Master Summoner Online

Chapter 484: Rookie

After watching this group of people appear, a large group of players emerged behind them, one by one, menacing, the eyes of fire are all between 20 and 30, a group of recruits! The level of the players in the front is very high, each person is very high, about 20 or 30 people, seeing this group of people, I thought of the four words ‘Private Court! ’The lead guy soon verified my idea.

A player who takes the lead as a crazy warrior, holding a shiny giant sword in his hand, rushed to the front and screamed loudly: "The world will clear the field, idlers wait for speed to avoid, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk!"

Heaven and Earth? Where did it come out! Hoe hooligan, it is estimated that the snakehead helped a character last time!

"Did you hear anything for you?" The leader shouted.

Blue was melancholy, but he waved his staff and yelled, "Your world will be too much! Why should you clear the field in leveling?"

Riding a pig to see the beauty as angry, Jianjian said: "That's it! Don't go for everyone in the Dragon City before! It's your turn to be arrogant! Go arrogant to the dragon capital and the **** death!"

Xiaoqiao Liushui said, "That's it! That's it! It's shameless to bully us single players!"

These three guys who said one by one around each other looked pale, it seems that the dynasty and the snowy night have been succeeded by someone! At the same time, this group of guys are undoubtedly not good at coming, but I still don't pay attention to this kind of goods.

The mad soldier glanced at us and chuckled: "Our world will plan to kill the human face spider here, but BOSS was killed by you! Now our brother took a trip for nothing, very unhappy, What do you say? "

I couldn't help chuckling: "Go find a boss again to kill! Sigh Canyon is huge."

The mad soldier heard my words, his eyes were cold, and he took a few steps forward with a giant sword in his hand. It was estimated that he wanted to get closer and start with something better.

Loli lollipop whispered, "What about the master! They have a lot of people!" Obviously my little apprentice was starting to be a little scared!

"Little girl over there, are you interested in joining us? Look at the shabby look of that master around you! There is no future with him!" A senior male archer yelled, and I heard it for a while.

The next thing surprised me a little, Lolly Lollipop: "My master is very good !!! You are not allowed to say that!"

I smiled slightly, and Xiaoya got angry!

"TMD little girl film! How dare to be wild, what I don't want to see is a little girl like you!" The mad soldier scolded with a bad smell, and a group of people around him opened their postures!

"Everyone rest, I will settle these idiots!" I stepped forward casually and said, "Tianzhao. The black **** protects them!"

"Yes!" The two MMs said respectfully.

I looked at the crowds in front of me and laughed, "Who wants to go back to the city first!"

The Berserker shouted angrily: "Don't look down on anyone, destroy him for me!" The words didn't fall into a group of newcomers and various arrows. The magic greets me!




How could a group of novices break my defense, and I was backed up by a potion for a long time, and the archer called: "Boss, this person must be of a high level! And there must be a dark gold weapon on his equipment!" "

The leader mad soldier licked his lips and laughed: "Dark gold! Hehe! I want it! Everyone came up and blasted this kid!" Then rushed up!

Wow! In this way, I will take the initiative to attack. Now it ’s not the New Year's Eve that is dead and I want to step down. Besides, one person is actively attacking. This group of guys is all the names of the team. Since they are proactive, I ca n’t help it. I ’m not I like to abuse dishes, but now I ca n’t do it! There is no way for others to ask for abuse!

This group of guys has a bit of a head. The priest and the magician are ranked at the center, the soldiers and the summons are at the outer periphery. The archer also saw several assassins invisible at the same time. After turning on the skills on the helmet, they Stealth is abolished directly, after all, I have too many bad grades!

"I'm here!" With a slight smile, the red-eyed dragon gun stepped out with a single stride.

More than twenty people on the other side, seeing this person who suddenly rushed in, wanted to challenge more than twenty of them, and couldn't help but be surprised and funny, followed by a rage.

"Fuck, this guy, it's too arrogant!" The mad soldier scolded.

"Everyone, I'm so underestimated!" A knight led the charge and started to charge first.

Heroic charge!


The body hit the knight head-on like an off-string arrow, and more than 5,000 points of attack erupted. At this low level, my knight, nearly twenty, was knocked to the ground, and then the red-eyed dragon gun waved wildly, just two times. Screaming, two assassins who attacked me attacked by the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance, and then returned to the city.

I guess they didn't expect their actions to be seen by me! After solving the two assassins, I saw a crazy warrior burst into laughter, and an exaggerated axe waved in his hand, causing a violent wind howling

"Break off!" With a long howl, the axe slammed into my shoulder!


