Master Summoner Online

Chapter 490: Fighting the Fire Dragon

The blaze came at an indescribable speed. I avoided the real and fake movements, but I can blaze the blaze, biting the steadicam head with the upper body, and then turning the blaze into a green smoke. Was snarled in the air by swift anger!

"Amber Dragon!" I yelled and felt the master's intentions. The Amber Dragon issued a roar, sprayed flames and blasted at the male fire dragon, exploded behind the male fire dragon, and then flew towards the male fire dragon quickly!

"Garuru!" Whispered, and Gallulu, who was flying next to me, leaned over, and I rolled over and jumped into the cockpit behind Gallulu. The muzzle was turned and at the same time he directed the Gatling blaster to aim in the sky. A male fire dragon fighting with an amber dragon.

The muzzle of the whole body was opened to face the target in the sky, and the cross was facing in the field of vision, and then the trigger was pressed. "Brush brush brush ~~ !!" Numerous missiles passed in the air, drawing a clearly visible trajectory. .

"Boom" countless missiles hit the male fire dragon instantly, but the male fire dragon did not care about these missiles at this moment, a roar rang out in the fog, this violent male fire dragon opened his blood basin and hurled out, and he collided with Garulu for a moment. together.

The male fire dragon shrank back with a sullen noise, but Gallulu screamed and rolled out. The huge mechanical body was hit and flew out for hundreds of meters, and it also made several rolls on the ground.

"Hou ~~" A loud roar, my ears screamed, and then Gallulu's body vibrated constantly. At this time, I saw the male fire dragon stepping on Garulu through his vision. One paw holds Galulu and the other paws keeps stepping on Galulu's body. Although Galulu is a steel bar, the fire dragon can't help it for a while. But I found that even Galulu Life is still falling out

A demonstrative dragon yell and howl shook the world, the amber dragon appeared behind the male fire dragon, and the claws of the dragon with a blue fire cone slammed against the male fire dragon!


Immediately afterwards, a flame was sprayed behind the male fire dragon, and the damage number of 3914 floated out. At the same time, a muzzle of the Gatling blast dragon counted out the light and madly blasted at the male fire dragon.

Feeling the crisis, the male fire dragon immediately gave up the idea of ​​pulling Gallulu apart and dragging me out, his wings fled to the sky, but it did not expect that the 'navigation light' of the Gatling explosion dragon could be traced. The light flew up immediately after catching up!

"Boom boom!" The impact exploded on the male fire dragon, at the same time the amber dragon on the ground opened his blood basin and opened a mouthful of dragon groan, and his four claws flew towards the male fire dragon!

I also took this opportunity to straighten Gallulu's body straight and screamed loudly. The cannon on Gallulu's back was facing the sky, but the roaring fire dragon roared, and fireballs spouted from his mouth.

The closest Amber Dragon to it was caught off guard by a fireball and couldn't help but send out a tragic, "Boom" sound, a giant body giant fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground, and a huge crack suddenly appeared on the ground.

At the same time, he fired a cannon, "Roar!" The fire dragon roared violently, suddenly twisted, and the shell was avoided by it.

"Bang", I still don't know what is going on. The male fire dragon suddenly appeared in front of the giant dragon tail, and saw Galulu's body in the picture. Then, Galulu gave a muffled hum, and the next moment he was taken Popped out of the cockpit and flew far.

It turned out that Galulu's life was zero, and I returned to the summoning beast space to sleep, and I was bounced out. At this time, the fire dragon's gaze was still aimed at me, and opened his mouth, a huge fireball. Was sprayed out! In the air, I couldn't escape, and I started to attack and resist.

The huge shock dropped me on the ground like this, and my blood exploded. At this time I wanted to take medicine to add, but at this time, the dragon flew sharply. Between the electric light flint that I swallowed, the giant dragon The tail blasted on me.

There was a spit of blood in his mouth, and cracks appeared in the armor, feeling that the body was cracking. The blood dropped instantly to 12,150 points. Following me, the cold and ruthless dragon eyes watched, and the claws of the dragon fell.

