Master Summoner Online

Chapter 176: Reaper's Blade

The Nao Tiangong was launched, waving Ruyi stick in place, this turn just hit the sword that rushed over, and the knocking effect of the Nao Tiangong suddenly started. After a 7000 constant damage on the head of the Nao Sword, fell down and continued Unprepared, he was instantly hit by a high-speed rotating Ruyi stick, hurting the brushes floating out differently, and the sword suddenly flew out.

I was also dizzy at the same time, but at this time the sword was already a rare chance of remaining blood. Immediately, he rushed forward and slammed into the sword. Then he grabbed the bomber and grabbed his face. "Bang!" The white aerosol, -2134 damage came out, the brain of the sword was blasted by the ash, and a headless body fell down.

I was sitting on the ground with my buttocks at the same time, using air therapy to treat myself, and by the way clear my head.

After a short break, I went to the battlefield of Aizhao and went to see it. People didn't expect to hear "shine and growl in my hands! Use your hot flame to burn the enemy to ashes! Lion King roars!" Then a giant lion, ten meters tall and twenty meters long, burning with a golden flame, appeared, and at the same time he was integrated with this golden lion.

The giant lion fanned down with a slap in the roar, and the Gatling blaster was fanned out and flew away. At the same time, even the dragon battle screamed and blew a bite of blood, and was slammed a few meters away and fell to the ground, rolling seven or eight times before it stopped.

Then the golden lion slapped the fan, and the other claw fell heavily after the war. The Gatling blasting dragon and Tian Zhao were taken together and fell into the soil, and the golden lion waved again with two waves. Roar of Shino.

Seeing that the enemy in front of him was resolved, there was a hint of joy on the face of the golden lion that the spear warrior turned into, but his expression was frozen in the next second. He only saw a dragon's mouth biting, and he seemed to be fighting the dragon. It was n’t blown off, and when you were hit, you flew out, creating the illusion of being defeated, giving the enemy a fatal blow when the enemy was lax, and being bitten by the dragon battle. The golden lion was thrown out, and at the same time the dragon battle The black sword holding it up said: "Relief of peace of mind! I won't let you continue to be painful!" After making the final announcement to the spearman very politely, the black light on the black sword flashed slightly in the night sky. However, in the night sky, the golden lion, which is as dazzling as a small sun, fell into two pieces, and at the same time, the dragon battle was supplemented with a flame. The breath of dragons was almost burned by the body of the corpse, and the white light can prove that He has gone offline.

The other two were frightened and ran away without even thinking about it, but at this moment a figure passed through them, and in front of them, Tian Zhao showed a faint smile, and even the druids who were too late to react were caught. Tian Zhao was torn to pieces and was undoubtedly spiked.

The remaining full-defense soldier named Aegis rushed to no one's place without thinking about it, but he didn't escape far away and shot him with a huge grasp, flying out like a fly. After rolling on the ground several times, he threw a piece back to the city and disappeared in place.

The battle was over. Looking around, it was a mess, I shrugged my shoulders, and I took a big breath.

"Master, what's wrong? Was it hurt?" Azora ran quickly to my side, took my hand, and asked carefully.

"No, nothing, I'm fine." I shook my head and said.

"Master! Your strength is much stronger than before, but the battle just now must have been very hard. I am very ashamed of the dragon fight, because the entanglement of those guys can not support the master, and please forgive the master." Dragon war came to rely on I said.

"It's okay. If you didn't help me drag those three people, otherwise I wouldn't be able to beat them." My body shook, and I almost fell, the endurance value was already low, and no fainting was very That's great.

At this time, Gatling Benglong limped towards me, and I saw that it had only 30 o'clock in his life, and after falling in front of me, he fell down. I immediately retracted it and whispered: "thank you!"

"Master! Thank you, Tianzhao. If it hadn't for Tianzhao behind the big lion's paw for Tianzhao, Tianzhao would be born again!"

