Master Summoner Online

Chapter 359: Strange phone

"Papapa ..."

The uncle clapped his palms and laughed, "It's better to meet than to be famous. The beast **** is really well-deserved. Haha, beast **** brother, is it interesting to come to our war?"

I waved, "No interest!"

At this moment, the uncle stared at me for half a minute and laughed, "Haha, the beast **** is the core member of the **** elite! No wonder so refreshing."

I looked at the ring in my hand and smiled bitterly.

The legendary life stood up at this time and patted the body and said, "What are you doing, uncle?"

The uncle laughed: "Legend, you brought reinforcements."

The legendary life said: "Reinforcement?"

The uncle froze and said, "Hey! You said you need reinforcements, so I brought my brothers here."

The legend said angrily throughout his life: "Uncle! It's really time for you to come, and I'll come after you've finished playing. You are truly my deputy leader."

The uncle scratched: "Legendary brothers are sleeping at night, it is difficult to get together, and you have to come to this place where the birds don't shit. You collect characters one by one, and you can say anything. , Hidden careers, first-class technology, we ordinary people are suffering a lot. "

"That's not why you were late!" The legend shouted throughout his life.

"Okay, don't talk about it, we will go back to the task sooner after completing it." Shu Dao patted the shoulder of the legendary life and laughed.

"Your boy is really optimistic." Legend said in his life.

I frowned, and it looks like I can't practice here tonight!

Xueyue yanked my clothing corner and said, "So many people in Dragon Spirit, how can we level up?"

I said, "Offline break, get up early tomorrow and practice again."

Xueyue sighed and said, "Hi! It seems like this is the only way."

Watching these guys chatter and chatter, Xueyue and I are about to pull out and go back to the city to leave but ————

But at this moment, a warrior player came out with a tomahawk and yelled, "Hey! Do you want to go so easily? Mom-damn, dare to hit my legendary brother, then leave a life, **** What's the best! I'll tell you-the capital of the dragon is our battle spirit! "

This guy's head got into the water, and my eye twitched a bit. The next moment the opponent suddenly launched the charge skills, and the goal locked me.

Lightning announcement! Completely in conditioned reflex, when he came to me, the red gunpoint pierced at lightning speed and smashed into the opponent's breastplate!


With a scream, this impulsive man definitely understood the meaning of the impulse being the devil. His profession is a swordsman. The swordsman's blood is not high. The blood of this person is more than 6,000. I took it directly Take two-thirds of his blood!

"Fuck! He's hurt, our brother!"

A group of players with fighting spirits were furious. Instantly, seven or eight soldiers rushed together, roaring one by one, and the energy on the sword was burning, which was the prelude to skill attack.

My face was cold, and I was really ready to start, but a figure was passing at me!

The next moment, Xueyue's two razor-sharp blades appeared in the hands, one red, one blue, and two strong energies poured into the crowd, and suddenly a group of daredevil screamed, screaming, and the numbers of injuries hurtling from the air flying above them , Xueyue sword fell and fell, two energy surges, killing a few daredevil turned upside down.

After seeing these guys, Xueyue flew forward, and the two Taidaos were holding each other in anti-grip. They took wonderful steps under their feet and shuttled through the crowd. If there was no one, Taidao in their hands brought them together. Bloody!

"Cross World Sword!"

Xueyue Jiao sang, the energy of the two swords surged, and fierce energy raged everywhere. The last four players of the residual blood line mourned and fell to the ground one after another, becoming cold bodies.

I saw Xueyue holding a pair of knives and standing in the cold wind, her beautiful hair was slightly blown, and there was a trace of chill on her beautiful face, and she continued: "Is there no PK, I will let the horse over, and I will finish it. Have a good time! "

However, at this time Xueyue's name has become a blood red, and the word "magic moon" has appeared on his head!


I saw that uncle's eyes were sharp and he swallowed, saying: "Moon Moon ?! No! Isn't she retreating?"

Speaking of, the legend kicked his uncle's **** all his life, and when he saw the uncle kicked down and drank, "I said that you wouldn't control TM, I was planning to make friends with the beast god, what would your TM do? , It's just here to mess up with Lao Tzu! Now the people who took you away immediately! "

The uncle climbed up and said, "Yes, I will take good care of them." After that, he left with those people left in a bleak state.