I slammed the red-eyed dragon gun forward, blocking the huge dragon claw, but the power of the male fire dragon was too much for me. The strong power of the dragon claw kept pressing my body into the ground, and the male fire dragon roared. !! The huge dragon claw lifted up suddenly and then stepped on the "Boom!" With a violent blow. The land around me exploded. Since a pothole was shaken out, the male fire dragon roared like thunder for a long time.

The pair of huge sharp claws of the male fire dragon kept scratching and stepping on me. I rolled left and right under it, and from time to time I used a red-eyed dragon gun to resist a pair of dragon claws. Still being bombarded constantly, Qi and Blood quickly dropped to the 3,530-point seat.

And against this overwhelming and powerful male fire dragon, can only keep roaring and resisting, but has no ability to resist at all.

"White Dragon Shield!" A painful roar, the cooled White Dragon Shield turned on again, but the male fire dragon still kept stepping on me, roaring constantly in his mouth, roaring like thunder, and the howl was full of anger .

Although the White Dragon Shield has 50,000 points of persistence, it suffered a constant crazy bombardment by the male fire dragon. The persistence decreased a little, and soon fell below 10,000 points. After seeing it, it will soon be zero and broken. To die.

Not reconciled, never reconciled, I have not been so easily defeated! Never die here!

"Absorb the Blood Shield! I can't fall, I can't lose!" This roar suddenly burst out the horrible fluctuations of energy, and a **** shield appeared in front of the moment when the White Dragon Shield was completely broken.

The violent attack of the male fire dragon was originally absorbed by this shield, and I was surprised to find that while his blood was constantly rising, it was originally torn by the broken body and was being repaired at a rate visible to the naked eye. This' absorbs the blood shield 'The power was far beyond my imagination. The male fire dragon opened his mouth and blew a fireball again.

The fireball rushed and exploded after touching the shield outside. The damage caused restored my vitality. This absorption of blood shield is an invincible skill in disguise. It is impossible to hurt me with this thing in all things.

The male fire dragon shouted and retreated. This guy has a high AI. It knows that it won't hurt me. After the shield that hinders his attack disappears, it will tear and crush the tiny human in front of it again! At this moment, a smirk appeared at the corner of the male fire dragon's mouth, staring at the blood-colored shield that gradually disappeared outside my body, the claws of the dragon slightly lifted up, and only when the shield disappeared, he threw it out, and once again he fought viciously!

Seeing the huge claws of the male fire dragon, real and fake moves were performed, and this terrible blow was immediately avoided, followed by a knock on the breastplate, ‘Dragon Soul Roar! ‘Launched, a giant energy dragon appeared, and the dragon's tail gave a strong blow to the male fire dragon. Even if the male fire dragon was strong, he couldn't help humming, and his hill-like body suddenly fell.

Immediately after the roaring energy dragon's roaring past entangled this male fire dragon, the energy dragon caused damage every second and kept floating out of the male fire dragon, I came to the fire once to pour the 'ghost dragon gunshot' to start, the five ghost dragon Roaring out, wrapped around the male fire dragon's body, biting its dragon scales, the male fire dragon was deafening with pain and roar.

"Ark!" Just when the fiery dragon was ecstatic by the energy dragon and ghost dragon, summoned the ark to help out, followed by the effect of the seal of the beast **** again to start the seriously injured amber dragon transfigured on his arm, the dragon The arm appears again.

At this moment, the tormented male fire dragon was very angry. The explosion of the ghost dragon and the bite of the energy dragon's claws caused the scales on it to crack out a few pieces. At this time, there was a huge body appearing in front of it, letting The angry fire dragon was very upset and wanted to pass with a fierce spit, but did not want a huge fist on his head.

"Boom" made a loud noise, the male fire dragon couldn't bear the weight of this punch, and his head fell to the ground, his face was pressed to the ground and he couldn't move.

"嚎-!" The dragon king's head was pressed against the ground to eat dust, and his indignation was extremely extreme. The tail behind him was instantly raised high, and the volley slammed fiercely.

But the ark roared at this time, and the other arm extended, catching the root of the dragon's tail, a sudden howling came out of his mouth, and the other hand also grabbed it, holding the tail of the flaming dragon with both hands and pulling it to fly. When he got up, he threw it out again.

