Master Summoner Online

Chapter 301: Long Xin's game

"It's a pity!" I sent a message to Xiaoxi.

Xiaoxi replied: "It's nothing. My melee skills are still not enough. If I knew that I wouldn't fight with him, if I chose to retreat at that time, I should be able to play for a while."

I replied: "Don't be discouraged and take part in the competition, try hard next time."


After closing Xiaoxi's chat window and then opening the small knife, I said, "What are you doing?"

"go to bed."

"..." After a word of silence, he said, "It was wonderful."

The little knife laughed: "It's okay, thanks to the help of the little wolf, I can win, ha ha."

I said, "It's not easy for you. There are still more to come in the future. I hope I can play against you on the ring."

The little knife said, "Okay, I'm looking forward to it, ahhhhh!"

Uh, yawning, I said, "Okay, go and rest, 88."


Then the fourth game started. At this time, I saw two people appear on the ring. On the left, Long Xin seemed to finally reach her, and her opponent was ... Ziyue! Unexpectedly, she also hit.

"Long Xin." I sent a message over.

"What's the matter? Brother." Long Xin replied.

"Come on!"

"I see! I must work hard!" She took a deep breath after speaking.

"It's finally here. It looks like you can pass this boring time." Ziyue said with her arms folded.

"Yes, I want to defeat you with all my strength!" Long Xin said with great vigor, lifting his staff.

"You ... Oh! By the way, you are Long Ling's sister." Ziyue Road

"Yes, do you know my brother?" Long Xin said.

"Yeah, we are a bit familiar, we are ordinary friends," Ziyue said.

"Woohoo ~ Brother! Brother, you are almost insulated from women when you are at home, but why do you know so many students when this is the case, it is true that the environment can change and change people." Long Xin He said with his hands gently on his chest.

Indeed, Long Xin said yes, during the time at home, Feng Xiaoyue and Xiao Ai had never spoken to any girl, let alone eat together, but this has changed completely, I am everywhere It's a girl, and it's a very high-level one. I have class, meals, games, and even live in a building or a neighbor. I never imagined that I would have such a day before.

"Okay, don't talk, can we get started?" Ziyue was a little impatient.

"Yes." Said Long Xin to open a shield for herself, while Ziyue pulled out a long whip around her waist and hit a whip with a whip on the ground.

"Crystal Pioneer!"

"Battle Eagle!"

"Big steel snake!"


Ziyue called out every name of her summoned beast, and then she appeared in four magic circles of different sizes around it, followed by a purple scorpion, silver eagle, and gray-skinned giant snake, already covered with giant lava and flames. Magma monster.

"Sorry. My little sister, my sister advised you to abstain now, otherwise you won't even have a one-tenth chance of winning. However, I will show mercy when I look at you as Long Ling's sister." Zi Yue looked at Long Xin and laughed.

"Who wants you to be merciful, I'm not a rookie! You don't need to be sorry for me!" Long Xin stood up to the mountains he had begun to develop, and said with confidence.

"Yes, very similar to your brother." Ziyue looked at Long Xin with a confident expression, and said with a smile.

"To be honest, I really envy you. There is such a good brother, think about my brother ... forget about the waste, there is no need to think about him. Well, chat to this end, Crystal Pioneer, Battle Eagle, Big Steel Snake Hell flame demon is ready to fight. "Ziyue said with a whip in his hand and whipped the ground, the four summoned beasts moved forward.

Danger! No need to elaborate, Long Xin knows that the opponent's four-headed beast is definitely not a good one to deal with, because the Hellfire Demon is god-level, and the other three heads are estimated to be above the superior level.

Long Xin sang quickly at this moment. The starting point is the meteor fire and rain skill. Hundreds of hot fireballs appeared in front of her in an instant, and then she shot at Ziyue overwhelmingly.

"Big steel snake, iron wall barrier!" Ziyue calmly gave instructions. Dagang snake twisted her body, and her body formed a circle to surround Ziyue and her beasts in a circle, while her neck was raised high. A green energy flashed on his forehead.

"Boom Boom ~!" Meteor Huoyu hit a big steel snake open barrier and set off a smoke. "Sunset storm!" Ziyue issued new instructions again, and then the big steel snake screamed in the sky, suddenly deep. The red ground flame projectile fired several times faster than Longxin's meteor fire and rain, and the inverted umbrella surrounded all of Longxin and the space around her.

The move was amazingly fast, forcing her to start running quickly, while avoiding the fire bomb like a storm. Ready to fight back.

Use high-speed movement. As well as his shield as a defensive system, Long Xin finally found a gap in the opponent's magic bomb and obtained a very short stay time.

