Master Summoner Online

Chapter 342: Fight hard

The rain-falling dust waved a giant blood blade, setting off a **** tornado. Countless sand particles and dust swirled in the air, and the tornado almost reached the sky. This huge **** whirlwind rolled up everything in the audience.

I don't want the electric light flint to fire, and then to retreat, at the same time order the summoning beasts to call back, then the speed of the electric light flare, I instantly broke away, the range of the tornado, then the three beasts called again and only heard.

"Soul exterminates the blade of blood!" Roared like a thunder in the tornado, the next moment, one blade after another, rolled and chopped out, ten meters of blood blades, waving continuously at me.

"Come on! Your best! Let me see!"

"Breakdown" Sonic Werewolf, Amber Dragon, Gatling Blast Dragon and I are within the attack range of "Soul Exterminator" at the same time. "Master--!" Tianzhao screamed in his head.

I only saw "嗤嗤 嗤嗤", the Sonic werewolf was first cut and smashed in the air and disappeared into the air, followed by a giant amber dragon, the three swords fell, and they were sent back to the summoning beast space, where the horror was extreme In the attack power, the vitality of the two summoned beasts seemed extremely fragile, and the Amber Dragon disappeared into the air only half a second later than the Sonic Werewolf.

Chop solved the Sonic Werewolf, followed by the three chops to kill the amber dragon, and the remaining six chops as much as possible.

I don't want to think about it. Gatling Blast Dragon is on top, facing the appalling slash, Gatling Blast Dragon's shield is the only place to be.

The fifth, sixth, and seventh chop immediately followed by "嗤嗤嗤" fell on the shield outside the Gatling Blast dragon almost simultaneously, immediately three 10-point damages floated out, and then the remaining three Chop also collided.

At this moment I saw the rain falling and the dust was gone, and I immediately put my heart in my throat, but at this moment, suddenly I was covered with cold and unable to move. Just attacked like this!

"Ding ~! You receive the effect of deboning, and become stiff for 1 second!

Trouble! The level of rain falling dust is too high, and the fire eye golden eye effect has not been able to detect it, so as to sneak in and take the lead. Assassins have a good skill. After all, assassins do not have to fight hard against the warrior players!

A figure was passing in front of me, and I could see him clearly. He was in fine leather armor, holding a **** short knife in his hand, and the rainfall dust appeared directly in the seat between me and the Gatling Blast Dragon, and then he suddenly waved his blade sharply, bloody. Diffuse!

The whole body trembled and blood flew off!

— 2307 damage to brush out!

"Yeah!" My inverse lance stabbed, and "Ding", the falling knife in the rain fell in the hand very cleverly blocked my inverse lance, and I felt in front of my eyes that a palm was constantly zooming in.

It's too fast, it's so fast that it goes beyond what normal humans can understand and understand.

"Bang!" The left palm was pressed against my face door, bursting with seven explosions, and for a moment, seven different colors of light waves burst out, and the seven roars spurted blood, and they couldn't even hum. It was like a cannonball, which flew dozens of meters away, and then hit the wall of the platform behind him again, making a loud noise again, and the whole person was trapped in the wall.

—2100 damage numbers to brush out.

I was hit hard in the face gate, which damaged 2100 points of qi and blood. I can say that the seven holes spurted blood, and the head was shaken strongly. The brain seemed to be shattered. If there was another strong attack like this, say Not necessarily, the head is not exploded.

At this moment, Rainfall Dust is fighting melee against Gatling Blast Dragon. Rainfall Dust is a shield that cannot be attacked by Gatling Blast Dragon at all. At this time, his state has just stood up when he sees it. I immediately whispered, gave up the entanglement with Gatling Blast Dragon, raised the extermination knife in my hand, vibrated my feet, and flew to the ground where I fell dozens of meters away.

After I swallowed a few potions, at this time, the Gatling dynamite behind the rain falling dust raised the Gatling machine gun in his hand, the barrel began to rotate, the muzzle sprayed a long tongue of fire, and countless bullets shot from the back toward The rain rushed into the dust.

