Master Summoner Online

Chapter 492: Devil's Kiss Strikes

After taking a rest the next night and re-entering the battle, with Longxin, a reliable AOE, the leveling speed once again prompted it to improve by one level.

Pulling the three to level 50 was originally not enough for three days, but yesterday's "hermaphroditic fire" solved this problem for me. It can be said that the task was successfully completed in advance. Thousands of monsters of all kinds fell to my hands, and I also carefully controlled the rhythm of killing the monsters, avoiding the brush too fast, not refreshing, or incurring some big bosses that I could not beat. Leading the monster's revenge, under our orderly brushing monsters, this worst case did not occur.

I originally wanted to bring the three to level 50 and it was over. Unexpectedly, the experience of those three goods was addictive. I just wanted to bring them to level 50. Of course, this is also a fee. We do n’t do anything that hurts. The three people received 500 gold coins each. This price can be said to be a lion ’s mouth, but these three really got me 1,500 gold coins. For the sake of money, I took these three to level 50. The boss monsters around Tianlong City were basically not brushed by me except those who did not dare to mess with them.

Under the feet, the golden light shone! The blue melancholy, the small bridge flowing, and the pig watching the beautiful women jumped to level 50. With the exception of the shot, everyone called me to seek brother and lollipop to rise to the third level. It can be said that the task was exceeded.

The three-day training is not as boring and extremely tedious as imaginary, because a series of events made the leveling very interesting, and the harvest is indeed quite rich. The two big bosses just broke out the equipment. There are quite a few, double the rate of fun, I also double the experience, killing mobs helped me to rise to level 94, this level is already very high, can be regarded as the best, now the ranking list is the sky The list has no meaning, because the player's name can be hidden, and God knows in which corner there is a leveling fanatic with a super high level.

"Brother of the Beast God! Thank you so much! If it wasn't for meeting you, it would be great for us to rise to such a level. Let's go back together, and we invite you to have a meal!" Said the beautiful **** a pig, laughing and groaning. After the Beast God, they were not called 'Leading Brothers' but instead changed to Beast God. In other words, the name of Beast God is much better than Weiweilong!

I waved and said, "You don't have to eat that whole thing, and you can't really fill your stomach with that stuff. I know what you will do in the future."

Riding a pig to see a beautiful woman posing in a river and a lake gestures with a fist: "As soon as my friends and I go out and break, the beast **** brother will have a period!"

"Beast God Beast, bye!" Said Blue Melancholy.

"Goodbye, Brother Beast God." This is Xiaoqiao Liushui's farewell.

"Goodbye!" I waved and said goodbye to the sight of a few people disappearing into the vast crowd, I have no worries, this was just a business.

Farewell to the three, I also said, "Let's go to the teacher!"

The three nodded, and then our team teleported to the capital of the dragon, where they asked the martial arts to perform the etiquette at the Royal Martial Art Museum in the capital of the dragon.

When I walked into the Wuguan, I saw a lot of people here. Outside of the players, there were two rows of NPC soldiers standing back and forth, one by one, with serious expressions, and stood extremely indifferently. We went into the hall of the Wuguan. I saw a tall and mighty NPC officer leaning on a chair, and the words 'wujuren' on his head revealed his identity.

I immediately stepped forward and asked, "Wuju people, I want to worship the etiquette with my apprentice!"

Wu Juren said after a large number of three people: "Yes, yes, all three very good disciples in the training department at once, you are indeed a famous teacher, the empire needs talents like you, OK! Not much to say, this title gives you to you It ’s helpful to improve your strength! "

"Ding ~! Congratulations to the player Weiweilong, bring out three outstanding masters, get experience points: 300,000 points, gold coins: 10 million, and get the title‘ Generation Master! ’”

I was very excited. In addition to the title, there were experience and rewards of gold coins. Although these experiences were completely a waste of money to me, the money was very good. At the same time, I asked them, "What reward do you get!"

