Master Summoner Online

Chapter 482: Human spider

Everyone called me Mou and said, "Captain, brother, how do you know that there is a boss?"

I said, "I have the skills to sense a certain range of movements around me!"

"You said it early, I knew I wouldn't have been bitten by the boss for the money!" Everyone told me to seek brother, with a hint of complaint in the tone, I heard a bitter smile.

"Let's hurry up!" I started to speak silently and finally spoke. I nodded and took them to the next spot. The experience I just swept across the screen has stimulated everyone's nerves. For The desire to upgrade quickly overwhelmed everything.

Meet another group of hungry wolves, come on! Let the experience be more fierce! The machine gun of the roaring Gatling dragon in my heart shouted for me, making the woodland in this winter no longer peaceful.

The time has come to the evening, thousands of monsters have fallen in front of me, and the entire Death Forest has not been washed by my blood twice or more. The refresh speed of the monsters in the Death Forest is not slow. Pulling to the 30th level is something I never dreamed of before, but after the 30th level, the experience has increased exponentially, and the upgrade is definitely not as smooth as before the 30th level.

Lei shocked and laughed, put away the sniper rifle and let go of the last stinger wasp in the sight. To be honest, he now saw the stinger wasp almost vomiting, but the credit point provided by the handsome guy has always been behind With strong support, Lei Jingtian's appetite was particularly good.

Watching the setting sun in the sky, I said, "Everyone, so far today, we are now back to the city, you go to the second transfer, learn the second transfer skills, and tomorrow I will take you to a better place!"

Everyone asked me to make a fool of Geumou gesture: "See you tomorrow!"

"Master! Goodbye!" Said Lolly.

I did n’t say anything but just waved my hand, and I said goodbye to the three of them!

The next day I got up and got up. Yesterday, I learned that the players in the guild want to brush up the guild experience in groups in three days. I do n’t plan to go because I want to bring my apprentice and a helmet to mirror synthesis. The place appeared in front of me again. The black **** and Tianzhao had quietly stood behind me. Not long after that, the three of them also came online. We agreed to meet in the square.

In the square with my two bodyguards MM, at this time I waved from them, and the three quickly gathered them out. Lolly lollipop said cheerfully, "Master, where are we going today?"

"Hee hee, today we go to the Bloodscream Canyon of Sighs!" I said, "Which job do you transfer to?"

Everyone told me to seek brother: "Of course I am an assassin!"

"Sniper!" Said a faint shot in the end.

Loli lollipop said: "I am going to beastmaster, I want to be as good as the master!"

I can't help laughing! Another violent melee summoner was born, still a woman.

Everyone called me Mou and said, "Captain, eldest brother, I think if you take the class so fast, do we have to buy some equipment first, so we will fight together when the level goes up."

Lolly Lollipop said: "Yeah, I've been sitting with the experience of a master in white for a while, I'm embarrassed. You can also learn about your professional characteristics and use various skills by playing together. These are what I see on the novice forum Come. "

Unexpectedly, this MM homework is enough, Lei Jingtian laughed: "Okay, you take care of yourself, most of the equipment monsters will give us, you only need to match the corresponding weapons!"

"Okay!" Lolly promised, followed by taking them around to pick out two cheap weapons at hand and flying them out!

"Wait, this lead brother and so on!"

When I was about to take someone away, suddenly there were several shouting players who came over, and the equipment was so ridiculous that they seemed to be little blinkers.

"Let's take the lead, join us! We are willing to pay! As long as we have experience, we don't want any loot!" One of them shouted.

Looking at their appearance, it is clear that they worry about upgrading again. Although the second world is extremely large, the number of players is equally amazing. The middle and low level leveling areas around the city are almost full of people every day, and some high-level ones often squatting there shamelessly. Snatch, even if the experience value is weakened, not to mention those guild players who have new players in the charter. Moreover, if there is double time now, this kind of thing will become worse. It is not easy for newcomers to mix. These people obviously understand the situation. So, instead of leveling, they chose to spend money on recruiting.

But I do n’t want to bring it, but no one would hate money, so he said, “Everyone pays a hundred gold coins. I ’ll take you one day!”

As soon as these words came out, these players began to hesitate. What a hundred gold coins is a huge wealth for the players in the early stage. A little soldier said, "Could you be cheaper!"

