Master Summoner Online

Chapter 488: Fierce female fire dragon

When I saw this huge shadow approaching, everyone couldn't help but a big change in their faces, and I screamed, "Everyone be careful." Everyone nodded and hid behind the big rocks around them, looking at the sky.

In the distance, a loud roar of "hooks" and "roars" suddenly sounded, followed by a roar that rang through the heavens and the earth, followed by the approach of the huge black shadow, and soon, it was revealed in everyone's sight.

This guy is more than 20 meters long, with a pair of huge wings covering the sky, and Xia is roaring with thunder and thunderous.

"What is that?" Long Xin exclaimed.

The swift fire-eye golden eyes started to lock, and the information was quickly obtained-

King of the air-male fire dragon, 100-level super boss, introduction: male fire dragon and female fire dragon belong to the same species, the male fire dragon's wings are very strong, and the flight accuracy can also ensure that the male fire dragon can capture the birds in flight As a result, people call it "King of the Air" in awe. When fighting against enemies on the ground, the male fire dragon will flexibly use its flying capabilities to launch air attacks. Even on the ground, the male fire dragon's invasion and fireball are equally threatening and can be said to be better than the female fire dragon. When the female fire dragon goes out for food, the male fire dragon takes on the task of guarding the lair. At this time, it is obviously easier to find the enemy in the sky with a wide field of vision. Therefore, in the raising period of the small fire dragon, the male fire dragon will stay in the sky much more than usual. Some people think that this is the secret that Xionghuolong is good at flying. It is also said that the discovery of foreign enemies at high altitude requires extremely high vision, and the vision of the male fire dragon has evolved as a result.

Unlike the spines of female fire dragons, the poisonous glands of male fire dragons are located on the feet. As the male fire dragon flies in the air for a long time, the claw has become a powerful weapon, which can also be said to be the evolutionary result of ecological adaptability. On the other hand, the poisonous gland of the female fire dragon is on the tail, also because of the importance of the tail in the ground battle. In addition, there are flame bags in their abdominal cavity that can convert heat into phosphorus.

Sure enough, it was a male fire dragon. At this moment, I found that the strong fire dragon's strong feet held a huge beast. The beast turned white and his blood was obviously the prey brought back by the male fire dragon. When Shixiong Fire Dragon saw his relatives besieged by a group of humans, he made a roar that roared through the world. The prey on his feet was directly on the ground by him and then quickly killed the crowd!

"No! Another monster is here!" A player shouted, but he would be stepped to death by the male fire dragon before his words fell, and then the two dragons pinched back and forth. The group of players who came to besiege now became The hunter turned into a prey in the blink of an eye, which is probably uncomfortable for anyone!

Speaking of which, these people were also unlucky. At the beginning, the fight was quite smooth, relying on a lot of knight resistance and acting as a cannon fodder, successfully attracted the attention of the female fire dragon. The mage and archer groups continue to destroy the blood of the BOSS female fire dragon!

Although the female fire dragon is very violent, there is only one claw, and one piece of fireball can die, causing many casualties, but everything is still under control! Seeing that the female fire dragon's blood has been killed by 30%, so there should be hope for this fight, but at this time, actually the female fire dragon's husband returned, the husband and wife two dragons, work together!

This group of players was immediately devastated, and now they have been completely slaughtered!

"Let's run! This can't be beaten! It can't be beaten!" Watching his guild member died tragically under the attack of two bosses, a lead player gave instructions to retreat.

Immediately following is the roar of the world and the misery of the players who fall behind and escape slowly.

Blue melancholy drank: "Are we going to flee too, so many people can't fight, but we can only die if we stay!"

I nodded and brought everyone around to leave, but just as we ran down the hillside, a huge shadow fell in front of us, the huge body fell to the ground, shaking the ground, and I saw The behemoth that appeared in front of us was just the male fire dragon. At this moment, the male fire dragon's mouth was still biting an unlucky egg body, and the lower body was hung by his mouth, and then the male fire dragon's mouth completely closed the man. It was torn in half by him, and the lower body fell to the ground, bloody, and the scene was appalling.

At this point, the male fire dragon is already less than 50 meters in front of us. If everyone does not escape, we will really face the threat of the male fire dragon.

At this point, everyone ’s minds were connected, but they escaped quickly. However, they did not expect that the male dragon was faster and came to us in a leap. They did not give us a chance to escape. I said, "You run away, I ’ll drag Live this guy! "

"No! Brother, I want to help you!" Long Xin stepped forward and shouted, "Be careful! Come!"

"Amber dragon!" The roar burst out, the amber dragon appeared, roared like a thunder, and the body instantly fluttered on a pair of authentic dragon claws and grasped the male fire dragon, and the roaring male fire dragon immediately hit it with his head, and the amber dragon A pair of dragon claws hit.

The first encounter between the two sides turned out that no one had pressed anyone. The Amber Dragon's body shook and roared, a flame was burning in his mouth, and the explosive breath was spitting at the male fire dragon!

While the male fire dragon and the amber dragon were fighting, I screamed, "Let's go now!" I said, holding Long Xin and rushing away, but I did not expect another figure to appear at this time!

