Master Summoner Online

Chapter 197: Magic Watcher

After walking down the stairs all the way, the ground was full of countless coins and equipment, and then the battlefield was cleaned. The magic forbidden suit has collected gloves and belts plus the tops and boots that were hit before. There are four left. The bottoms and the shoulders are a complete set, but this still does not include helmets, weapons, jewelry.

The six-story layer doesn't want to be so dim and dark before, it's quite bright here. This should be due to the credit of the surrounding luminous crystals. After walking for half an hour according to the task coordinates of the lone mark, we came to a very empty place. In front of the place, a huge stone wall was nowhere to go.

Ziyue asked, "Your coordinates are good."

"That's right," said Gu Ke coldly.

"Brother Long, what's that?" Tian Zhao suddenly shouted and pointed at a thing not far away. A giant white monster stood with a pair of meat wings on a large body. A cylindrical neck seemed to have no head because the front end of the neck There is a big mouth full of teeth, which can be said to be a very ugly monster.

"What is this? The monster has been frozen." Ziyue was surprised.

I stepped forward and knocked on the other person's thigh seat, but that part of me immediately cracked and then clicked and shattered, wow! This monster turned into a fossil.

Kuqiulin stepped forward and said, "This is an electric dragon."

what! This ugly guy can also be called a dragon. I can't believe I asked: "Dianlong heard that it is very NB, but why did it become a fossil?"

Kuchurin said: "I don't know, but it should be the power of some monster to make it look like this, and this state is not a fossil but has been hardened."

"Uh ... what kind of monster would have the ability to petrify." I asked.

As soon as my voice fell, a roar suddenly came around, "What's wrong?" I was shocked and shouted at the same time: "Brother Long, overhead!"

We looked up together, and then a huge figure appeared. The monster and the hardened electric dragon looked strangely ugly. The front and tail were flat and had two purple pieces. Imprint, the whole body is not scales but dead gray skin. The front end and the back end are very similar. It is difficult to distinguish which side is the front side and which is the rear side. This thing is a bit like nausea that the fusion of electric dragon and gecko cannot tell. The head monster crawled over the wall.

Poisonous Dragon, Level 70 BOSS, Introduction: Living in the dark, monsters that will attack poisonous properties, ugly appearance and powerful venom are well known, Poisonous Dragon is not difficult for each other, and for adventurers to bring Dean poisons and pastors who can evolve negative states are good options. Or can make anti-drug equipment. The attack of the drug monster is not very frequent and easy to avoid. The main poison monster dragon should be careful of its poison, and the poison should be eliminated immediately.

amount! This should be a flying dragon, but it is a very ugly flying dragon, but the moment when the poisonous dragon appeared, "Boom!" The explosion sounded behind us, and we immediately turned around. At this time, we saw a huge monster coming out. Things look a lot like chickens. I don't know how many times they are larger than common chickens.

The appearance of this monster instantly made us suffer from the enemy, the magic watcher, 73 BOSS, introduction: the guard of the magic source has a strong strength. At this time, I noticed that there was a floating crystal ball alone behind the monster and said, "That's the source of magic."

I said, "Go and get things. I'll stop this monster. The poison monster dragon behind Ziyue will take care of you."

"I see. Don't order me." Speaking of the summoning beasts, I also summoned the summoning beasts. The sleeping Sonic Werewolf also woken up with five summoning beasts. At the same time, the lone mark had been moving at lightning speed. After the monster, the crystal ball that came here began to collect. It seems that it takes a lot of time to collect, then I will fight for this time.

At this point, the boss turned to look at the lone mark and rushed towards him. How can I make it work as expected "Dragon battle!"

"Yes, Master!" After the standard answer, a dragon tail swept out, sweeping the magic watcher to the side of the stone wall and hitting a mark, but BOSS did not show weakness and immediately knocked down the dragon battle with a collision. .

However, at this time, the Sonic Werewolf Crescent Moon and Gatling Blast Photon Missiles hit the Boss together. A series of damages floated from the Boss, and a gray liquid inside the big mouth was sprayed out at me. I was about to make a big move, and I jumped away at the same time. At the same time, I saw that the position where I was standing has now been melted to leave a trace of corrosion.