"Trouble!" The rain falling dust flashed left, and the bullets flew past him, "Hundred Ghosts at Night!"

In the moment when the rainfall dust flashed, the bullet that came behind him, "Ah" Rainfall dust faced the sudden attack, failed to respond, and screamed, his body flew out like a dead leaf.

The moment he was attacked by "Hundred Ghosts Night Walk", the body of the rain falling dust instantly turned into a scarecrow.

After the Scarecrow was flung out, a smirk sounded in the air in front of me, and then the rain falling dust appeared in front of me with no sign of quenching in the short knife, "Qian Kun hit!" Above my chest.

There was a snoring sound, which instantly penetrated my chest, the blood exploded, and the wound on the chest was quenched and burned, and the blood madly lost 3500 points in an instant.

"Let's die!" Yu Luochen sneered, and Scarlet Knife waved again.

"Slam!" The knife slammed on a transparent shield that suddenly opened, and the shield broke, but the rain and dust also jumped back sharply at this time, widening the distance.

I was a little bit surprised that Rainfall Dust is worthy of being a top assassin. In just one second, he was stunned and completed a set of skill combos. At the same time, when attacked, he could use the corresponding skills to deal with the situation without danger.

Shake your head! The moment I woke up, I did not retreat!

Sweep the scale gun!


Lightly dodged by the rain falling dust, the next moment the rain falling dust disappears!

I stared at the cold, clenched the inverse scale gun, and drank a blood bottle at the same time. I must not allow the other party to launch the second skill combo, otherwise there may be a spike!

The disappearance of the assassin is very annoying. The assassin with a very high level, the rain falling dust is 1 level higher than my level, and it is difficult to detect with fire eyes and golden eyes. It is too difficult to turn it off directly, saving blue consumption.

The rain falling dust doesn't seem to be in a hurry to attack. I remember a very famous master who said that not only must he attack the body, but also more importantly. Sometimes, patience is more important than anything. If a person's heart is disturbed, No matter how good the operation is, it will not help.

I calmed down, closed my eyes, opened the sensory organs all over the body, and held the inverse gun firmly in my hand!

The corresponding frequency flashed in my mind, that is, he was invisible but not trying to hide his heartbeat.

At this moment, all of a sudden, I caught a frequency, my body moved slightly to the right, and the inverse lance shot out!

"Lightning declaration!"

The sharp edge of the gun appeared, and the killing gun head pierced into the void in front of it!

In the void, a blood-colored short knife was suddenly found, which collided with the inverse scale gun accurately. It was a parry operation!

In one blow, despite successfully parrying the announcement of my lightning, the rainfall dust was broken away from stealth, and the body jumped back suddenly.

Yu Luochen's cold eyes looked at my mouth and said, "Nice! There are not many people who can see where I am sneaking. Tell me how did you find me?"

I smiled slightly: "Your heart has betrayed you! Although I don't know anything about it, you can hide but your heart can't."

"Ah! What else? Haha! It seems I need to work harder!"

"Come on!"

"it is good!"

The rain fell dust and laughed, his eyes suddenly covered with a layer of frost, and his body had a thick layer of blood. This guy is going to play really!

The next moment the grim rain fell on the dust, a short knife lifted, hehe laughed: "Come!"

The words didn't fall, the rain and dust had raged sharply, and the **** short knife struck instantly!

My heart was like water, and the lightning announcement came very accurately. In the body of the rain falling dust, the rain falling dust in front of the gun turned into a smoke.

Suddenly, my right arm was cold, and the rain and dust flashed past me. The short knife in my hand moved towards my right arm. The right arm moved in pain for a while, but he wanted to destroy my arm with one stroke. It was impossible. !!

My speed is not too slow when the rain falls into the dust. The moment I pass the body, I quickly turn around and crush the blows and fall. I can be easily avoided by the rain falling into the dust. I took the inverse scales and swept away, but the rain fell into the dust. Quickly parrying, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I also laughed. The next moment, a heroic charge rushed out, knocked out the rain falling dust, and then immediately took the sole of me. The huge cuboid face appeared to be oppressed behind him instantly, but the rain falling dust made a roll to the left. !! Avoid the attack of the sole proprietor!

