Master Summoner Online

Chapter 466: Fierce battle with Qiao Shefei

Finally, the power of Nine Cows and Two Tigers was finally killed, but there are still two waiting for us. An Mixiu left an armor, a helmet and two books, and one more than basketball. Crystals.

At the end of An Mixiu, the other two captains suddenly roared through the world. The next moment, the two demons were both powerful, and Kutus, who had been surrounded by the soldiers, suddenly had a sudden increase in muscles and burned the flames. The whole body became like a fire demon, and the soldier in his hand swung the cow directly and a tens of thousands of damage brushes floated on his head. Then the body was rotated, and the whole person rotated at a high speed like a gyro. The next moment centered on Kubis, a strong fire storm spread to the surroundings, and the number of 3,000 people constantly appeared on the heads of the surrounding people. The power of this trick is estimated that ordinary people will be instantly satisfied when they come. Slag.

However, under the conditions of Mo Yan's blood and the best equipment and self-protection skills, he managed to top it down, but the encirclement was also instantly broken by this hit skill. On the other side, Qiao Shefei seemed to find that Kutus was unable to hit in one shot. To kill the opponent ’s mystery, Sword drew a **** cross in front of him. After the cross appeared, he flew towards Mo Yan. The attack came too suddenly and too fast. Mo Yan was hit before he could react. After a 4100 figure floated, the shield was broken, and Mo Yan was almost killed instantly.

Seeing that Mo Yan was attacked, the small knife and the polar devil wolf attacked from the left and right, Erika and Chu Han used their skills to attack, but Qiao Shefei suddenly turned into a dark mist at this time, and everyone's attacks flew away. Followed by the black mist to re-form into Qiao Shefei's appearance, the polar devil wolf was instantly severely stabbed with a knife, and the pain was painful.

The little knife failed to escape Qiao Shefei's attack and was severely kicked out by Qiao Shefei.

For a while we fell down and fell down, I hurriedly called for them to come back, re-form, and saw our wolf look sneer, and then madly killed!

However, all kinds of magic on our side were immediately put down, blocking the two ghost captains, but at this time Qiao Shefei cracked a crack under his feet, the whole body drilled into it, and the next moment a crack appeared in front of us, Qiao Shefei rushed out of the crack The swords in both hands chopped down with great momentum.

"Go to yours!" Just as Qiao Shefei appeared, a hundred ghosts walked by at night, knocking Qiao Shefei back.

"Everyone, change the tactics! The mage restrained Kurtis and surrounded him. The soldiers forced to kill Qiao Shefei, and finally set fire against Kurtus!"

"Understand!" After Ku Kuisi, there is Lei Binghuo triple sky, and the ice system slows down. I also support Sonic Werewolf and Gatling Blast Dragon to support them. The old cow and Ye Shuang are responsible for protecting the long-distance profession. We have snow Month took the lead in two phantom steps and immediately approached Qiao Shefei's route, and a heaven and earth cross sword flew over.




Qiao Shefei is an assassin-type BOSS. The defense is not high. When encountering a full attack soldier such as Xueyue, the blood must be dropped quickly. The cut Qiao Shefei's armor has two deep scars. However, this time he didn't growl or dig into the ground, but slammed on the ground, hitting Xueyue at a super high speed.

"Undead walls!"

Wu Canhua hit the ground with a punch, the next moment a blue brick city wall was raised around Qiao Shefei, and the layers surrounded Qiao Shefei, and the next moment the wall shone nicely. The city walls suddenly collapsed. These extremely solid walls were exactly the same as tofu in front of Qiao Shefei's double knives, but at this time a beautiful figure appeared in front of Qiao Shefei. The owner of this figure was Honglian. She The sword in his hand passed across Qiao Shefei's armor without warning, and suddenly there was an additional crack in the armor. A black liquid in the crack should be his blood.


With this number floating, Feng Xiaoyue also rushed over, holding up the broad sword "Booming", a dark cloud appeared above her head, followed by a huge lightning split in the dark cloud, and it was straight to the wind Xiaoyue In the weapon in hand, this broad sword is like a giant whale swallowing water. This thunderbolt energy suddenly gathered on this weapon, and then Feng Xiaoyue used it and chopped the weapon on Qiao Shefei's body, and immediately burst out. Thousands of tiny thunderbolts, Qiao Shefei was scorched by electricity, and a white smoke was emitted. At this moment, when I saw Qiao Shefei holding me, I flew over and sent it with a red-eyed dragon gun in my hand.

