Master Summoner Online

Chapter 174: Alchemist's Sword

"Boom!" Just as a giant stone fell from the mountain, Tian Zhao ’s fist hit the big shield on the left of the full defense soldier, and then a "Boom!" Sounded like a rattling sound of a sledgehammer on an iron block. One punch with a bloodshot hit the shield again. The full-proof soldier was beaten back several times before stopping.

"Fuck! What time does this girl attack!" The full defense soldier realized that he was too young to look at the sky, and at the same time the soldier with a spear also attacked the sky, "Aegis flashes away!" Hear After this sentence, the Aegis full-defense soldiers retreated immediately, and then the pike fighter called out a roar of a thunderous thunder. In his roar, the golden tip of the spear in his hand gave out more gold than the sun in the sky. The flame, then gathered around him into a lion howling that shocked Shino suddenly exploded. I saw a dazzling golden mang in the air as the lion shouted, and a golden lion condensed into a gold lion that was five meters high and over ten meters long.

"Come on, the golden lion's runaway!" The spear warrior yelled, the golden lion. The golden lion roared down with a slap, and Tianzhao immediately jumped away from the golden lion's slap and escaped.

"Gatling Blast!" I immediately summoned Gatling Blast to appear. The giant golden lion grabbed Gatling Blast's shoulder with its own giant claws like a beast that was killing food. Behind the golden lion, the spear fighter's spear is spun at high speed.

"I'll deal with this summoning beast, you must go and solve that summoner!" The lance warrior held his lance in his backhand, posing in a straight sprinting posture. At the same time, the flame lion beside him began to bite the shield of Gatling Blast Dragon frantically.

"Boom!" A fierce battle erupted between the scorched earth and the Gatling Blast Dragon and the Lance Warrior. "Where are you looking!" As I yelled at me with a five-headed look, the demons flew together Go up, at the same time the great sword warrior rushed up.

Ding! Ding! Ding! The storm of the blood of Aizhao kept slashing on the two shields of Aegis. There are already marks on the two shields. "Black beans, let your summon beast support me. Why is this little girl's knife so sharp? ! "

"I see. Can you kill that Summoner alone?"

"Yes, I am killed by a summoner, so I don't have to confuse it!" The sword-sword warrior named Sword Sword spit in disdain.

Wield this great sword and hit the Ruyi stick, "Enlighten yourself! The blue process! The frozen field!" Screaming at the sword, the strange power emanating from the giant sword exploded.

Instantly a strange light like a blue sky covered my feet like silk, and then a round blue area formed under my feet and lighted up at once, I immediately felt a bad feeling.

"Ding ~! You are affected by the Freezing Realm, your movement speed is reduced by 60%, your attack speed and spell speed are reduced by 30%, and it lasts 3 minutes!"

The moment I became slower, it became slower. The blue area under my feet made me move very slowly in an instant. The most terrible thing is that this state can last for three minutes.

The burning golden flame on the other side was frantically pervading beside Gatling Blast Dragon, and the two giant claws of the Golden Lion grasped fiercely. Behind the golden lion, the spear fighter's spear has been stabbed with a high-speed rotating stance. However, his spear stabbed only a ten-point damage on the shield. At the same time, Gatling's Gatling The machine gun fired fiercely at the golden lion's stomach, and the golden lion was scattered and disappeared into the air.

At the same time, the energy sword on the back of the other hand was cut off, and the pike fighter's pike blocked.

"Shining Shield!" A dazzling light shone from both shields of the full-shield warrior Aegis, Tian Zhao was forced to close her eyes, "Go up!" Aegis shouted while the five demon were under the command of that druid. To attack the sky.

"I want to be beautiful!" When the dragon battle appeared in time, the huge body suddenly struck out five demons. After rest, its life was restored to fullness, and then it sprayed a fireball to the ground. The fireball directly touched the ground and melted into it. Then the ground began to twist fiercely like waves. Then, countless huge cracks swim like poisonous snakes from all directions, and these cracks are getting more and more and bigger. Finally, in the rumbling muffled sound, the whole ground under everyone's feet exploded. A violent air flow like a tropical storm is raging in the air, and even this small building is crumbling under the horror force like an earthquake.

This strike has enough terrorist power to break the ground into two halves. Aegis combines the two shields into one, and at the same time a hot lava on the ground erupts. This move should be the "billion trillion" of the dragon battle. Lava ", 100 million degrees of lava and rock gathered into a lava ball roaring out, five demons instantly disappeared, other lava **** such as heavy hammer hit the two shields at the same time, Aegis could not completely stop this A shocking blow.

And more importantly, this blow blasted Aegis, the druid called Black Bean, and the lance warrior Gatling Blasting Dragon out of the combat range of me and the sword. The next battle was between the three and the three beasts.

On the other side —

"This **** thing!" It took a lot of effort to move around in this frozen area. It can only barely make basic movements. It looks like it is sinking into a bottomless swamp. "Black process! Black field!" Ji Jian shouted again.

"Ding ~! You are affected by the black realm, and go into blindness for 2 minutes!" Damn! Slowing down and blinding, whether this guy is a warrior or a mage, the whole area in front of me is covered by this **** black, so that I can't even see the shadow of the enemy.

"This will send you to hell." The roar of the sword screamed, and then the great sword waved through the air. "Ding!" Relying on sound and intuition. I blocked the attack without seeing anything, but it seemed as if the other party withdrew the weapon and then chopped it down.

"See when you can stop!" The roar of the sword was ringing in my ear, followed by the staggering sound of a series of weapons.

At the beginning, I can defend, but after the attack, I start to become a bit weak. At the same time, when the action is slow, it is difficult to stop the successive attacks. I kept tumbling to dodge, and kept taking drugs to keep my blood from getting lost. I did n’t dare to use the skills, because they were used for nothing, and the other party could easily escape because the other party saw me. I can't see him.

This guy is not simple. After being chopped, I don't know how many swords I have to admit, I really underestimated this opponent. However, I don't think I will lose to the other party. After the effect time has passed, my eyes finally recover.

At this time, the doubt on the other side's face was not that I had been chopped by him so much. Instead, I began to express an excited expression, and my spirit began to be highly concentrated.

"Orange process! Battle escalation!" In the roar of the sword, at this moment what seemed to be absorbing the weapon in his hand? When it seems to be full, the whole sword becomes orange. "Kid, I seem to underestimate you! It seems a little too casual to use only some low-level skills such as limiting skills. Waiting, this will let you You taste the power of collapse. In front of my Alchemist's Sword, you have to be obediently turned into pieces! "Holding a huge sword called Alchemist's Sword in your hand, started yelling arrogantly.

After a flash, the alchemist's sword of the sword was cut in front of me. Where the sword passed, strange fluctuations began to occur in the space, and a huge black light ball on the tip of the sword was born. A huge black ball of light flew over. I don't want the real or fake action to start, and then I saw that the ground on which the stand-in was quickly swallowed up.

After everything in the nearby space of ten meters was devoured, a huge black ball of light made a loud noise and exploded.

The explosion caused an invisible black air wave to flash away. I was blown out more than 20 meters away, and my blood was directly emptied.

There is no room for forgiveness in this battle. Between the two parties, there must be a complete defeat. And he will never go to the side that was defeated.

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