Master Summoner Online

Chapter 204: Eagle Sorrow Fortress

Black Cross Energy Burst!



It's another two super high damage numbers.

"Sister Tianzhao is so perverted!" Xiao Dingdang said for a long time.

"Wei Weilong, what attack does she have?" Ziyue asked.

"It's 4500," I answered.

"More than four thousand, my God! I don't even have a quarter of her!" Said you tearfully with you.

"People are more deadly than popularity!" Said Fat Doctor, shaking his head.

Ziyue continued: "More than 4,000 attack power will not cause tens of thousands of damage and not a player?"

Kuqiulin laughed: "It's probably holding her back for a long time, she's angry!"

"Angry ?!" After hearing this, I turned on the skylight properties--

Title: Assassin

Name: None (due to no memory)

Species: Fauna.

Race: Warrior Race (rare)

Quality: Divine Order.

Treasure: Scarlet Reaper (Claw), Blood Storm (Double Sword)

Life: 2300 points.

Attack: 4500 (Bloodweave Effect Bonus Attack: 8000)

Defense: 500 points.


Killer's Will (Passive): Each attack and skill causes a 20% chance to deal additional damage to the target with a slowdown, weakness, or fear, and reduces the target ’s healing by 50% for 15 seconds. If it is maintained Time killer enemies themselves will get 5 gold coins and reduce the skill cooldown by 2 seconds (Note that the effect of obtaining gold coins is only effective for enemy players with a kill level greater than or equal to their master).

[Bloodweave] Passive skills: Assassin (Assassin) is bloodthirsty and kills her, and her anger will make her more violent and promote her desire for blood. When Assassin is assassinated, all her attributes will be improved, and the more angry, the greater the increase, if the anger reaches the apex, she will run away, the full attribute is increased by five times, and the attack is ignored regardless of the 40% defense, and Ignore enemy and enemy status and make indiscriminate attacks on surrounding units until the living creatures nearby are cleaned.

Death Cross: Use the double sword in your hand to attack the opponent to cause damage while letting the opponent enter a bleeding state. Lose 300 blood per second for 7 seconds and cool down for 7 seconds.

Blood Dance: Use Scarlet Reaper to slam enemies to deal damage while healing himself. The healing effect is 2% of his damage.

Cutting the grass and rooting: launching a maneuvering blade to the forward sector, causing physical damage to enemies passing through it, attacking enemies in a negative state will cause additional magical damage, and cool down for 10 seconds.

Shadow: Put yourself in a stealth state to increase your movement speed. When you attack, you will expose your skills to a 5 second cooldown.

Ultimate Skill: Scarlet Time and Space, placing a poisonous plague around itself, reducing the infected target ’s magic defense and physical defense by 20% for 5 seconds. At the same time, the infected enemy will receive huge magic damage, causing damage And heal yourself, the healing effect is 20% of the damage, cool down for 120 minutes.

Introduction: Assassin was originally an ordinary man, but he was born with superhuman first-class combat talent. It is for this reason that a group of people fancy it and bring it to a mysterious place for cultivation, where her humanity and memory are even deprived of her name, leaving only a title called Assassin. Cold blood and cruelty have become her pronouns, and she has also been awarded a title of "Death of Death!".

I'm not mistaken about eight thousand. Rubbing my eyes and looking at it again is indeed eight thousand. The effect of the **** flares is really terrible. I won't remind you when it is added to this level.

At this time when we were talking, BOSS had been discharged by two-thirds of his blood, and Aizhao was still intact, but at this moment, BOSS suddenly instigated his wings and flew to the north!

"Don't run down! Come down with Tian Zhao!" Tian Zhao shouted and roared on the ground, but the Boss birds in the sky didn't let her fly, and kept flying north, I wouldn't let this guy run away and take the dragon Zhan and Tianzhao thought that the summoned beasts were taken back, and then they flew up before the dragon battle, and at the same time, Ziyue's giant eagle followed up with everyone.

There are various monsters hidden in the primitive jungle everywhere, but we still kill them all the way, Tianzhao also jumped from the dragon battle, and those tree people on the ground were completely vulnerable in front of Tianzhao.

At this moment, I noticed that from time to time some hawks appeared in the sky, but these hawks only dared to look at us from a distance, but did not dare to approach. After slashing all the way, everyone finally arrived at the end of this primitive jungle. Appearing in front of everyone turned out to be a sincere cliff. A few dozen meters away is a huge peak stone wall. On the top of the peak stands a city building completely made of bluestone.

