Master Summoner Online

Chapter 442: Lie down too

"Ding, Ding, Ding!" The legend sent three arrows in a row in his life, three crisp sounds and three -111 injury numbers.

At the same time, a pair of sword wings behind Xueyue unfolded, the beautiful figure rushed into the sky, the invisible holy sword in his hand was already held in his hand, and the wind energy was entangled on it.

"Hammer of the Wind King!"

Drinking Jiao Xue, Xueyue turned into an electric light and rushed straight to the BOSS, the hurricane on the sharp sword rolled in his hand, and he slammed the cold blade.


The blade erupted an extremely powerful energy on the opponent's armor, and the BOSS ignored it. He waved the blade directly in his hand, and suddenly Xueyue revolved and retreated, relying on the blade wings behind him to escape the attack, and continued to stay in the air. .

At the same time that Xueyue retreated, the strong men launched their own attacks.

Fire Phoenix and Yinyue make a "strike to the sky"

"Magic Thunderstorm!" The blood bath summoned a black thunderstorm.

Long Xin launched a fiery blast, Superman used lightning storm, and a block of ice mirrors around Erica appeared, opened the magic book in her hand, and began to read magic, and sent out 12 huge ice blades at the same time.

The rain falling dust kicked the weapon into a ten-meter blood blade in front of your hands and cut it off head-on against the BOSS!

There was a thick black gas sprayed from Haolong's body. "Hey ..." A piece of black material was built into a cannon in front of him, and the muzzle was charged with a thick black energy.

Ziyue applied "Super Beast Fury" to Kuqiulin, and Kuqiulin, who was reinforced, was instantly beaten by chicken blood, snarling and rushing up with two guns.

Loneliness is singing and calling for various elements to gather in the hand, an elemental ball fused with various magic elements. This elementary ball is only the size of a slap, but this does not mean that it is not powerful.

The guarded mechanical tyrannosaurus sends out the most proud skill ‘Ultimate Destruction Cannon! ’

Ye Shuang's "Royal Saviour", Feng Xiaoyue launched "Thunder Thunder", Xiao Ai's "Angel's Flame", Tian Zhao's "Cross of Death", Yu Luochen Dancing "Wind Dragon Strike", pit father used countless hot weapons In cooperation with the surrounding turrets, there was a 'full bomb launch' ... all the horrors were out of nowhere at the same time.

BOSS has blood and is deformed, but it does not prompt its blood and blood recovery. All the horrible skills are called up for a moment, even the powerful BOSS may not be easy to accept, but whoever thinks of it suddenly, the blade of the BOSS in the hand is suddenly, Two Ultra Destructive Cannons were cut in half and exploded in the air, and then a purple light arm was raised at its feet. The others' skills hit the light wall, and a cloud of smoke rose, followed by one of the smoke. The blade was sent out, and it was close to Erika. Erika quickly summoned an ice wall and started the copying ability of the ice crystal magic mirror, but this blade instantly broke the layers of ice wall and burst into a moment. Countless ice particles, followed by an explosion, Erika was taken out by the shock, and fell heavily to the ground. Although she did not hang it, she had a pale face, but almost lost her combat power at this instant.

Xiao Ai in the air was swept by another blade, and was instantly cut into two quarters. It immediately disintegrated with the summoned beast and fell to the ground. The druid's physique was similar to that of a mage. The blood has bottomed out.

Immediately afterwards, BOSS patted his hands against the rain and dust, although he avoided it with fake moves, although he was not injured, but then BOSS kicked him with a kick, BOSS was a hit, how terrifying the power, although he was a hedgehog outside Infinite proliferation protects himself from being thrown away hundreds of meters away without knowing where it fell.

Immediately, holding the blade of his arm and waving it out of thin air, a huge air wave roared up, pouring down like mountains and rivers, lonely marks, small knives, Feng Xiaoyue and others also rolled out and vomited blood and flew out.

Long storytelling, in fact, all this happened in the blink of an eye. Everyone showed their best moves, but did not expect the BOSS to fight back sharply. Everyone flew to the ground in an instant, and the surrounding area was already blinking. Few people stood up.

Xueyue hummed in the air, and the holy sword suddenly raised a crazy energy in the hand, followed by a wave of the sword, and a golden torrent blasted to the opponent.

"Sword of victory!"

At this time, the condensed shield outside BOSS had retreated, and Xueyue's attack time was just right. Of course, it wasn't just her who found out that this was the case. Scattered, numerous light and shadows fell on the BOSS, and immediately after the night and the affection also struck, the giant sword in his hand instantly turned into a cyan dragon head, and with the roar of the sound of the dragon, he hit the boss with a heavy blow.


After receiving such a fierce attack, even the BOSS could not stand falling, and a scary pit was smashed above the earth, the dust was flying, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking.

At the same time, Xueyue also slowly fell, floating on the swollen earth, holding a sharp sword, and I looked at her and shouted, "Who has a species and rush again with me!"

"What dare you?"

Ye Shuang, Shu Dao, Lao Niu Minor and others have raised their blades.