I said politely: "No, pay if you want, otherwise I'm leaving, I have to hurry!" Then I turned around and left.

At this time, some players who were too expensive or had no money started to leave, or there were still some hesitations. I didn't wait to pull the team and left. The three players rushed up after just two steps and shouted: "Brother we pay, you take us!"

"Okay!" As he opened the transaction, the three men, two men and one woman, three hundred gold coins arrived, and then left after sending a team application to them. I also looked at the information of these three people on the way.

Blue Melancholy, Level 31, Ice Elemental Division.

Riding a pig to see the beauty, level 30, swordsman.

Small bridge flowing water, level 30, priest.

The three looked familiar to each other. They should be friends in reality. At this moment, with the new three, we stepped into the edge of the Canyon of Sighs. We only met a group of black mountain wolves at level 33. These two were two in length. Rice is more than one meter tall, with bloodthirsty eyes, rows of razor-like appearance in the mouth, and the transparent drool from the mouth makes people shudder.

I said, "You protect yourself, these guys have tried to give experience." The crowd nodded, and Lolly lollipop now called himself a little blue wolf that summoned the beast yesterday. He grew up today, but still It looks very weak, and at the same time I throw it out. The other furry mobs on the other side can't even use the red-eyed dragon gun. My attack is very simple, just simple step by step, and then punched with one palm and one black. The wolf fell down at the sound, punching and kicking, the black wolf fell down one by one, and his skull broke.

Behind the scenes and the black **** did not take action, but let the new people use their skills to participate in the battle, doing so is beneficial to them, proficiently show their skills, and understand the use of various skills and operations.

In the scream of Wolf Beer, dozens of black wolves were killed.

"It's awesome! Take the lead! I didn't expect that the summoner could be so NB!" Blue Melancholy sighed, I heard the scream in my heart, and no one praised me for a long time! My heart was happy and my hands kept on, and the black wolf that was constantly flowing all around screamed and turned over instantly.

When the bodies of hundreds of black wolves lay on the ground, I died in my hands with fifty or sixty, and the rest were other reasonable solutions! Lolly's Lollipop's Summoner once again sucked in enough to experience a deep sleep!

These monsters basically do not explode the equipment. It is already sky-high to be able to explode a silver coin. After killing the black wolf, we simply move on after cleaning the battlefield.

But without taking two steps, suddenly, a large row of green appeared in front of me!


The shield greeted the green liquid instantly, and the 5,000-point endurance fell to zero and burst. At the same time, the terrible howling sounded, but four giant spider monsters appeared silently around us. In the back, there is another huge monster, a giant monster with a head height of more than twenty meters. Above it is a giant human face, with eight huge steel claws stretched out, terrifying!

It was a giant spider monster that was too familiar to me!

Human face spider!

The human demon spider in front of me is much larger than the body I've seen last time, and the breath on my body is completely incomparable to the human devil spider in the death forest, and there is no person in a hurry The face spider will play an ambush, and it appears that it has encountered an opponent.

Looking at these five-headed monsters, I scanned with fire eyes and golden eyes--

Crypt Demon Spider, Level 50 Quasi-BOSS, Introduction: The Crypt Spider in the Canyon of Sighs is affected by magical energy and mutates to become a terrible Crypt Demon Spider. These monsters have the ability to drill the ground, and can spray cobwebs and venom. Prey!

The four 50-level quasi-bosses are not good for me. The four monsters are not too scary for others. You can send them back to the city at will, and then I scan this human face spider in front of me. -

Human Face Spider, Level 60 BOSS, Introduction: The Human Face Spider is the queen of all human face demon spiders, and the human face devil serves as a swallowing life. The object that all creatures hate, the human spiders are their leader. Generally, the human spiders hide in unknown crypts to nurture young children. Only when food is scarce, they crawl out of crypts, so few people can I've seen them, but once you see them, don't even think about seeing the sun of tomorrow.

Obviously, it has taken us as its prey.

I said in a deep voice: "After I dealt with this human face spider, your opponent's Crypt Devil Spider, it is not a problem to cooperate with them!"

The crowd nodded, and at this moment the human face spider screamed, and eight thigh-like thighs pushed its large and sloppy body toward me, and I also raised the red-eyed dragon gun on my back to greet us!

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