Master Summoner Online

Chapter 417: Naga Pioneer Captain

What appeared to the crowd at this time was the sea, a vast ocean, and a vast expanse of water. At this time, the battleship dragon beast carried us into the water, such as the limbs of the battleship dragon beast behind the water, and the launch pad behind it was raised and the middle deck sink.

"What is this?" Long Xin exclaimed.

The guard explained calmly: "Battleship Dragon Beast, floating mode."

Xiao Ai said in surprise: "The mechanical beast can still be amphibious!"

Shou Nuo said of course: "Yeah, nothing strange, the summoning beasts of the mechanical clan are the strangest of all types of summoning beasts."

Xiao Ai muttered, "Woohoo, I really want one."

The head of the battleship Dragon Beast I came and patted and laughed, "You can really do that."

The battleship Dragon Beast replied, "Come on."

Immediately afterwards it said: "If only my master could speak like you."

The guardian said with an angry expression while holding his chest with his hands, "You are so good, let's go."

The battleship Dragon Beast laughed: "Oh, my Lord has always been like this, okay, everyone is seated and set off." Said the battleship Dragon Beast began to move forward, although the speed was not very fast and very stable.

All the way forward, the surroundings are very calm, and the calm feels a bit wrong. At this time, I saw a white light soaring into the sky about 500 meters in front of us, and at the same time, the islands appeared in the endless waters. Seeing that white light was coming out of an island in the distance.

And at first glance, it was close at hand, but I really found out that the journey was far away! At this time, the sun in the heavens and the earth was not strong. Instead, the hunting sea breeze kept blowing people's hair. In the distance the sea is a piece of blue. Meager ripples. Seeing people feel refreshed. Standing on the edge of the deck on the back of the battleship Dragon Beast and looking down. The sea is clear and transparent. From time to time, you can even see fat-eared sea fish swimming leisurely by the boat.

If I have a fishing rod now. Then I would definitely sit on the deck for fishing. But whether or not you can catch a fish is another problem, but looking at it, suddenly a wave of water surged in front of me, and I saw a strange thing coming on the waves. Looks like a mermaid in the legend?

But when I got close, I saw that this guy can be like the cute and mermaid in the TV or the novel, but a sturdy pair of arms and a strong torso. The tail fins curled up on the tip of the waves and looked close Two meters high. The shiny blue fish scales on the whole body are matched with shiny and stout spears, plus an ugly face that looks like a fierce lizard, it doesn't look like a kind person.

To a guy who looks so vicious, no matter what it is, once again everyone has to be wary of twelve points. The crowd immediately entered a state of alert, and soon Xueyue and other fighters came forward, and the mage and archer were behind.

At this time, the girls frowned and looked at this mermaid carefully ... Damn, it was so ugly! It is estimated that all MMs can't wait to go up and pump this guy for a moment, but everything here is strange. God knows that this kind of "ugly mermaid" should be able to say this. There is so much power here, so it can only be small. Experience the first shot of fire eyes at the other side.

Naga Pioneer Captain, Level 80 Quasi-BOSS, Introduction: The Aqua is a living water race, and the Naga is a part of the Aqua specifically living in the sea monsters. They are combatants in the Aqua, have a strong sense of territory and will attack Then enter the territories.

The giant ugly Naga pioneer leader saw a ugly face after seeing the lizard-like ugly face behind us. It opened his mouth wide and smiled with a scornful expression: "I do n’t know you What are you doing here, but you are out of bounds, so I decided to collect the compensation that is due on behalf of the **** of the sea ... your soul fire fills the energy of the energy tower ... ha ha ha ha ... "

Whoa! Sure enough, as the information said, very combative, but at this time someone was already very angry, watching the ugly mermaid looks arrogant, making a loud and unpleasant sound in his mouth, even more furious than raising a hand, raising his hand It was a bunch of detonation symbols thrown in the past. The Pioneer Captain didn't expect to be attacked suddenly, and he would launch an offensive in this way. He was smiling with his mouth wide open, and faintly saw something flying into his mouth, and then ...

—2034 This huge damage value. Throwing the detonation rune and crawling on the polar devil wolf daydreaming little knife, driving all the way is very boring. Lazy he fell asleep on the polar devil wolf and fell asleep. However, after the appearance of this ugly mermaid, he made a noise to wake him up, after all, no matter who was asleep, the truth was that he was not awakened by his temper.