The attack is good, I want the axe here!

Lightning announcement!

Just taking a breath, the red-eyed dragon gun pierced his throat, and the three auras reduced his defense to the limit. Now his defense is no different to me. The blood in one shot fell to the bottom, and then again Is a shot back to the city to report!

The Berserker also couldn't help yelling, "You're too arrogant!" When mentioning the huge sword in his hand, he swooped up, while several mages behind him raised the staff in their hands to lift the ice, flames, and hurricane howling Crashed it on my side.

White Dragon Shield!

The engraved blue-eyed white dragon pattern shield appeared outside the body. All these magics were accepted by the white dragon shield, and then the left arm was raised. The amber dragon's skill 'Blasting Breath' sprayed on the enemy group, it was almost invincible, and opened its mouth. Out of the raging flames, these other soldiers in front of them except the soldiers could not be beaten at all, and only a terrible sound was heard.

In a short time, the death squads rushing in front of me fell down and there were only three or four people left. My attack was so devastating and invincible in front of them!

After deforming the left arm, I ca n’t hold anything. I can only hold a heavy weapon like a red-eyed dragon gun with one hand, which is very laborious, but it ’s more than enough to settle these guys!

"Who is this?"

"How so scary!

"My God! This guy is not human!"

The screams and screams were all around, and they followed, and fled. My attacks have scared these novices!

"Damn beast! MD! Go to death!"

Berserker slashed at me with a huge sword in his hand! I hurriedly escaped, and then his sword swept across! I leaned back, and the tip of the great sword slid over my armor!

"Cut!" The guy grunted coldly, and once again lifted his sword and flew forward, and I flickered again and again to avoid his attack, and then the red-eyed dragon gun hit the sea like a wild dragon!

"Lightning declaration!"

This guy rushed to fight, for the reason that the sword's large blade body resisted my red-eyed dragon gun. Unfortunately, the red-eyed dragon gun penetrated. Although it was blocked, it left a hole in his giant sword. This guy was dumbfounded. I also took this opportunity to burn a cyan flame on the dragon arm! The faucet turns into a fire cone!

"Barriers break!"


Just like a boulder and a small egg collided together, the barrier broke and directly smashed his great sword, while his body was like a disconnected kite, the whistling tumbling and flew far away dozens of meters, Only then fell to the ground again, no more silence!

"Boss!" "Boss!" Several members of the Heaven and Earth Society screamed and went crazy, wanting to see the life and death of their boss!

A group of senior players have been solved by me for more than half, and the newcomers at the level of 20 and 30 have all flinched to the side, and everyone is watching in horror.

"What is this guy!"

"Strong is even more monster!"

The group kept going back at first, but I didn't plan to let you go back like that!

"Galulu!" The summoning circle was called, and a howling sounded all over the place, and Galulu came!

"All-Metal Meteor!" Gently issued a command, the next moment Gallulu's muzzle opened, and countless missiles were sent out one after another! Draw a trajectory in the air, with a howling fury, like the end of the day, smashed into the camp of those players in front of you!

At this moment, a group of people looked white again and again.

"Boom!" Bang! "Boom! "In the various violent sounds that lasted for three seconds, the injured figures were brushed out piece by piece, the white light of death rose frantically, and a clear misery and wailing sounded in the ears!

After the bombardment, there were few people left in the opposite house, followed by ‘explosive breath! ‘Galulu ’s mouth spurted a raging energy that swept the entire audience! Reap the lives of those who survive!

The appearance of this giant monster was really unexpected, and the moment when Gallulu appeared, he hadn't returned to God at all, and was suddenly swept up by an explosion and then swept by energy. Players were originally returning to the city. Although some clever use began to return to the city and roll back to the city, at least 80% of the members of the World Club are now weak in the city.

A pair of N wins, although there is no sense of accomplishment if you win, if you change to rain drop dust or Hao Long's real abnormal levels to deal with it, it is estimated that the battle can be completed within a few seconds.

"Papapa ~!" There was a clear applause from my ears. I looked back at the crowd applauding from behind. Everyone asked me to laugh and say, "What a wonderful dish abuse!"

Loli smiled sweetly: "Master is so good!"

I couldn't help but smile: "Okay! This group of guys rushed into the place suddenly, delaying a lot of time, so now we go to a deeper place in the sighing canyon! We will go up one or two levels before lunch!"

"Okay!" Everyone shouted.

A large group of people marched into the depths!

The summoner who likes online games, please collect: ( The summaries of online game summoners' literature are the fastest.

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