"Here, here is Yingchou Cliff! Yingchou Fortress in front of the city time!" Ziyue said lightly.

I never imagined that there would be such a deep and bottomless cliff in the middle, and I looked down, and saw that the cliff was covered with clouds and mist, and I could not see to the end. .

Such a natural and dangerous way to let everyone and others see it can not help but change their faces, but for birds and beasts that are born to fly, this is definitely the best defense building. However, this place was originally human, I really want to know them How to build such a fortress in the past is really awesome.

"What to do? The terrain here is too dangerous. Just relying on these summoning beasts, the flexibility is far from enough. In the event of an enemy encounter here, we will be in danger." I asked with a deep voice with you, and I couldn't help floating Worried.

I gazed far away at the sorrowful fortress on the top of the extreme peak N meters away. Although I could fly over on a dragon battle, I rushed in solo, I do n’t know if the situation on the opposite side would be lost in the past. Not good.

Ziyue Xiuwei said, "Wei Weilong, you go up first to find out the truth."

"Why me?" I said, pointing to myself.

"Because you have that dragon, and your mission BOSS must have also run across to this eagle sorrow, so the name of the eagle sorrow, even the overlord eagle of the sky birds felt the place of sorrow. The terrain here is dangerous. As you can imagine, but Yingchou is not worried, all is only you. "Ziyue said.


Forget it, good guys don't fight with women for their own tasks! The next dragon battle head "departed!" And shouted at the front, then snarled with a dragon groan, a pair of dragon wings unfolded, the dragon battle came out of the sky instantly, and went straight to the top of the distant cliff "Hawk" Worry fortress ".

Ziyue said, "You guys come up." Then Ziyue carried the crowd, followed far behind my dragon battle and flew up.

They didn't go up. My dragon was fighting for a seat that was less than 500 meters away. The white pillars of light, staggered in the sky, covered the sky.

After avoiding these attacks in the sky, I saw that a large group of long-backed birdmen appeared on the other side, guarding directly in front of the Eagle Sorrow Fortress. These birdmen had public and female expressions, and all kinds of magic were waiting.

A dragon snarled, and Dragon War opened his mouth to spit a breath of dragons.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Suddenly, Dragon Breath collided with the magical attack on the opposite side, and there were numerous explosions in the air, but the opponent's attack was too dense, Dragon Breath could not resist at all, but in a blink of an eye, he was hit by seven or eight magic bombs On top of the dragon battle body, a lot of life was lost, and it forced it to retreat.

"Unexpectedly, the defense here is so terrible, this is over, we can't go over, or should we go back first? Let's group some people and come again?" The fat doctor stepped back somewhat.

I said, "No, there are too many people but it's an obstacle. With such intensive artillery fire, a bunch of people rushed up to send them!"

"Human beings, come here if you have the ability. This sorrow of the eagle will be your burial place today." Shouted a golden bird-man in front of him.

Ziyue said: "Weiweilong, let your dragon hold my big steel snake and use the big steel snake to open the defensive barrier and rush through."

I thought about it. Ziyue ’s snake defense skills are really good. Then I patted the head of the dragon battle and said, "Dragon battle, are you sure?"

"Master, rest assured, I will never disappoint you in Dragon War!" Dragon War resolutely answered, and then we returned to the edge of the cliff, and Ziyue's big steel snake was called out of Dragon War, and he saw it on his shoulder. I'm sorry to see it. The big steel snake is not ordinary heavy.

"Is the dragon battle all right?"

"It's okay!" The dragon battle roared and carried the big steel snake and rushed out. Soon we came again from the fortress five hundred meters away. The same countless white lights were sent together with all kinds of magic, and the big steel snake's head was lifted up. In front of the dragon battle, a defensive barrier was unfolded, and it was confronted by the crazy artillery fire.

Staring at these gunfires, Tianzhao carried the big steel snake into the fortress. After landing, it was our performance time. Tianzhao jumped first, and those bird people took off with a knife before they took off. With eight thousand points of terror attack, killing these birdmen in front of them is like cutting vegetables. The people behind Ziyue also landed and summoned the beasts to appear and kill them together.

At this moment, the golden birdman and the Dapeng Demon King rushed together. "Human beings, I want you to come back!"

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