"Well, Gatling Blast Dragon has done a great job tonight." I smiled slightly.

But at this moment, a piece suddenly raised in the ruins, and we immediately raised our vigilance, but then saw a little head emerge from the unearthed, "Amber Dragon!" I looked at this little guy in surprise, I didn't summon it at all, it was When did you run out of the summoned beast space? At this moment, Amber Dragon crawled out of the ruins with a wooden box in his mouth, walked in front of me, and handed the wooden box to my hands.

I opened the wooden box and took a look. Inside was a fist-sized crystal-clear bead.

Night Pearl: Tianlong City's favorite treasure is also the goal of this game.

"It seems that it has made a contribution," Tian Zhao said happily.

I nodded and then quickly delivered the thing to the owner of the city. The city owner said happily, "Adventurer, you are awesome. Come here for your reward!"

"Ding ~! The task Night Pearl is completed. You are the fifth person who completes the task to get the following rewards, experience value: 6000000, gold coins: 100, one letter from the owner."

After gaining experience points, my experience is still at the 100% stage. The 100 gold coins are a comfort. Then look at the letter from the city owner.

City Owner's Letter (Quest Item): Use this letter to give other City Owners a quest.

It's not too early to see, so I went off to bed.

The next day, I went to class as usual. When I returned to the dormitory with Magic Moon in the afternoon, I just walked into the corridor and found that in the summer when the five women were standing in front of my dormitory, I asked, "What are you doing?"

Xia Xia said, "Go in and talk." After I opened the door, everyone went in. Xia Xia took out his notebook and put it on the table. "Long Ling, you can look at celebrities!"


Xia Tian said, "Dragon Spirit, do you know who is the sacred person who fought against you in Tianlong City yesterday?"

I said, "I don't know, but I know they are very powerful. I can imagine the fierce fighting at that time. How could I have that mind to care about their identity and I asked them they didn't answer me ~!"

Then in the summer, the video station on the official website was opened. Who really knew it? I was shocked. The forum had already discussed all kinds of issues, and it was all about this special task. The most intense discussion was since ' The five elders of death are defeated by mysterious masters! 'The word.

Last night, in the mission of Tianlong City, the deadly sword guild of northern Xuanbing City, the most recognized guild. The five elders participated in the task of Tianlong City last night. As a result, they were defeated by the mysterious master during the mission, and the third **** came out. The four other people who fled the shield and fled were all hung on the spot. Where is this mysterious master holy! ...

‘Mysterious and unpredictable masters start to defeat the best-known guild in one fell swoop: the death squad! ’

‘Mysterious and unidentified masters are surprised, and when they break their heads, they show their strength and easily lay the five elders of death! ’

It seems that guy is a little bit funny, but saying that I easily settle the five people, this sentence is really a bit ridiculous, and since it also comes with a video, this video is completely my record of yesterday ’s battle, I really do n’t know who took it , There is no name on the video.

Then go down, the number of responses in the video comment area below has reached tens of thousands, of which the first floor: master! Master! Does anyone know the details of this master!

2nd floor: Damn, this guy is so good! And since his profession is a summoner, I did not expect that since the summoner can play, who really said that the summoner is dead!

3rd floor: TMD is an amazing guy, and my brother is also a summoner. I want to ask the older brother for advice.

4th floor: upstairs, the man is really powerful, but I think that the elder death **** must be a negligible enemy, this will cause such an end! Hi!

5th floor: Beauty! beauty! Does anyone know the information of the red-haired female soldier! (The one on the first floor)

6th floor: Who is that beauty with the NB Summoner? Why is it not me who owns her.

Ashamed, basically talking about Tianzhao from the beginning, I became a supporting role completely, and back to shoot a video of her for Tianzhao, presumably she can definitely become the pursuit of the man in the game.

"Let me know now." Summer smiled at me.

I smiled bitterly and thought that when going down to Xuanbingcheng, I would have to be extra careful.

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