"Really, this kind of person can also be the deputy leader, and that woman's head is flooded." The legend murmured in his mouth for a while and looked at me: "Beast god, I'm sorry, the guy is new. There is no deterrent. The opponents are not disciplined very much, and I ask your grown-ups to remember the villains. ”

I laughed: "It's okay, and managing newcomers is often uneducated."

The legend laughed throughout his life: "Haha, the beast **** is really broad-minded, well, let's say hello tonight, and then we will fight with you and your blood. We will have a long time to come, and we will have a period later."

"There will be a period later." I laughed, and then the other person threw back to the city to roll back to the city, and I was going to wash the names for Xueyue. So many people were killed just now. It will take a while to wash the names.

I washed my name at ten o'clock and went back to the city to go offline. Xueyue said she was hungry, so I went downstairs to buy it, supper, but just when I went downstairs, my phone rang. coming.

Take it out, and for a moment, it was a strange number! After turning on ‘hello’.

The other party said, "Are you ... Dragon Spirit?"

As soon as this word came out, I was a little stunned, it was a middle-aged woman's voice, very strange, and among everyone I know, it seems that there is no such number, how did she know my number! ?

So I said, "Well, who are you and who are you looking for?"

In the face of my words, the other party not only did not answer, but was silent for a while, and finally said: "I have a very important event to tell you, please ask Tianhe Cafe, I will wait for you at the door for ten minutes, out of date. "

As soon as this word came out, I couldn't help but be surprised, what and what was this! ?

The other person also seemed to expect that I would be confused, and immediately added a sentence: "Rest assured, I will not show anything, you will understand when you come, it is really important."

Having said that, it is convenient to hang up.

I was at a loss as to what the sing was, but to be on the safe side, I decided to go back quickly and see who this person is, why she knew my number, and I took care of her. Important things to say!

Without figuring it all out, I guess I'm restless.

Out of the neighborhood, my house called Tianhe Café is not far away, which is a distance of two hundred meters, where I would pass every day when I was in junior high school.

Taking a quick step, this not-so-large cafe soon caught my eyes.

At this moment in front of the cafe's door, a figure immediately came into my eyes. If I remember correctly, it was Xueyue's mother!

I saw three men in black next to her, all burly, and by comparison, she was like a weak sheep.

What is she looking for? ?

With the doubts in my heart, I raised my vigilance and rushed past. This woman ... gave me a very strange feeling, and her eyes seemed weird, which contained countless elements that could not be seen clearly.

When I came to her, she said suddenly, softly, "You are here, and you are the man who abducted my daughter."

As soon as this word came out, I lost my heart, and opened the door to see the mountain: "What are you looking for? Wouldn't it be to confirm which man has taken away your daughter?" This guy feels more and more unhappy with me People in black, they seem to have a hands-on look, but these guys are not good at all, after all, there are many parallel imports these years.

After I said that, she smiled slightly. The face that was still well-maintained despite being old was not too ugly: "I don't care about the snow and moon, but I care about you!"

I said coldly, "You care that I care about my birds. I'm busy now and I have no time to take care of you."

After turning, he walked for a moment, "Stop him!"

I can't help it! I saw the two men in black already coming in front of me! by! Sure enough, the visitor was not good, and I was ready to face it immediately.

At this time, the three people formed a triangle, but they did not do it, but surrounded me to limit my range of activities. I said coldly, "What do you want?"

The other said, "I said that I have something very important to tell you. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Then the middle-aged woman gathered around and said, "Come in, I opened this store. I said that I have to talk to you about something very important."

I said directly: "There is nothing to talk about between us."

"No, you have to!" The middle-aged woman's words were very tough.

But I did not budge in the slightest: "Why!" To tell the truth, these three guys, as long as I want to escape, can't stop me at all.

As a result, the middle-aged woman laughed and said, "Huh! It's an elder brother's child. He has the same temperament as him. Do you mean my nephew?"

The words came out in an instant! If I was struck by lightning, what was she talking about just now! ?

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