The body of the male fire dragon is a bit smaller than the ark, and being thrown out in this way is just like playing, roaring constantly in the mouth of the male fire dragon that rolls on the ground, and stumbled up after hundreds of meters, then began to stir wings.

I shouted, "The ark guy is going to run away!"

Ark said, "Go after it!"

"How to chase?"

"Follow me!" As I was grabbed by him and held in his palm, an unknown feeling suddenly appeared. I remember that this guy basically didn't take my master seriously, and then unexpected and unexpected things happened. After sending it, the ark made a ball-throwing action, then it looked at the male dragon flying into the air and threw me like a ball!

Immediately I flew up, my body rubbed against the air, and the oncoming wind hurt me, and then my eyes slammed as if I had fallen on something, and then I saw my A pair of very red and bright lights appeared in front of them, like a burning flame, constantly twisting and beating.

Of course, this is not a flame, but a pair of eyes, a pair of eyes that are strangely large, and no doubt the eyes of the male dragon, full of anger, and horrifying murderous gas.

"Roar!" Ru Lei's roar came from under him, his head lifted, and my body suddenly emptied. At the same time, Xiong Huolong opened his mouth and I thought I would eat me, but this time I thought wrong Then, I saw a flame burning in the hollow of the dragon's mouth, and then sprayed out!

Asuka Hanazuki! I want to turn on the flying skills. I fluttered in the air, the fireball passed by my side, and then I controlled the wings to draw an arc in the air, and fell on the back of the male fire dragon. Lan only flew for a few seconds. Lan was not far enough. At this time, the potion was absolutely not enough, so he took out the magic stone that had been useless before and absorbed it to fill it with blue.

And then! Roar! The roaring fire dragon roared.

Then came a violent wind sound and violent sound wave vibration. At this moment, the male fire dragon stirred up huge wings!

This guy started to climb. At this time, I quickly hugged the raised seat behind the male fire dragon. Suddenly the male fire dragon changed direction in a volley. I just felt that it turned around for a while and was almost thrown out.

However, I still hugged the raised part on its back firmly, this guy was tossing and tossing in the air, all kinds of incredibly difficult volleys and rolls, trying to throw me away from the back, at this time I just felt the world spin, full Starry, NND! I tell you to turn again!

Hold the raised seat with your right hand and the left arm of the dragon's arm to launch a 'barrier smash' and punch the back of the male fire dragon!

"Roar!" The roaring dragon roared, tossing more fiercely! My whole body is like a piece of kraft sugar, clinging to the dragon's back, and drifting up and down with the terrible rolling of the dragon.

However, I still gritted my teeth, infused the power into the right arm and hugged the raised seat tightly, and left-handedly banged on the back of the male fire dragon. The effect of the ripper reduced the opponent's maximum blood value with each unarmed attack 4 % Of blood, this situation is just now used, don't let me not fall down, I can be sure to knock this guy alive.

That's how the dragon arm constantly beats at the same place, but the male fire dragon is tossing more vigorously. As its strength increases, it brings a strong wind resistance, as if a huge force wants to take me away from the dragon. I was stunned, and I was still rolling in the air. I just felt that the sky was swirling around, and the river turned over!

But suddenly the male fire dragon did not roll but accelerated suddenly, so that my body could no longer rest on the dragon's back securely and steady, but rose up backwards with the wind.

The only thing that can help me keep me from falling out of the raised seat on the back of the dragon.

Never let go anyway! Looking at the seat that has been sunk by me, the dragon arm once again burned a cyan flame!

Barriers break!

With a hissing noise, a crack was cracked on the back of the male fire dragon, and the dragon's arm directly extended into the crack. At this moment, I felt that the front of the dragon's arm was the head of the amber dragon. At this moment, it seemed to bite something, and then I fierce As soon as the ground was pumped, I saw that a blood was drawn out! At the same time, the male fire dragon roared, and its body suddenly fell down softly, as if it had lost all its power in an instant.

But suddenly a problem is that it is hundreds of meters high. If he is weak here, wouldn't he fall down ~~~~! !! !!

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