Master Summoner Online

Chapter 332: Night of Hundred Ghosts

Seeing that the axe was about to fly over there, I immediately directed the Gatling Blast Dragon forward.

At the same time, the golden subtle thunderbolt bloomed from his sharp sword. The thunderbolt spread from the sword to the whole body of Ximen Blowing Blood. At the same time, there was a little abnormal gold in his black eyes.

Then the light of mines walking around Ximen's whole body and around him gathered at one breath, then turned into a thunder ball about half a meter in size and floated on his sword.

"Desperately! Extreme thunderball! Drop me my chin!" Simon blew and blew, but listening to his voice seemed a little urge to cry.

"Boom!" The dazzling golden thunderball spun through a terrible thunder mark in the air, just like the thunderbolt that cut through the sky in the storm, and after this thunderball, Simon blown out in an onslaught.

Lightning strikes are characterized by fast and devastating effects, and they have terrifying explosive ability and speed of lightning, which is absolutely terrifying.

At this point, my whole body was feverish, as if to burn. It can be that these are high warfare, facing the thunder ball that contains the power of violent thunder and lightning, and Simon blowing the blood behind the thunder ball, watching him go all out. I'm excited from head to toe.

Immediately, the white dragon shield was opened. The white shield appeared on the body with the appearance of a blue-eyed white dragon. The energy revealed on the shield covered my whole body, forming a white armored humanoid. Then the inverse scale gun was held by the left hand, and the right hand was punched. The fire started, and thunder and lightning tangled under his feet.

"Brush!" The next moment, the whole person shot like lightning, leaving a ray of thunder on the sprinting trajectory, rushing straight towards the huge violent thunder ball.

"Is the decision to win in this blow? Okay! This is the best!" My actions seemed to be in line with Ximen's blood-blowing expectations.

"Boom!" The outrageous force of the violent land mines broke out in the air, forming a huge thunder vortex. In the middle of the vortex, it was me who was sprinting frantically.

The huge land mine whirlpool was spinning at high speed, trying to destroy all the matter that it was involved in the ground. Countless electric snakes swim at high speed in this vortex. Weaved into a gorgeous power grid. The surrounding ground exploded, and was burned to ash by the high temperature created by the powerful lightning force.

This thunder ball hit the white dragon shield and then ...






Simon Blowing Blood was stunned at the moment when the Thunder Ball hit the White Dragon Shield, and a series of "immunity" words floated. He saw that Simon Blowing Blood Eyes almost fell out.

Although the damage of the thunderball was immune, it still blocked me a lot of time

"Ah ah ah! Give me death!" Simon blows blood during the time I was blocked by his thunder ball, at this time he raised his sharp sword full of thunder in his hand, and instantly turned into a ten meter Long Lightning Sword! Obviously, he used his best moves.

"Extreme Thunder Emperor Cut!" Ximen screamed with blood, and the lightning sword in his hand kept gathering the power of lightning.

"Boom!" Just like the thunder and lightning landing in the sky, the huge thunder light sword fell to me who broke through the polar thunder ball against the white dragon shield with the momentum of destroying everything. The powerful thunder and lightning force even twisted the air, making the air make a weird "slap! Slap!" Sound.

There was no escape, no retreat, and no change in the course of the attack. Relying on the acceleration of the electric light stone fire, I was moving forward, assaulting, sprinting, and under the lightning immunity effect of the White Dragon Shield, I rushed forward regardless of everything.

Without any accident, the ultimate Lei Huangzhe and Bailong Shield met, the sword of thunder and lightning falling from the sky, and the shield carved with the blue-eyed white dragon engraved, facing up.

"Eh! Heh!" The power of thunder and lightning screamed, trying everything in front of the bald crack, this extremely thunderous emperor built by the power of numerous thunder and lightning, no matter how terrible it is, the white dragon immune to lightning In front of the shield, there was a small thunderstorm and a small raindrop.

"Booming!" For a moment, White Dragon Shield shone with countless thunder lights, but the long-lasting effect of this move also began to decrease. However, from the speed of the drop, I rushed to him, and White Dragon Shield may not broken.

"What!" Simone blew into his eyes with a startled look, and rushed towards him with a forceful attitude. "Wow, ah, ah!" Simon, who did not anticipate this situation at all, had to hurdle his sword in front of himself in a hurry, blocking my forthcoming attack.

