Master Summoner Online

Chapter 293: The magician and the magic swordsman (2)

"Since that's the case, I'm also welcome." Speaking of Erica, a light blue breath radiates from her body. This breath makes people feel extremely cold. It should be that after the breath appears, the surrounding temperature starts to drop sharply. The best proof is that even Yantai started to freeze.

It wasn't too soon that hundreds of blue ice hockey **** appeared beside Erica. These hockey **** are only the size of a ping-pong ball, but this means that its power must be very weak. At this time, the shiver hit a shiver and seemed to be cold.

"Ice magic bullet!" Erica waved her hand holding the magic book for a moment, and countless blue ice **** condensed under her control and shot over the Shu Road in front of her.

"The radiance of the holy **** began to shine! The wall of the holy light!" Shu Tao held the one-handed sword with both hands, and the intense white light erupted instantly, then turned into a light group to completely surround his figure, "Boom!" Ai Rika hit a ring finger and detonated all the ice magic bombs flying to Shu Road. Countless crystal clear ice **** burst at the same time, and countless pieces of broken ice shroud all the space around the Shu Road.

"Frozen Realm!" With Erika's low drink, the crushed ice around the Shu Road hovered around him as if there was life, forming a layer of ice mist.

"The stagnant water that is surging in the sea of ​​death! Listen to my call and boil! Eroding this is everything in the world!" After casting to the first skill, Erica did not stop and began to speak the spell of the next skill At her feet, the black water poured out again and mixed into the ice field and formed into ice mist.

"Skill union!" I did not know who shouted this phrase. The so-called skill union is different from the skill combo. The skill combo is to cast each skill you own in the order you want, and the skill union is casting. After a skill, cast the next skill under the maintenance of this skill, use the ability of the first skill to mix the ability of the second skill, causing damage with mixed effects, and the skill combination requires high player operation, and at the same time, Full control and understanding of the power possessed, and the two skills cast at the same time are not exclusive and can be completed after very hard practice.

Erica casts ice and standing water, both of which have the same attributes. There is no repulsion when mixed, so the effect is absolutely extraordinary. Do not pursue strong lethality, or ultra-fast attack speed. Knowing the largest hybrid theory of manipulating, using their own methods to win, and have their own fighting methods, this is a must for every master.

"Brother Long, who is Shudao who will lose like this?" Tianzhao said, looking at Shudao, who has been completely surrounded by numerous black crushed ice in the extremely frozen field.

"I will never, anyone who can come here will not give up fighting because of this disadvantage." I shook my head. Although Erica is very strong, I don't think that people in Shu Tao will lose like this.


Wrong! Although it seems that Erika has taken the absolute advantage, her skill combined attack has not had a real effect. From the small amount of damage that can be seen, Erika's attack does not break through the opponent's defense. Zhao obviously has the effect of containment, otherwise, Shu Dao would have rushed out of her attacking field.

Erica has already started to sweat at this time. It seems that her skill maintenance has reached the limit. In the skill maintenance, the Shudao blood has decreased by about one-third. Seeing that her expression should not have the effect she expected. After all, such difficult skills as skill combination can be practiced overnight.

"The holy and shining light shines on this dark earth, and all the cursed will disappear under the light!" The dazzling light like the sun suddenly lighted up, and then countless white light **** rushed into the sky and formed A huge magic circle.

Almost instantly, Erica's skill combination was interrupted, and Shu Tao took the opportunity to rush out. "Lord of the sky, let the lightning fall from the sky! Judgment of Thor!" With the voice of Shu Tao, one-handed sword waving Next, Erica flashed out to avoid it, but after the sword slammed on the ground, a huge thunder exploded in the sky. Instantly, thunderballs fell, and a huge explosion sounded on the ground.

"Boom!" For a moment, a huge thunderball held an eye-catching lightning bolt in the seat of Erica, and it was splattered around the platform, and it was radiant for a while. Frequent "creak" currents came.

—2521 The number of injuries flew over Erica's head. Although Erica was evading, the area of ​​the ring was so small, and the number of thunderballs was prohibitively high.

