Master Summoner Online

Chapter 408: Young feminists

"Ding ~! Thousands of tree spirits use‘ energy stealing ’to steal the blood and blood of the bound target and heal themselves!”

by! This is called****? !! At this time, I saw the millennium tree spirit used to bind the black **** and the vine in the sky. An unknown transparent liquid was secreted on the vine, and it was this transparent liquid that slowly dissolved their armor. Now the armor of the two MMs has been dissolved by about half, and the white and flawless legs have been exposed more than half, the clothes on the hands, chest, lower abdomen and other places are constantly disappearing.

However, this behavior is not like a tree trunk at all! It looks like the behavior of a human satyr. Is this tree public? A ridiculous conjecture came to mind involuntarily.

"No, this is not the time to think about that!" I shook my head fiercely, driving out those messy thoughts from my mind.

"What are you looking at?" I just ran over here and glanced forward, but I did n’t look at it. At this glance, this guy suddenly turned red and red, and I glanced at it. Eyes almost fell down.

Because I don't know when, the armors outside the two MMs are almost completely dissolved by the liquid secreted by the tree sperm. The pair of upright peaks have all been exposed to the air, and the two trembling bright reds on the top make people dizzy for a while, among which the more mature one of the black god's peak is also engulfed by a vine.

At this point, the dude seemed to be fascinated, and at the same time, two blood stains were left in the two nostrils. Of course, my eyes couldn't help staring at the white girl's body. Recalling that I had had close contact with Tianzhao in the hot spring pool, an evil flame suddenly burst out of my heart.

"Ahhhhhh!" Under the power of that evil flame, an endless amount of energy filled the whole body at once, and the next moment the sparkler fire started, swooping towards BOSS.

"Go to death, the barrier is broken!" Burning the blue-quenched gun head severely plunged into the body of the millennium tree spirit, the millennium tree spirit body suddenly shook, and then quickly chopped chaos and dragon Qi chopped down, hitting the millennium The tree spirit is called Lianlian, but it seems that it does not want to let go of them at all, but it is closer.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

"Mum!" I swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and I was dizzy at the moment. Anyway, this scene is too exciting for a teenager with me. I already felt that something in my lower body was expanding rapidly.

"Ahhhhhhh!" An unknown anger quickly burned through my body, and I didn't even know where the anger came from. Now I want to smash this tree into pieces before desecrating their bodies or before it absorbs the skylight and black **** blood.

"Go to death!"

The Red-Eyed Dragon Gun trembled suddenly, and Purgatory cut out of the air, piercing through the tree and one arm of the tree, and the disability effect was activated at the same time!

The next moment, the power of death will start, and the four tricks of destroying blows, grabbing cannons, crushing blows, and energy explosions will be thrown up!

Finally, in a tragic sound, the blood that blocked our N-thousand-year-old tree spirit was emptied, and the huge body collapsed and hung up!

Huge experience rushed into the experience slot but did not rise. At the same time, I found that Tian Zhao and Hei Shen were lying peacefully on the ground. At the same time, I was surprised to find that the armor on their bodies had started to repair automatically. Tones, fortunately, their armor will be refreshed, otherwise they will be naked.

At the same time looking at the pit father, the boy stood blankly at this time, motionless like a wooden man, regardless of time, stepped forward, kicked off the broken limb of BOSS, and finally saw the explosion, several pieces of equipment and one The pile of coins and a green egg-sized thing should be the guy's mission props.

Put away the coins, there are three pieces of equipment, a dark red leather jacket, a silver flashing staff, an elegant gold ring, and a purple book, which should be a skill book, and looks like The rank is not low!

At this point, both the black **** and Tianzhao stood up and looked around. Tianzhao rubbed his eyes and said, "What happened to the master just now?"

Black Shinto: "I remember we were caught by that tree and then we were in no hurry."

I laughed: "It's all right, BOSS was defeated by me, you take a break."

After speaking, the pit father picked up the staff in front of him and banged on his head!

"It hurts!" I will only respond to the pit father, and I scratched his head after seeing him clear: "It seemed like ..."

I grabbed his shoulders with both hands and said solemnly, "I was fine."

I would just hang my dad suddenly, and after a long time answered, "Oh."

I said, "Pick up the mission props, let's go back."

I would just foolishly Dongdong replied: "Huh!"


I will just pit my father to pick things up, we throw back the city and roll back to the city.

In the dragon capital, I asked, "Where are you going next?"

