Master Summoner Online

Chapter 410: Long Xin returns

Is it morning? Feeling the heat of the sun, I opened my hazy eyes, and the morning came as usual, and the golden sunlight passed through those windows and shone in. Under the golden sunlight, the white ceiling that I can't get to know is in sight. The air was filled with the smell of familiar books and dust.

At the same time, I found myself holding an "object" that was warm and smelling good. Well, it seems that the "object" hugged himself tightly.

The subconscious hand opened the sheets that covered him. The true face of that "object" was immediately revealed. It was a cute girl in white pajamas. Long black hair spread like a waterfall, and long eyelashes flickered from time to time. The lovely lips exuded a fragrance. At the same time, a girl's body fragrance spread from her, which made me a little bang. Ran heart.

Ahhhhh! !! Snow Moon? She ... I seem to be very nervous lately, but think about it. It ’s not difficult to explain that I would hug her. After only packing the bear for a long time, I had a problem sleeping with this bag. At this time, the bear was no longer in Xueyue and became my "cushion." ". But I don't remember when she took the initiative to hug herself? Suspicious, I tried to loosen my hands, and then tapped Xueyue's head gently:

"Slacker, get up!"

"Ah!" Xueyue, who was awakened by me, stretched out, slept with sleepy eyes and rubbed his eyes, "Is it already morning?"

I took the alarm clock on her face and looked at her and said, "It's eight o'clock." Thinking about what was just now, forget it, Xueyue is my girlfriend anyway, there is nothing to hug. After checking the bed and the two and found that everything is normal, I don't plan to continue thinking about it, why should I check these things? The move just left me a little scratched.

"Looks like it." Xueyue yawned and cuddled in my chest, holding the beauty in her arms. At this moment, I felt peace and joy in a peaceful heart that I had never had before.

But then the door of my room was suddenly opened and I saw a young girl breaking in and shouting cheerfully, "Brother, I'm back!"

"Eh? Brother you?" Long Xin's head crooked, but this look made me extremely embarrassed. At this time, Xueyue in her arms had been flushed for a while, and it took me a long time to say a word: " Why don't you knock at the door when you come in! "

Long Xin said, "Why would I knock on the door of my own home, and when I was away, you turned your home into a harem."

"Hou ... harem?" I said these words with great sorrow.

Long Xin laughed: "Yeah, aren't there two beautiful sisters asleep next door? Brother, what a pity you are."

"What is too much! Go out now!"

"Well, then don't bother you to continue your affection."

"Dear ..." Long Xin had already rushed out the door before I said it, but I hadn't let out my head for half a second before digging out: "Be gentle to others." people.

"You don't need to worry about me." My face must be red at this time, and my expression has changed from crying and laughing to an emergency collection, oh my god! How did my sister become like this!

It was awkward to get up early in the morning, and I was going to wash my face after getting out of bed. But after I turned around, I saw a scene that made my eyes fall.

Xueyue chuckled behind me and later, gently touched my fingertips to my face on the left hand side, and smiled, "You are so funny."

"Perhaps." He rushed out of the room at the fastest speed in the flat, and came to the bathroom, closed the door and panted loudly while looking at the organ that had been swollen and congested. This morning was awful.

After tossing in the bathroom until the organ returned to normal, they dared to walk out. At this time, they saw fire dancing, fire phoenix, Xueyue, and Long Xin on the sand in the living room. The little beauty was overjoyed.

But Xiaoxin's situation is not very good.

"What a lovely little girl! Come and let my sister kiss!"

Huowu held Long Xinhong's fluttering little face in her hands and kissed it vigorously.

Fire Dance seems to particularly like the pretty and cute little girl Long Xin, holding her in her arms, rubbing her hands and not letting go.

Poor Long Xin was caught by Fire Dance as soon as she arrived home, and was crying with a face, often crying for help.

"Okay, OK, let my sister go!"

"Sister, did you hit me like that when I was a kid?"

"Go! I didn't hit you again. You weren't cute at all when you were a kid." Having said that, there was no intention of letting go of Long Xin in his hands, but he held it tighter and kissed Long Xin's face. Took a sip.

But at this point I smelled a weird smell and said, "What's boiled?"

Huofeng exclaimed abruptly: "My dumplings!" Exclaimed and slammed into the kitchen quickly. After a while, a plate of black was at least black, and a pile of stuff was brought up, and I was dumbfounded instantly--

"What is ...?" I asked.

Fire Phoenix with hands on hips: "Tangyuan!"

"Tangyuan? When do you buy dumplings ..."

"I get it ~"

"You ... bag ..." Looking at these one by one looking at the strangely shaped "rice balls" I couldn't help but leave a drop of cold sweat.

Huofeng opened her beautiful eyes and stared at me: "Woohoo ~! Anyway, it was made by people after a hard night, don't get in and out of this expression, OK?"

"Do you still have this?" Wait for the kitchen! The thought of me slamming into the kitchen, the next moment a messy "battlefield" appeared in front of my eyes, and I said with great sorrow: "Please buy the frozen ones next time."

"Okay, huh, huh, huh." Huofeng smiled, scratching her head.

I went on holding the bowl of "rice dumplings" and said, "Who do you want to eat!"

At this moment everyone was staring at me. From their eyes, I can understand one meaning: ‘you eat it. ’

At this moment, Huofeng groaned with a spoon, shaken a "rice ball" in the bowl and sent it to my mouth, "Come on."

I took a deep mouthful of saliva and swallowed the "rice dumplings" into my mouth. For a moment, my brows frowned, and a mixture of sweet, sour, and spicy flavors emerged, and I chewed many things, to be honest The dishes she cooks are very good, but this "rice ball" is really uncomfortable.

Then I swallowed the "rice dumplings" and quickly put down the bowl in my hand, took the water cup and poured it into the cup, and Feng Feng laughed: "How is it?"

I smiled bitterly: "It feels like flying."

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang. I immediately picked up and heard Ye Shuang's urgent voice on the other side of the phone: "Brother! Something went wrong!"

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