At this point, probably the tongue was also blown off. The ugly mermaid should not be outraged by the captain's anger and screamed loudly in his mouth, but the words have become very vague; Humans! Hmm ... how dare you hurt me ... the body of the brave Naga Pioneer Captain Mario! ... you have to pay for your arrogance ... "

I laughed. "Mario? I'm Luigi."

"Is Mario the man who eats mushrooms," Xueyue said.

Erica said: "Yeah, but in the impression Mario is not an uncle with a big nose, a hat, overalls and a beard? How did he get here to become a fisherman?"

Long Xin said: "It should be a mermaid, right."

Erica said: "Is there a difference between a mermaid and a mermaid?"

"Of course there is a tadpole." Huofeng began to explain: "Usually the appearance of a mermaid is a human body or monster in the upper half and a fish tail in the lower body, and the fish-like fish is a kind of evil creature in the deep sea.

"What does it mean to have a guy?" Elika said, pointing at the vanguard.

"It should be a mermaid," Huofeng said.

Long Xin said, "Looking at it like that, it should be the right fish."


In this way, the MMs began to discuss the topic of mermaids and mermaids, and instead set aside the pioneer leader who was blown up.

At this moment, the guy knew that he was left aside, regardless of whether he was inconvenienced or not, speaking like a date core in his throat, but still refused to give up this opportunity to show himself.

Regardless of the little knife shouting at this time: "You silly fish, noisy me to sleep! The little wolf caught it to make sashimi!" The polar devil wolf stopped when he heard it ran to the deck, right Roaring at the vanguard captain Zhang Yawu claws, he seemed to be saying 'Come! Some kind up! I'm not afraid of you! ’

At this point the Captain of the Pioneer seemed to understand, and issued an angry roar, straight up the harpoon and rushed up the waves.

At this time, the MMs did not take this fish seriously at all, and continued to talk about their mermaid and mermaid topics. At this time, the leader of this charge saw that humans did not take it seriously in front of it, and they were even more angry. Endlessly, all this angry ugly mermaid has launched an attack. Watching the waves.

Naturally, people may think that it has deep water magic, but at this time MM is chatting, our boys are starting to play the role of escort, protecting these weak ......... There is no other word that can be weaker.

Girls chat! The boy is strange! (It doesn't make sense!)

I saw the big wave flip over, and the goods sent his body to the deck, and the spear was directly inserted into its nearest Ye Shuang. Although he was a little surprised by his attack method, everyone didn't have the slightest timidity. Everyone was already prepared and his attack skills were released immediately.

Although the previous foreplay looks a bit inexplicable. But when the battle was on track on the deck. The development of the situation never caused much deviation. This goods is a powerful title to say. But shaved off its momentum. After all, this ugly ghost is just one. Eighty-level quasi-BOSS. Lao Tzu has even made you 80 elite bosses.

The attack of this fish is quite high, and yes, it can cause more than a thousand damage. But it can't shake the formation of our big boys. The old cow stepped forward to be a T, and he was thick and thick. He could resist the attack of the other party, and the attacks of several of us were getting smoother. From time to time, the old cow slaps it with a shield and stuns this guy several times, giving us a painful output. very quickly. The captain of the assault has become unsupported. Several negative effects have been placed on his body.

The ugly mermaid suddenly summoned several waves to attack. But the powerful body of the battleship Dragon Beast. Fight the waves in a few times. In the end, they can stabilize. Rather, the Pioneer Captain was panting after a few casts.

Under our joint attack, this guy's dead fish eyes turned at this moment. Then he raised his hand. Another two waves came from both sides of the battleship Dragon Beast. Not only did you suddenly push the hull high. And since the tip of this huge wave is more than ten meters high. Slammed at us.

"Wow!" The crowd was so drowned by the seawater at this moment, and the vanguard captain proudly summoned a wave of waves. Jumped up.

Successfully running, this cargo mind should think so, at the same time a smile appeared on that ugly face, but the smile solidified the next second.

Because at this time a dragon composed of ice elements had smiled at it, the next moment was locked in place. The glittering ice flowers reflect the gorgeous luster. Then it will be retaliated by the beauties who were made wet by it!

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