"Boom ~!" After evading a thunder ball, he was hit when another thunder ball fell. Erica's blood has gone down for about two-thirds, and the shield has broken.

"Boom ~!" Erica was hit again by a thunder ball. The hit Huarong was eclipsed and yelled: "Don't think my sister is bullying!"

Speaking immediately, he poured a potion, chanted a spell quickly, and the countless ice slings fell. For the Shushu Dao moment, his skill was interrupted instantly. After being interrupted, he was not panic. Charge skills, rushing towards Erica frantically, the one-handed sword in his hand is emitting light!

However, at the same time, Erika sent out an ice storm, and immediately called Shu Road to sweep in. I couldn't help but tighten my mind. Is Shu Road hanged by the ice storm first, or did Shu Road run to Erika first and bring Erika Sword to death! ?

As the battle became more and more fierce, the audience was already boiling, cheering, cheering up! Passionate burning can almost burn red half of the night!

"It's just right!" Elika cut off her skills and retreated, but she was obviously slower than the opponent, but she made a very surprising move. She put her fingers together, put them gently on her mouth, and then He kissed his finger and made a throwing action, and a red love heart flew out.

Air kiss! At this time, the answer given by everyone saw that the love hit the Shu Tao head-on, shattered into countless small love, at the same time Erica stopped, and Shu Tao did not stop at this time to continue Forward is just an onslaught but wants to lose the soul and walk over.

There was a smile on Erika's mouth, and then ...

"No one can shake your majesty! The goddess of ice! Please give me strength! Extreme cold raid!"

"Your majesty transcends everything! Frozen goddess! Lend me your strength! Frozen rain!"

"A beautiful and elegant goddess of ice! Please lend me your strength! The foolish thing in front of me is frozen, extremely cold!"

"Frost Dragon roaring in the sky! Please drop your anger, frozen ignorance in front of you! Frost Dragon Roar!"

"Boom boom boom ..." Countless explosions sounded, Shu Tao's body was drowned in the ice and snow ocean at once, but after the four strokes of ice magic, Huantai left only one place of broken ice and nothing else.

At this moment he was named the happiest person who has hung up since the start of the game and there is no one. Of course, he does not know if he is this.

After the scene subsided, the host stepped up and raised his hand to announce: "The winner is 'Elika'!"

After two more good matches, the system always prompts me. After reading this prompt, I couldn't help but get excited! It's finally here for me. What kind of person will be in this showdown with me? Today the game system did not prompt me for the opponent ID, but there is no need to think about it that much, the result will be announced immediately anyway.

At the same time, Tianzhao around me was also excited and looking forward, "Brother Long ~! Let Tianzhao get started!" Tianzhao said.

I chuckled: "Okay! Go all out! No matter who the opponent is, they will break me!"

"Sky lighting is white!"

The next moment, a beam of light was placed on my head, and my heart froze, and finally it was about to begin.

In about 0.5 seconds of transmission, a lot of personal figures flashed in my mind, Yu Luo, Hao Long, Superman, no tears, or Ye Shuang or the MM of the Student Union. Maybe they will appear in me right away. Which one is in front of you!

"Oh ~!"

The light flashed, and I finally landed on the ring. In front of me, a group of light gradually disappeared, and then the people who appeared in the light came into my eyes. When I saw some of them, I couldn't help but faint a little!

"Silver Moon!" The good guy is really the MM of the Student Union, or the violent chest of the Student Union.

"Fuck! Why is my opponent your big dumb dragon!" Yinyue said a little uneasily.

I said, "Why can't it be me, and don't call me dumb dragon again, okay?"

"Okay! Big Ben!"


Talking began to count down. Immediately, Yinyue Xiu's eyebrows frowned with a murderous look. Looking at me, I was ready to fight at any time. I threatened her a little more naturally, and I became cautious. Obviously I Much easier than her. To be honest with her opponents of this level, I can basically deal with it casually. Of course, how can I not understand the principle of losing soldiers, so it ’s better to be serious, not afraid of 10,000. , Just in case.

The next moment Gatling Blast summoned, it was of great use in this game.

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