Master Summoner Online

Chapter 227: Make a noise

As I stepped forward, a man in black approached me and said, "Sir, what are you doing here? If you are here to do business, the door of the business court is on the other side of the building, and please go around here." Make a please gesture.

I said, "I'm not here to do any business. I'm here to recruit."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Tianxueyue." I shouted.

"Who are you from?" The man in black said heavy.

"I'm her boyfriend!" I said rightly.

"I am!" The man in black seemed to be angry and pushed me down and then scolded: "You are so sore and dare to claim to be my young lady's boyfriend, and you do n’t have to take a picture of it, so please let me go. You're welcome! "Spit a sputum at me and turned around and walked back.

Another man in black said, "What's wrong?"

"It's another boyfriend who claims to be a young lady. I have forgotten this is the number one this year, and just look at him like that." The tone of the man was full of scorn and irony.

"Oh, that's it. But you just have to drive people away, but you can't ... wait and be careful!"

"What!" So the man in black turned around and then punched me with a furious punch on his stomach. "Hungry!" The man in black opened his mouth wide, and my fist retracted. He held his hands in his stomach and took a step back. A kick kicked him heavily on his chin, his head lifted, and he leaned backwards and fell out, "You!" Another man in black was shocked by my sudden move!

It seemed like I forgot what to do for a while? But I can remember what I was going to do, grab the black guy who fell to the ground and lift him above his head, although I do n’t know where I am really strong, but I have no mood to think about it, raise this After that, he quickly hurled at another man in black. The man stood there stunned by the smashed shot. The two flew out together and fell on the glass door at the back. Shattered and shattered countless pieces of glass. The man in black on it was okay but the man under him was not much better. The blood was leaking from the nose, ears and ears.

I crossed the two people and walked into the hall. I saw one after another in the hall at this time. Not only that, there were some people holding sticks, and thirty or forty black men appeared at the same time. People rushed in all directions, and now I feel like I'm sinking into a black world.

But now there is only one thing I like, that is, to find the magic moon. I can't stop these dense black people in front of me. Then a black man took the lead and I was punched without a shot. Taking a few steps back, I rushed forward and jumped up, punched in the head of the man in black in front of me, and the man in black fell down and landed at the same time, but I suddenly felt that something on the back hit a pain In front of me, a man in black slammed on my chest, and I was taken back a few steps back against a pillar.

They bounced and fell to the ground head-on. At the same time, three or four men in black pounced on me and said, "Give me away! Yeah!" There was so much anger in my mouth that my hands slammed into the ground "Yeah!" I shouted in my mouth and raised my whole body strength to stand up. At this moment, the three or four black men who were pressing on me were lifted up instantly, stood up, my limbs stretched out, and my hands were pressed flatly. On the chest of a man in black who just rushed over, he shrank again, and slammed, ten fingers snapped into the body of the man in black and clasped, and yelled loudly. Yi Ren lifted off the ground, as easy as lifting a rag doll, and then threw it away.

The feeling that the man in black was thrown out, he must be uncomfortable in his heart. He uttered a cry, and flew far away, hitting some people in black on the other side. With a bang, he was knocked down by seven or eight men in black and I was jumping to the man in black who was thrown out by me.

At this time, as several men in black came over, I punched and flew one side to avoid the punch of another man in black. When I rushed over, I pushed it away again. At this time, my eyes slanted to see A man in black rushed towards me from the back. I immediately ran out of his elbow and knocked it away. Then a man in black rushed me out from the front and swept it away. Then he flew and kicked. A man in black in front of him kicked him away. At this moment, the man fell to the ground, his body trembling, his mouth seemed to be closed, and some people in black around him saw this situation and stepped back a few times. Step, the enemy retreated, without hesitation, a step forward rushed to the side and knocked a man in black with his shoulders, then continued the previous run, and then a heavy kick kicked and flew a man in black while losing him Two teeth, followed by a punch, one kick, and one fly, but more people in black came up, but I would not be afraid at all. In front of angry me, these black people fell down one by one, some fell down. Stood up again, and continued the fierce battle with me in this hall ...

