thunderstorm", "meteor fire rain", "death storm", "ground nuclear explosion", "extreme deep cold" and other countless attack magic, Furiously exploded in the beast dragon group that flew up, and in an instant, there were no more than a hundred monsters injured, and the archers, system turrets, and the arrow cars and slingers made by the players all played. With their own might, the army of monsters gathered from all directions, although they rushed forward and did not fear death, but at this moment were also blocked by these deadly attacks, and soon, the casualties of Warcraft were no less than two thousand Only, a lot of equipment broke out on the ground, and there was almost no damage on the human side.

However, this group of monsters fell down, more monsters rushed up, and the Kodo Beastmaster who finally watched the game also rushed up, but its defense was too high, and countless bow and arrow magic exploded a bunch of sparks on its back shell, but To be honest, the damage can hardly be seen. Magic is only a large range of damage and injuries. The bow and arrow of the archer is not as sharp as the Gatling Blast bullet. Each bow and arrow can only hit a dozen or so points of damage. Single digits, but Kodo Beastmaster moves very slowly, and the player's attack is not to say that all of them are short, and most of them still blow up the boss.

The monster army launched the charge again, and countless monsters of the beast dragon species rushed "unconsciously".

I was anxious for the viewers to fight, and at the same time asked the big red eagle Longxin in the air, "How?"

Long Xin's voice was anxious: "No, no, the monster's defense is too high, and our attack is equivalent to tickling it."

I gritted my teeth and said, "Well!"

All players are killed at this time. Magic, bows, and thrown projectiles are bombarded according to BOSS. The guardian army also gives up attacking other monsters. All muzzles are aimed at that BOSS, and countless shells of energy are ejected. , But the BOSS is really too resistant, and the most terrible point is that it can automatically restore blood, which means that even under the bombardment of artillery, it can still restore blood every second, although the speed is very slow, But when he climbed down less than 500 meters in front of the Inner City, his blood was not even consumed by a third.

But this was the sudden opening of the inner city gate, and a fully armed force rushed out to see that it was the NPC army of Tianlong City!

MD, this group of people is finally willing to come out, but the number is not large, about 20,000 people! I haven't seen this group of guys in the first two times. Is it specially prepared for this siege war? maybe.

One of the soldiers headed shouted, "To defend Tianlong City, for our honor, rush!" The soldiers in the back roared with high morale!

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