"Burning the earth!" Long Xin immediately launched a ground-based attack on the ground to break the blockade of the opponent's magic bomb, blast off all obstacles, and hit Ziyue and her summoned beasts.

"Ah ..." The ground at the foot of Ziyue shook, and a raging fire ignited on the ground. Long Xin used a short time to accumulate magic attacks. And can not cause a fatal blow to Ziyue. With Longxin's current level equipment is not enough to kill Ziyue in one stroke.

"Battle eagle, cut the air!" After noticing that the skills of the big steel snake could not truly threaten Long Xin, Ziyue immediately issued a new command. The battle eagle screamed, and a pair of wings fanned hard. Adults' palm-sized things like jagged are sent out with the wings provoked by the battle eagle. Although not as dense as the sunset storm just now, the power has increased by several levels.

"Oops!" If it was a sunset storm like that just now, Long Xin could still rely on the flashing shield to defend the next few rounds, but this time the jagged, if the frontal hit, the shield will definitely collapse.

"Wall of Fire! Flame Resistance! Fiery Flame Shield!" Without much consideration, Fire Wall and Flame Resistance are range defense skills, which can offset part of the magic damage and cause certain damage to enemies in the range. The Flame Flame Shield is to protect itself and reduce a part Magical damage and physical damage, of which physical damage will be reduced a little more.

The rise of huge walls of fire, one after another, counteracted many attacking forces. At the same time, Ziyue began to issue a new command "Hell Flame! Jet Flame! Crystal Pioneer! Crystal Spear! Battle Eagle! Storm Spiral!" With a call from Ziyue, summoned beasts began a new round of attacks.

The flames of Hellfire behind Ziyue sprayed the sky with flames, and the crystal pioneer on the left appeared a spear with amethyst style in the air around him. On the right, the fighting eagle instigated its wings and blasted out tornadoes. For a time, a fierce storm blew across the earth, blowing all the rubble into the sky.

"Good job, it is worthy of Dragon Spirit, but my sister is over." With the countless beast skills of Ziyue's voice hitting the fire wall made by Long Xin, an explosion occurred. Turn this sky into a sea of ​​magic. Such a gorgeous and stunned battle, for the first time since the beginning of the road to the king.

"Huh ... huh ..." Long Xin kept moving, she couldn't stay in one place for another second, otherwise the attack through her wall of fire would beat her relentlessly. At the same time, she also needs to inject multiple magical values ​​into her fire wall to block the skills the opponent uses to contain. In such a disadvantaged situation, the mental and magical power of the player is absolutely huge,

On the side of Ziyue, Ziyue didn't care about the attack at all, and handed over the power of attack to the summoning beasts. Summoning the beast is not so easy to fatigue, and it will never resist the command of the owner.

No more, go on like this. It must be here that I can't hold it! She desperately moved, and she didn't even stop for half a second. The one who watched her summoning the beast to fight Ziyue seemed too leisurely.

Very strong, and indeed very strong, Ziyue is indeed the leader of the summoner. He has a good grasp of the skills of the summoned beast. The battle eagle created dozens of tornadoes all rehearsed in a straight line.

Then, the flames of **** flames spewed out the entire earth, and with the help of the wind, huge flames swept the earth, turning the platform into a sea of ​​fire.

Finally, the most important, the Crystal Pioneer who manipulated the Crystal Spear, randomly attacked the surroundings, flying through the air, and at the same time visually and chaotically attracted the other's attention.

At this moment, Long Xin suddenly withdrew the wall of fire and the resistance of Yan, and suddenly "slap! Pop!" Several crystal spears rubbed Long Xin's body and shot. As long as there was a frontal blow, Long Xin must hang. However, maybe it was luck to take care of her. At this time, she was standing in a position where the other party didn't attack to dodge to a tricky dead end, which is the so-called strange position.

"Come on! Use this blow to determine the winner!" It is no longer possible to conceal, and no longer need to conceal, three different colors of magical arrays of cyan, red and blue appeared next to Long Xin. Blue is left and right.

Then, the red magic circle in front of it began to rotate at a high speed. It only took one second. "Boom!" This cannot be called a sound that sounds more like an explosion, and then a beam of light is sent from the center of the magic circle.

Suddenly, Ziyue and her summoned beasts were surrounded by this white beam of light and devoured. The ring became a white piece, and even the damage figures brushed out could not be seen. "Boom!" A huge explosion came into the sky. , Set off countless magical light spots floating in the air. Like countless moonlight butterflies fluttering, they are indescribably beautiful.

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