"Boom!" An instant of thunderous light broke out from the ground beneath the rain and dust!

— 3137 Damage

The lightning storm accurately hit each other, and the rain and dust quickly escaped from the range of thunder, but this time also blew up a lot of blood and blood, and the roar of the machine gun behind him sounded, and the rain and dust escaped in countless bullets. But not all of them can be avoided. Each bullet of the Gatling Dragon can bring him around 900 points of blood.

After a few steps of rain falling dust, at this time I fired the flashlight. At the moment when the rain falling dust receded, I took the initiative to fight for it!

Stepped back a few steps to flash away the bullet rain falling dust. When I saw that I quickly moved on to fight, I immediately took some weird steps. With the dust on the ground, the anti-scale gun shot out and pierced the rain falling dust fiercely. body of!

But he saw his body tilted slightly, reversed the short knife, and struck lightning fast!


The sound of parry came again, the extermination knife and the inverse scale gun parry!

"Oh ~!"

The four rounds of missiles were almost at the same time, not far from the rain falling dust coming, and I stepped back and then "reverse the scale!"

Four rounds of missiles and inverse scales attacked. I promise that as long as he hits him, he will be filled with blood, and he will be able to kill in a second!

However, the dust falling from the rain would never be as I wished. I saw that his body was suddenly turned horizontally, the short knife in one hand was raised, the inverse scale gun was instantly parried, and then the other hand threw out two bitterness like lightning. Hit two missiles, two missiles exploded in the air, the energy generated by the explosion spread to the other two missiles, causing the flight track to deviate instantly, falling on his sides and exploding, the next moment, the rain fell into the dust and closed his sword. A cold, a strong flesh!

Not good!

I was secretly scared, but I had no time to turn around. The soldier's agility was poor, and the maneuvering power was not as good as that of the assassin. The summoner was better there, and I didn't want the real or fake action to start.

Instantly avoiding this slash, at the same time it really fell on the other side. It can be seen that the moment I emerged from the stealth state with real and fake actions, a short knife appeared in the seat of my neck.

"The battle to cut throats!"

— 2344 damage floated, and the silence effect attached to the Battle of the Throat was triggered.

Then felt the back spine cold.

"Ding ~! You are affected by the cold blade effect and stunned for 3 seconds!"

I rely! Dizzy for three seconds! If I get hit like this, I can stare!





Three consecutive attacks, instantly killing me more than 6000 points of blood, dizziness has not been lifted, if another set of combos, I must be finished!

Fortunately, the silent effect of the Battle of the Throat has passed, and I don't want the White Dragon Shield to turn on. The remaining attacks of the rain and dust fell instantly on the White Dragon Shield, and 50,000 points were beaten crazy for a long time!

For three seconds, it disappeared in no time!

At the moment of regaining my freedom, I directly attacked by Tengyun!

Rao is agile on the rain falling dust, and instantly avoids the assault of Tengyun, and laughs at the same time: "Your attack power is good, but the attack speed is not enough!"

"Is that so? Anything like that! Gatling Blast Dragon, navigation light!"

Instantly the four Gatling blast dragons protruded toward the telescope-like things, and then four green rays of light shot out, and the four rays of light shone against the rain and dust!

"I flash!" The rain fell from the dust to escape, but a moment of horror flashed in his eyes. At this moment, the four rays of light turning around in the air, followed him like eyes, and let him be as fast as possible. not only!

"Ahh!" A scream of sorrow drove, four rays of light hit the rain falling dust instantly, under four powerful attacks, the blood of the rain falling dust instantly dropped to 20% of the seat, and immediately cast against the scale gun. , The beam runs through!

The pupils of Rainfall Dust contracted instantly, and a residual blood assassin player couldn't stop my blow anyway.

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