Master Summoner Online

Chapter 305: Death resistance

"Hey handsome guy, good job!" Feng Xiaoyue smiled softly and started to swallow the medicine at the same time, and Qin Wei also chuckled and started to swallow the medicine at the same time!

After the blood and magic were added by both sides, "howl!" Qin Yue roared suddenly. For a moment, the blood-red flame burst out on him, and at the same time a bright red halo exploded. I realized that the victory was decided!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The crowd around me has already been a sensation!

"OK you!" Feng Xiaoyue yelled loudly, then the thunder and lightning entangled at the foot of the foot, the speed was instantly commissioned, and the bursting sword was raised, thinking that Qin Yue swooped in!

At the same time, Qin Yue roared, and the two swords in his hand were like a force to turn the tide. Sweeping from the left and right floors, a half arc was drawn, piercing the wind and the moon!

"Oh ~!"

"Oh ~!"

The edges are staggered, and Feng Xiaoyue's giant sword passes across the opponent's body, picking behind him, at the same time, a cross of blood explodes on Feng Xiaoyue's body.



With the two damage numbers floating out, "Bash ~!" Qin Yue fell to the ground behind Feng Xiaoyue, but it is clear that the first damage number floated from his head, and the second was on the head of Feng Xiaoyue. Floating out, this blow removed most of her blood, Feng Xiaoyue didn't choose to replenish her blood but turned around, her body turned into a ray of light and rushed up.

This thunderbolt passed through Qin Yun's body, and the number of injuries-4235 points flew up. According to Feng Xiaoyue's attack, it should not be able to do such damage. Obviously, the skills used by the other party fell sharply, and they did not distinguish between physical defense and magic defense, but The offensive power is high.

However, Qin Yuan was also very strange. Obviously, he hit without hitting and hiding, saying that he was hit. It might as well be that he stood there by himself, but passed through his body in the wind and the moon. A blood-red circle appeared at the feet of Qin Yi, covering the two of them. The appearance of this circle was not prepared at all, no earlier than half a second, and no later than half a second.

"The anger broke out!" Qin Yue yelled suddenly, his hands slamming up!

The next moment a red beam of light rose into the sky in this circle!

"Boom ~!"

"Ah ~!"

There was a scream of drunken wind in the beam of light, the beam of light dissipated, Feng Xiaoyue's body was dropped from the air, and it bounced while falling to the ground. There was only a trace of the blood strip left. At this moment , Let everyone in the air sucked in the air, do you have to decide? ?

At this time, her clothes were not uniform, her armor was broken, her exquisite figure was still revealed, her pride was very upright, and the same beautiful woman was lying on the ground. ...

"Drink ... Drink! It's strong! It drove my anger out, but I won it." Qin Yue said, turning around, holding up a white one-handed sword and dying on the ground. Wind Xiaoyue.

"Not necessarily!" Feng Xiaoyue suddenly said with a smile.

Qin Yue heard this sentence, his face suddenly became heavy, could not help but look up, I do not know when the night sky was suddenly overcast with clouds, and a thunder blast suddenly sounded in the sky!

"Day punishment!" Feng Xiaoyue shouted with a strong voice, imposing momentum, and Qin Yue's unconscious one-handed sword slammed in, while the blue and white thunderbolt broke through the night and fell from the clouds to the ground!

"Boom ~!" A record of "Lightning from Heaven Penalty" fell suddenly. It seems that Feng Xiaoyue also knows that the opponent's attack power increases after N uses the skill, and he is also a melee occupation. Kill spikes, so simply use 'day penalty' to sacrifice qi and blood to kill yourself, but also spike opponents.

It took ten seconds for the thunder and lightning to begin to fall, and the dark clouds began to dissipate. It was seen that in the center of the sensation, -56554 a super-horror damage figure flew up, apparently Qin Yue was hurt by the wind and the moon.