Good guys spray strong acid! BOSS saw a note that didn't work and immediately lifted his foot and stepped on it. I immediately rolled away, and at the same time the sky shone and two general attacks fell on the head of BOSS—3945—3944 Two injuries floated out, BOSS head Slamming me immediately recalled Aizhao to avoid the attack and summoned her.

The dragon battle blew out a breath of dragons, while the boss also spit out a strong acid. The two strokes exploded in the air with countless sparks and strong acids. After the smoke had dissipated, a series of bullets hit the boss. The boss had a strong acid spray Out, took a bath directly to the Gatling Blast Dragon, but under the shield's resistance, the Gatling Blast dragon was unharmed, but instead returned its four luminous missiles as a thank you.

The sky also rushed up, the black cross broke out, and BOSS was hit hard again. At this moment, it suddenly instigated the wings to "fly up?" I whispered, but its next action proved that it was not flying but in An arc was drawn in the head of the air, and then a strong acid shot out like a cannonball. "Booming ...!" Countless strong acids fell to the ground, and I kept dodging, and at the same time, the dragon battle was too large. In this case, it was hit as a target.

I sideways avoided a strong acid, and later found that it was not a strong acid at all, because after the liquid fell on the ground, since the place where it fell was petrified, since the good guy still sprayed petrochemical liquid, this monster is not generally difficult to fight.

The dragon battle reappeared, and it immediately flew up. It was not a wise move to fight the dragons in the air. Soon after, the boss had been defeated in the air after fighting seven or eight rounds with the dragon battle. As soon as it fell off, we Immediately pounced and beat the water dog.

BOSS suddenly looked up and didn't know if it was a strong acid or a petrochemical liquid was sprayed out, and this time the range was very wide and I couldn't hide it, but at this time the black sword of the dragon battle suddenly passed over my head, affecting me The liquid swept away.

But after that, one of its wings was photographed directly. I reflected it and was shot out. The blood suddenly dropped a lot. What ’s worse, I was caught in a crack in the rock and could n’t move. When I saw the big mouth of the boss had pointed at me, the liquid in the mouth began to boil.

Is it over, of course not! When it had n’t sprayed the liquid yet, “Boom Boom Boom!” Four explosions exploded on the left face of BOSS, and then the sturdy punch of the dragon passed, BOSS flew out immediately, and I was struggling at the same time. Crawled out of the crack, "Thanks!"

"Master, you're fine." This AI control of Dragon Warfare is not the same as Tian Zhao. The talking will always be so rigid, but if you don't kill me, then it's my turn to kill you.

Four glowing bullets and countless bullets appeared, and the BOSS was suddenly blown and blossomed, and then the dragon's breath of the dragon battle spewed out, and I also sent a lightning storm. The Sonic Werewolf's fist of victory hit the boss's face and it suddenly fell to the ground, and Tianzhao and I jumped up and slammed at it.

BOSS straightened up to push us away, and at the same time, the liquid in my mouth wanted to spray again. I immediately wished the stick to stick out and thickened, holding it against its chin, and raising it with its chin high. BOSS's liquid attack Suddenly sprayed to the ceiling, but here the ceiling is very high, it did not spray but fell down, making it all himself. The strong acid sprayed by the BOSS this time, the strong acid corroded the feathers of the person himself, and the white smoke suddenly appeared. Then came the fierce pursuit ...

The black sword of dragon battle was picked, "Boom", BOSS finally fell down! The fried loot on the ground, I ca n’t guess too much about the battle of Ziyue behind me, but the poisonous dragon spewed a purple gas at this moment, which made us unable to see things clearly. It was long gone when the mist dispersed. Knowing where he had fled, Ziyue pinched his fists, furiously gritted his teeth, managed to hang up, but was run away, which was more depressing and depressing.

At the same time, the lone mark also came out. It seems that his collection has been completed. At the same time, the monster loot is also full of magic forbidden suits. Now Ziyue already has a complete set of magic forbidden suits, and this is the underground relic. The event came to an end.

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