five minutes……

ten minutes……

fifteen minutes……

thirty minutes……

After that, I wiped a trace of blood from the corner of my mouth with my hand, and at the same time, looked at the ground coldly. There were uncles in black who had lost the ability to fight or the will to fight. Some people were broken by arms and legs and fell to the ground. Moaning, and the other one was stunned directly. In short, no one stood up and continued to fight with me. To be honest, I do n’t know where I am so strong, but I do n’t feel good about myself either. There have been injuries everywhere, of course, not to the extent that the body is scaly, but this pain is compared to the emptiness of losing Snowy Moon in my heart. What a deal! As long as you can bring Xueyue back, even if it is Daoshan Huohai, Longtan Tiger Cave, I dare to break!

At this time, three more men in black appeared, but these three saw everything in front of them at this time, and couldn't help but stand in that face with sunglasses and couldn't see them, but they looked slightly trembling, very Apparently, fear had developed in their hearts.

"Abominable!" One of the three men in black rushed forward with gritted teeth, holding a short stick in his hand, this stick was not much longer than the baton running a relay race, hit it on my shoulder instantly, and suddenly I Feel a sense of electric shock, shit! This thing is an electric baton! But isn't this stick full of electricity? If this kind of electric shock wants to stun a person, I'm afraid I don't have enough power.

I took this electric shock and gave a punch in his face, so the man in black flew out immediately, at the same time, the sunglasses were discounted, two nosebleeds in the nostrils bleed to the ground and did not stand up again. Another man in black holding an electric baton stepped back a few times. The electric baton undoubtedly fell down in his hand and turned to escape. Only one man in black was left, and his legs began to tremble. I saw he suddenly took out a pistol! I fired at me immediately. I couldn't avoid it. The bullet hit my left arm instantly. I felt a sudden pain in my left arm. My clothes were punctured but no blood flowed out. I quickly took off my coat. At the same time, "Ding Jing!" A bullet fell off, and I found that the bullet did not penetrate my left shoulder but left a blue-haired purple mark on my left shoulder. This arm was numb, and I picked up the bullet with my right hand and saw that this is not a bullet, not a real bullet, and the front end of the bullet is made of rubber. It seems that this is a rubber bullet issued by a civilian firearm reported on TV. Such a bullet will not kill anyone, but It hurts a lot when I was hit, and I can stun at the same time, but he did n’t shoot after the first shot. This gave me a huge opportunity. He struck his right hand and killed him. He wrapped it around his neck and clamped it under his armpit, then shouted, "Tell me, where is Tianxue Yue?"

Humane in black: "I don't know."

"Answer me!" I began to hold back, and it was getting harder and harder. The man must be very uncomfortable at this time. His mouth was dry and I shouted again, "Say!"

"I really don't know ... you want to know ... just ask the president ... forehead ..."

The president should be Xueyue's father: "Where is he?"

"Twenty-fifth floor president's office."

"Very good." I let him go with satisfaction, then he fell to the ground and then got up. He turned around and ran away from the pistol. He took a few steps and fell down, and then stood up after the fall, but I got up and didn't run a few steps and fell, so I ran all the way and fell, leaving my field of vision, "Hehe." I couldn't help but smile.

Then I put on my shirt and picked up the gun. I looked at it in my hand, but it wasn't a real gun. It should be heavier than the simulation gun I used to play. Stick, see that this battery should be full, and put the weapons on both sides into the bag, then I did not take the elevator but went up the stairs.

The reason for taking the stairs is that I broke into it, and taking the elevator is more like catching the net, so it is safer to take the stairs. There are no more people in black on the way to disturb me, but there are still a few I'm not afraid to die, but I got it and went on.

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