I hesitated with a smile, rushed up with the red-eyed dragon gun, Tianzhao and the Black God came to the left and right at the same time, Xueyue and others also quickly followed, everyone followed after, the mission went to the key part, can't miss it!

The BOSS approaching the ground immediately screamed with a lightning announcement, followed by Dragon Qi, followed by three consecutive attacks as fast as a thunderous kill on the fallen BOSS, bringing out a series of damage figures— —




I go, more than 4,000 attack power will hit this damage, meanwhile, the holy sword in Xueyue's hand swept across—1007 points of damage floated out. In addition, the skylight and the black god's damage came at the same time, and the damage was the same. Nodded.

Immediately after, Haolong, Longxin, Lonely were singing, Superman, Yuxue and other various magical elements greeted the boss, hurting a series of brushing out the numbers, and the Warriors Storm I have hardly paid attention to her since the beginning. At the same time she was also outputting in obscurity, it seemed that everything around her had nothing to do with her.

At the same time, there is only one female player who comes with her, an ice-based female mage, and ice-based magic dances one after another. The damage is secondary, mainly due to the freezing effect on BOSS.

"Little wolf! Polar storm!" The little knife shouted excitedly

"Roar!" The polar devil wolf screamed in the sky, and three hurricanes raged on the huge body of the boss. Under the siege of so many masters, your super boss could not be beaten.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" There are so many weird things about this kid, from the firearms to the cannons, the bombing energy of the Boss is one after another, plus the magic and sword energy of everyone, completely overwhelming the BOSS. .

"Blows you up! You guys work harder!" The old cow greeted.

Suddenly two red lights shone in the dust, and a shock of energy set off, and everyone could not help but retreat.

"BOSS will use skills again, flash!"

I hurriedly yelled, and at the same time the BOSS moved again in the loud and terrible growl.

The chest armor was folded, and a black paint tube was extended. This gun tube quickly spun out of a white energy jet. This energy swept across the ground, and everyone in the melee evaded. But never thought that this attack was not the melee profession in the front but the seat of the long-range player in the back, and the energy swept across.

"Boom ~~~~!" The long-range formation in the back row instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire. Xiao Ai, Long Xin, Yuxue, Brother Superman and Yu Luochen Dancing Five were instantly buried in the sea of ​​fire. Of course, some escaped, and the legendary rushed The fire broke out and fell to the ground after coming out. The whole man was in great pain. At this time, it was found that he had been burned beyond recognition. It was a miracle to be able to run out alive. In addition, loneliness was surrounded by singing. The thunder and lightning were entangled. This thunder and lightning protected her like a pair of armors. The three priests MM, Mo Yan, Xiaolou, and Xu Yu jointly developed a barrier to protect themselves. Although they were not injured, the three of them were sitting almost on the ground. Breathing constantly, Hao Long seems to have known that he would be one step ahead to retreat in this way. Everyone should be surprised to be in danger, or the people in the back row are expected to return to the city under the BOSS move.

At the same time, everyone understands that now is the last chance. This time, you can't destroy BOSS, so just wait for it to be destroyed.

While the boss was in a standstill again, everyone's strongest skills began to be cast. Shu Tao slammed his chest, spit a blood, sprayed on his one-handed sword, and the next moment the sword burned, the blood-like flame, tight Then Shu Daoyu snarled with anger, flying and leaping into the volley of the BOSS.

Dragon Three Tolerance rushed to the BOSS in a tacit manner.

Qin Yue's blood surged, and then a **** halo exploded, and his attack power was raised to the state of destruction.

Ye and Qingqing at the same time turned into a blue dragon in the hands of the giant sword, the dragon mouth rose a **** flames slamming towards the BOSS.

Feng Xiaoyue used "day punishment", Ye Shuang also launched weapon damage additional skills, Xueyue sword pointed at the sky, a raging storm descended, the black **** summoned his ghost iron rider to charge, Tianzhao used Scarlet Time and Space,

In the mouth of Hao Long, Hao Long issued a nearly screaming howl, and a thick black death gas was poured from his body. In the dead gas, the faces of black skeletons were flying in the air, and the endless black skulls I rolled my head and rushed towards the BOSS. At the same time, I turned on the power of death, and the dragon's roar sent out!

Various skills hit "Boom!" The BOSS exploded and blossomed, and the BOSS was drowned in the sea of ​​damage. These damages together add up to more than 50,000 points.

"Did you die?" Everyone said at this moment.

Suddenly, the numerous lasers in the "Smoke" smoke shot out. Almost everyone had no resistance to fight. Among them, the Shu Road was hit by a glowing line and the body was broken into two parts. Qing Qing's left leg was shot through, and a glowing beam flew towards me at the same time. I hurriedly started the attack, but I did not expect that the beam shot directly through the shield, and the body flew out, and the blood lost 9000 points.

But the worst thing at this moment is the legendary life. This kid has been unable to move to the ground, so dead, a glowing beam shot directly through him lying on the ground, and as the injury floated, his mouth roared--

"Hit a shot while lying !!!"

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