However, I did not intend to rush to chop him. When he came back about one meter in front of him, he stopped abruptly and punched in the void. The next moment, his fist was wrapped in a cube, and the cube expanded.

"Bang!" There was absolutely no way to dodge, or to step back, the elongated cube was pressed against his sharp sword instantly, and the skill "Hundred Ghosts Night Walk" was launched!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" This trick is called "One Hundred Ghosts Night Walk" because of this kind of sound that will be issued after the launch, and the ghost is crying. This trick is similar to the previous "sole exclusive", but "sole exclusive" is usually used to The arresting "Hundred Ghost Night Walk" is specially used to attack, and it is also a very good long-range physical attack skill. At the same time, the opponent will enter a short-term curse state after being hit, and the cooling time is not long, and in addition to the attack It is also used for other purposes. With it a thousand miles away, it is no longer a dream to take the enemy first. Suddenly, Simon was blown out by the hit of "Hundred Ghosts Night Walk", and a long mark was left on the ground.

"Boom" In the end, in a loud noise, Simon blew his blood with his sword and was pushed by the "Hundred Ghosts Night Walk" against the wall of the ring behind him. The wall was blasted away by this huge force and turned into a pile of gravel. Countless gravels fluttered in the sky with the dust of the sky, and then fell.

What remained after the smoke was Simon, who had been beaten into the wall and turned into a "big" character. He was totally incapable of counterattack at this time, and he was cleaned up by the second half. Selected my victory.

Most of the victory that can be won in this game is attributed to the White Dragon Shield. If it is not the white dragon shield's double-immunity characteristic, if it is not the opponent's head is too iron, knowing that the lightning system skills are gone, you still need to use a typical muscle. Without one of these two, my victory today would not be so easy.


During the rest time after the game, I and the MMs gathered together. At this time, Xiaoguang raised his right hand high, imitating the action I just made, and said happily, "Longling brother really is the best! With one click, he knocked that guy off! ".

"Dragon spirit, all your moves are learned from you? I wonder whether you are the summoner or not." Guardian said, it is normal for her to understand my skills. Not every summoner after all. You can practice in the belly of your summoned beast.

However, it seemed that she had promised before, but Xiaoguang let her see the Ark, but she seemed to have forgotten, and Xiaoguang didn't mention it. After that, when she wanted to see it, she released the Ark, but the premise was that the guy wanted to listen to me. Only OK.

After chatting for a while, the rest time was coming, and we scattered ourselves back to our places.

Then returned to his empty waiting room, and then Tianzhao jumped out of the summoned beast space and said, "Will Tianzhao show his skills in the next game? Tianzhao will kill them and leave them alone!"

I chuckled: "OK! But first see who the opponent is."

As soon as this word came out, Tianzhao smiled cheerfully: "Knowing the master, hey, to the master, the master's cultivation skills seem to have run out, what should I do next?"

Looking at her a little worried look, I couldn't help laughing: "Rest assured! I ’m running out of practice skills, but my hole card hasn't been accessed yet, and it will make them look good even if they are stronger. "

After I said that, Tian Zhao nodded and said, "Yes, let them look good!"

Talking about the top eight battle list also appeared on the screen in front of me ------

Group A: Peerless Master vs Guardian.

Group B: Rainfall vs Veveyron

Group C: Rainfall Dust vs Erica.

Group D: Fire Dance VS Warriors Storm.

Seeing this, I was at a loss, the first game was the guardian game, and her opponent, the terrible and dying peerless master, the guardian could defeat the peerless master, but this win rate seems not to be very high, the second game is me The opponent of the game was the rain that had agreed to fight again. The last time he let him run, this time I must defeat him.

I just thought of this, and my eyes fell on the ring again. I saw the peerless master and the guard looking at each other, and the peerless master said in a deep voice: "A little girl can hit here to prove that you are amazing, but that's it."

Guardian smiled softly: "Is it so sorry, I don't intend to stop here, I will defeat you!"

When Jing Jing said this, the peerless master chuckled: "So, okay! Please go all out!"

"Oh, although I don't know where you come from, I am not a bully to guard!" The guard dropped a sentence, and the bell of the battle was officially sounded the next moment!

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