I never expected that this female fire dragon suddenly ran to us at this time and blocked our retreat! I saw the female fire dragon snarled and rushed over to "Galuru!" I called Garulu to stop the female fire dragon, but I did not expect that Galuru's power was far less than that of the female fire dragon. Gallulu rushed towards me and Long Xin after the collision!

At this time, Tianzhao and the Black God have rushed to the death. They don't care about the newcomers. After all, in their eyes, my master is more important than the newcomers!

"Hurry away with her and I'll find you!" He said, summoning majestic style to stop the female fire dragon and then assault.

"Take this guy around me, you guys go! You ca n’t escape or escape! I shout loudly. She picked up Long Xin and threw her to the black god!

"I don't want it!" Long Xin fought hard, I shouted, "Don't be willful!" Talking about dropping her out, the black **** quickly caught Long Xin, Long Xin bit her lip, shouted: "Brother! No You can die! "

The black **** took Long Xin and shouted, "Tianzhao, let's go!"

Tian Zhao shouted, "But Brother Long!"

Shi Lian hesitated, "You and me"

The black **** shouted at Tian Zhao: "Hurry up! We will only kill the master if we stay here!"

Tianzhao's extremely confused Long Xin couldn't help shouting at this moment: "Are you still not aware of Brother? My brother is like this. He is staying, not only we can't escape, but will also kill Brother. You have to What you do is run away, how far you can escape! "

The female fire dragon roared like thunder, and Gallulu's attack could not do anything about it. A flick of the tail smashed Garulu again, and then opened his **** mouth to bite at me. I quickly sent out a hundred ghosts at night and was bitten by the female fire dragon. .

At this moment, Shi Xuan took the time to see Tian Zhao, Hei Shen and Long Xin had not escaped, and could not help but rush, and all of a sudden, a layer of cold sweat broke out, and he couldn't help but yell, "Tian Zhao, The Black God took Long Xin away! This is an order! "

Tianzhao shouted, "No! Let Tianzhao leave Brother Long and run away on his own, this day cannot be done!"

At this moment, the black **** anxiously grabbed the collar of Tianzhao shouting, "Tianzhao! Did you forget what our purpose is!"

Tian Zhao whispered with a pout in his mouth: "Unconditionally obey every word the master says, his words are orders!"

Hei Shinto: "Keep off if you know, the owner is worried! Can't you escape if you can't escape according to his ability!"

Tian Zhao nodded very painfully, gritted his teeth and followed the black **** to jump out of the battle area quickly. When I saw that everyone had escaped, I finally breathed a sigh of relief and faced the two level 100 bosses at once. This is the first time since I played the game, and it is also a two-level super boss. It is absolutely unreliable to play it. This monster owns terrible and terrible strength.

On the one hand, the male fire dragon and the amber dragon are inextricably linked. Although the male fire dragon is the overlord in the air, according to the flight aspect, the amber dragon has advantages. The two dragons are deadlocked in the air. The amber dragon's attack power is not as good as the male fire dragon. The fire dragon is much stronger. At this time, the female fire dragon did not come in to attack me. Many people just fled. But at this time, the humble villain did not escape, but blocked here. The female fire dragon slowed down, and slowly walked beyond 20 meters of me, with a low growl in her mouth, looking at me.

This kind of advanced BOSS has high AI. My abnormal performance has made this female fire dragon more alert.

At this time, the female fire dragon gave a roar of demonstration, but I didn't have the escape frame at all, and I dared to stand in front of myself. This shows that the strength is not weak, but the monsters' dictionary can be rushed without the word fear.

It seems that after half a minute, the female fire dragon makes a roar, and then the huge body slightly bows. In a flash, a lightning bolt is thrown out. The distance of twenty meters, the speed of the female fire dragon is almost instantaneous.

Regardless of the huge size of the female fire dragon, the speed of movement is comparable to that of a super assassin player. My full minus summoner is not fast enough in front of it. At this time, the Gatling blast is released, and the Gatling blast appears. They sent out countless missiles in an instant, and the female fire dragon that rushed over was caught off guard and took a bath.

As soon as I lost my mind, I rushed up with Garulu. We left and right, the owner and the beast had the same mind, and naturally knew how to cooperate with the owner's actions.

The female fire dragon had a huge body, even a lot bigger than Galulu, and was not much stronger, but Galulu immediately exerted his mighty power, the muzzle of his whole body unfolded, and numerous missiles swept out. .

At this moment, I cast it on my own. The huge cuboid face bit the female fire dragon as soon as it appeared. Then, I sipped, swiftly stunned, and flung towards me. A giant steel blade with a length of ten meters faced its huge head. Cut off, and the photon crush of Gatling Blast Dragon also landed!

Suddenly, flying missiles fell from the sky, like a icy rain, and fell according to this terrifying flying dragon. Long storytelling, in fact, it was only a moment, the female fire dragon was caught in various skills.

"Boom!" Suddenly there was a loud noise like a mountain shaking, and the female fire dragon was hit. At the same time, I had already attacked from the right. The red-eyed dragon gun was ready to pierce. However, in the smoke, a head suddenly appeared I stretched it and shook it fiercely. This blow shook my head, and my head, the size of a car, hit me severely, and instantly made my body crack like a bang-like bone. Followed by the huge wings, I was suddenly hit again, and the whole person fell heavily on the ground. Before I stood up again, a huge sole was stepped on, and I was stepped directly into the ground like this. Extreme crisis!

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