I ’ll just pit my father: ‘Eat a meal, and then I ’m looking for that black-bellied girl, do n’t you want to know her? Come with me later. "

I laughed: "Okay."

Then I went offline to eat, and then returned to the line. At this point, I will only pit father has arrived. Then we will sit on the amber dragon, I will only pit father said the convergence point.

After half an hour, there is a big tree here. It is about tens of meters high and about six or seven meters thick. It has numerous green vines on it, and beautiful pink flowers bloom on those vines. However, it is strange that there is no other tree in the vicinity of dozens of meters, only the numerous green grass on the ground, just like a natural square.

At this moment a huge black dragon was lazily lying on the grass on the grass, three boys sat on the back of the black dragon sitting on the landlord, and two female players were talking to each other under the black dragon.

The Amber Dragon flapped its wings and flew to it. The seat a dozen meters away from that side fell down. At this moment, the black dragon raised his head lazily and looked at our mouth and made a low voice. It seemed to be saying to the surrounding players ‘Someone has arrived. ’

I saw three men and two women have watched one after another, and I and I can only pit my father off the Amber Dragon from the sky and follow the black **** behind him. A male archer comes first. This person is a legendary life. I saw him. He laughed as soon as he came up, "Haha, the pit father is finally back. Oh! You are also the beast god."

I laughed, "Yeah, come and play."

At the same time, a mage dressed up the player and embarked on the road: "Daddy, I didn't expect you to hang for a lifetime, what is the taste of being pitted this time?"

I will just pit my father and say: "The dance of Yu Luochen, I promise you will taste it next time."

Yu Luochen danced and waved, "Don't, I've been hit by your novice village pit till now, I've had enough."

The legend said, "Are you really a daddy?"

I would just scream: "Crap."

The legend once said: "Then we have the right password."


The legend went on with his chest and said, "Six skys must be ruled."

"Washing is healthier." I will just pit father.

I heard a sweat this secret code really hurts.

On the one hand, the female mage patted her head silently: "Why would I accept these three idiots."

At this moment a summoner dressed up the player and came to me and said, "Hello beast god, my name is Butterfly Dance Cloud Tears."

I answered, "Hello."

I watched the three of them and you chatted with each other and said, ‘The three of them have a good relationship. "

Die Wuyun said in tears: "That's it! War soul Wushuang Sanji friends, can you have a bad relationship?"

"San Jiyou?"

Die Wuyun said in tears: "Yeah, this guy has known him from Xinshoucun. The three of them took the lead in the legendary life and are very enthusiastic guys. This self-proclaimed arrow god, Yu Luo Chen Wu is a very serious thing Guy, also mention that the money that our Warriors Unparalleled was injected by his father, from a certain point of view he is a daddy. In addition, this man, the most terrifying existence of the three. "Pointing to me will only Cheating.

"Why did he say he was afraid?"

Die Wuyun laughed with tears and laughed: "Because of doing tasks with him ... There are woods in Jiukeng ten times!"

Before the words fall, I will just pit my father and immediately shout, "Don't cry for me over there."

Die Wuyun cried: "I'm telling the truth."

"Brother of the beast god!" Suddenly a voice like a lark-like girl sounded in my ear. I turned to see that the owner of the voice was not far away from me, just a meter or two away.

"You?" I saw the young girl, Lolly, who was about one year younger than Long Xin. She had dark black hair, dark black eyes like the night sky, and was wearing a clean white cloth. Lace's milky pastor robe, tender white face, small and delicate features, were looking at herself with a surprised look. The white butterfly hair accessory on her head was shaking constantly, indicating that she was very excited.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooh! Since the shelling of the dragon has made people wait so long," the girl whispered.

"She is?"

I will only pit father suddenly shouted: "It's her, she is the black-bellied girl Xu Yu, I can't get back by her in this way, black-bellied loli!"

I said, "Hack father, how do you say Xu Yu is too rude?"

"Just." Xu Yu said with a cute mouth and hiding behind me.

I will just pit father: "You guy, why are you protecting her, aren't you loli out of control?"

I laughed: "Just a joke! I'm not Lori. I can only be a young feminist at best."

"Fuck! You ..." He heard before he said--

"Boom!" With a blast of smoke and dust, everyone was stunned, because the flowers and plants within a radius of ten meters from the prescription were exploded into flying fragments, and a diameter of about ten meters appeared in the sea of ​​flowers. Big round pit!

"When are you going to talk?" Everyone turned to look at the owner of the voice, and saw that loneliness was singing with her arms around her chest, the magical energy of all the elements around her was beating, and a pretty face twitched.

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