Feng Xiaoyue fell to the ground, but Qin Yun has been bombed, and it is said that he was bombarded without slag, but the host has not yet jumped out, and the audience has already watched staying there. Each mouth shape was O-shaped, and everyone in the standby room was also deterred, and it took a long time to return.

"Um, all together !?" I don't know who shouted this, but the scene that happened next surprised us all!

I saw that Feng Xiaoyue was in the void, and a group of lights appeared out of thin air. However, after a while, the light became a human figure. Qin Yue reappeared on the platform next second. At this time, he half-knelt on the ground and opened his mouth. Pant, qi and blood returned to 10% of the position, **** it, what is this again!

This is the special effect of this equipment or professional skills, regardless of which one, is not all the hard work ...

The moment Qin Yue stood up again, this scene! No one would believe their eyes, but it did happen.

At the same time, the host jumped out and announced: "Victor: 'Qin Wei'!"


This announcement, I can't help but clenched my fists, Xiaoyue unwilling to wind up, obviously ... have already done this, obviously even lost, hateful!

In the center of Yantai, because the battle was over, Feng Xiaoyue slowly stood up, and saw that she stretched out her hands and pulled off her clothes for the first time, covering important parts of her body. She stood up completely, raised her head, and her eyes widened. With tears in motion, it was unwilling tears, and his mouth whispered, "Woo ... not willing! But I still defeated him, but I didn't know he could be resurrected."

With her unwillingness, Feng Xiaoyue was teleported back with the relentless light of the system.

At this moment, a few of us immediately started the private chat channel Xiao Ai and said, "Don't be upset. The previous battle was beautiful!"

I immediately said: "Xiao Ai said well, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. To be honest, you can fight to the other side to such an extent that it is great, but unfortunately he cheated and played resurrection. You were forced out. "

After I said this, Long Xin immediately said: "It's just, you can't fight and you're resurrected. It's really despicable."

Xiaoxi also quickly added a sentence: "Don't be discouraged ~!"

Having said that, Feng Xiaoyue smiled slightly. To be honest, she rarely saw her mood so low. Usually, she was full of vitality, as if she was full of energy at any time and could kill a few cows.

"I ... I'm fine, thank you for taking a look at this, collected just now." Feng Xiaoyue smiled, and at the same time, we will read a message.

Death Resistance (Passive Skill): The bloodthirsty and combative blood swordsman lingers on the edge of death for a long time, because only in this state has he developed a set of skills that are not afraid of death. The self-blood will be activated when the opponent's attack drops to zero due to the attack of the opponent. After activation, the autoimmune death will be revived in three seconds after the blood is zeroed.

"You got it from?" I asked.

Feng Xiaoyue said: "My sister has a skill called hawk-eye on my helmet. There is a certain chance to obtain information when the other side casts a skill or the skill is triggered. Although I hang up, my hawk-eye has taken him The old man has recorded it, and next time he meets him, he needs to be alert. "

Long Xin said: "We are the only brother left here, and you must refuel."

I patted my breast and said, "I believe your brother, whoever appears in front of me, I will defeat him."

The system prompts: "The next game will start in 1 minute. Please be ready to play."


Brother Dao, "Azhao, how do you feel?" I smiled.

Tian Zhao powder fist, full of energy: "Very good!"

Next, I left a sentence on the guild channel: "Everyone should keep an eye on the arena and see how I perform!"

The words didn't fall, the next moment, the body that my beam of light seemed to be torn apart was transmitted directly to the ring, I realized that it was about to begin!

I don't know why I feel a little excited, nervous, and a little worried. I shake my head and flatten my mind.

The college channel has already become a mess. Ye Shuang is the same as the classmates and the MM of the Student Union. They are desperately shouting to cheer me up. This makes me even more confident. There are a lot of people behind me who support me. What is good about me? Afraid! Even if it is GM, I will kill it!

At the same time, a white light came down in front of me. Two unidentified figures came out. It is estimated that one player, the other should be a mercenary. The eyes of the fire were swept away, and it was found that it was a common commodity rented by the system. Ready to fight.

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