"Declaration of lightning!" The tip of the red-eyed dragon gun pierced into Qiao Shefei's ribs like a lightning bolt. I fall!

The real and fake actions are performed, and the substitute successfully avoids this blow, followed by-

"Thunder Thunders"

"Gathering energy outside"

Feng Xiaoyue was an additional skill to launch weapons. Dao Dao thunder and lightning gathered at one point. Qiao Shefei was struck by the violent thunder, and followed by a blue and white thunderbolt to walk around him. The paralysis effect was triggered. Qiao Shefei was paralyzed in place. At the moment when he was not moving, the energy brewed on the tip of Xueyue's sword quickly hit Qiao Shefei!


The damage came out, and Qiao Shefei was still in the paralyzing effect. The destruction hit first fell on Qiao Shefei, followed by Feng Xiaoyue, Xueyue and Honglian. Bring out every harm!

"Flame smash !!!" Wu Canhua yelled, holding the weapon in his hand with both hands, and should launch the additional skills above to strike.


However, it was very unfortunate that Qiao Shefei recovered from the paralysis effect at this moment. His double sword instantly held the sword of Wu Canhua, and his skills were destroyed at the same time. Fei's double sword passed over Wu Canhua's body and was instantly struck into the residual blood state.

Wu Canhua herself was crazy to take medicine. Mo Yan tuned them for the old cows. Kurtis was too destructive. The old cows can only resist three times at most. Without Mo Yan's blood, it is completely a death. At the same time, we Here, a purple light on Qiao Shefei's body lighted up and entered the stealth state for the next moment. We are not at the soldier level, let alone this is a BOSS.

But at this time, the polar devil wolf suddenly roared, then leapt out, rushed to something, and then took a bite of the -3559 damage, and followed by a scream, a figure was suddenly printed. It was Joe Extravagance.

Sure enough, we ca n’t see it when we can smell it, but I ca n’t smell it. The polar devil wolf is okay. Just when Qiao Shefei appeared, the little knife had been unknowingly guiding the other side, and a dagger brought out a quench. Qian Kun struck Qiao Shefei's body in one shot!


Immediately after, Qiao Shefei shook off the polar devil wolf and launched revenge on the little knife, but the little knife flickered behind Qiao Shefei instantly, raised his dagger, and crossed the back of the boss with a trace of cold dagger Department, bringing out nearly 7000 injuries, and then quickly broke away from the BOSS!

I was also at the same time, Qiao Shefei came to send the red-eyed dragon gun, but Qiao Shefei was much faster than me, two swords fell quickly on me, bringing out two super five thousand damage brushes, this output is very Horror, then the two swords stabbed at me and immediately attacked, the two swords collided with the shield, and the shield broke, but at the same time the lightning was announced!

Qiao Shefei was stabbed unprepared, but he quickly opened a crack under his feet, and immediately drilled into it. The shot that I followed closely missed, and at the same time I was wearing a burst of cold, and this guy must be going behind!

"True and fake!"

The double again avoided the fatal blow and swallowed the medicine immediately, at which point a figure flew to: "Rolling Thunder!"

Before the words came down, Feng Xiaoyue's broad sword jumped Qiao Shefei to several positions behind him, and at the same time, the damage value of -4877 flew up!

As soon as Qiao Shefei fell to the ground, Xueyue and Honglian both rushed on, and the arms in their hands bloomed with incomparable sharp edges. When he re-emerged, a lightning strike fell!


The small knife in the lurking state looking for opportunities, each attack was counted on time, but this time he seemed unsatisfied with this, the dagger was covered with a hint of gray, and deeply penetrated into the BOSS!

Qiao Shefei's body froze instantly, Qiao Shefei was frozen in place, and several of us also spotted the opportunity and immediately rushed to a violent group fight.

Qiao Shefei was hit by a devastating blow again. That person's attack was not called ‘perverted’. The destructive blow of Qiao Shefei had already fallen to 35% of his blood at this time, and he could soon get another.

But the situation suddenly changed!

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