Everyone called me to seek brother: "I got a green suit for the assassin. Although the attributes are not high, but better than the miscellaneous cards on my body."

One shot to the end: "Three skill books dedicated to archers!"

Lollipop said: "I got a summoned beast of the mech!"

It seems that everyone has obtained very good things. I then asked: "Yes, everyone, what do you want to do in the future, and if you are not interested in coming to my guild, let's fight the world together!"

Lollipop said cheerfully: "I join! I join! As long as you can follow the master!"

Everyone asked me to look for brother and laughed: "Yes, I must have a better appearance rate after joining."

One shot said in the end: "I can't, thank you for taking me to this level, so that I have the ability to start from scratch. Next, I will go out to practice. When the return comes, I will challenge you!

I said, "Anytime!"

Yi shot in the end and said, "So farewell!" Said walking towards the door! Everyone asked me to mumble and mumble, "Pretend B!"

I looked at the shot and left my sight. The guy was really arrogant. Lollipop said, "Master, you haven't accepted us into the guild yet!"

I patted my head and said, "I almost forgot!" After that, I sent them an application to join the guild and accepted them into the guild.

Suddenly Ye Shuang heard the news: "Brother, where are you?"

"Get started!"

"Brother! Yesterday, the boy who danced in the flower hit a gang to set up our third alliance, and now with hundreds of people in the team to level up in the nightmare forest, I didn't expect the devil's kiss. The group of idiots didn't know which one. I was wrong and actually sent more than 2,000 people to block our people in one breath. Now the people inside can't get out, and the number is not enough. I just organized my brethren to prepare to kill them and also informed Brother, please! "

I frowned slightly, the lost soul boy finally started to work, I thought he would wait for us to come to trouble until the end of the double, and did not want to do so soon, I sent a message and asked: "I know, immediately notify all Dragon Tooth player, the previous destination rescued our companions! "


I went on, "What is the name of the Third League!"

Ye Shuang: "Drunk Silver Club!"

Me: "" What kind of guild is what group.

I closed the call and told everyone the news. I immediately brought it outside the city and called the Amber Dragon. Then I quickly hurried to the nightmare forest and sent a message to Wu Canhua: "What is your situation now? ? "

"Not good! The group of guys surrounded us to death, but there are now more than 2,000 Demon Kiss players in the Nightmare Forest of the Beast God. They keep harassing us and keep us from fighting, and I find that they don't seem to be in a hurry. Attack, if the more than two thousand people attack together, I only have about 500 people, and I can't beat them! "

I said, "You find a way to delay as much as you can, wait until the big troops come, don't act lightly!"

Wu Canhua: "I know, but I always find it weird!"

"It's good to be vigilant. Anything in this world can happen. Right, stabilize your troops first, and the big troops will come right away!"

From the map, the nightmare jungle is located to the west of the dark forest. It belongs to the advanced leveling area. The map is not large, but it surrounds people without killing them. What medicine is sold in the gourd of the lost soul, and I always feel a little bit in my heart The ups and downs, the eyelids kept jumping, my instinct told me that the provocation was definitely not that simple.

A careful reminder occurred on the Guild Channel. The Dark Forest is the basic leveling area around the Dragon City. The monsters are all around 40 to 70. The nightmare jungle is an absolute high leveling area. The basic monster is at level 70. Above, there are so many bosses. There are a lot of ordinary monster roots, which is very suitable for leveling. This leveling treasure has been found very early. However, at that time, the player's level could not be leveled, but now it is a very good place! But the only bad thing is that the nightmare jungle and the dark forest are separated by a zone called the Great Rift Valley. The Great Rift Valley is bottomless. The two are connected by only a huge stone bridge. An entrance, if it is held, it will be very difficult for the people inside to come out!

Through the dark forest, at this time, you can see that there are four or five bird monsters hovering in the air of the Great Rift. The eyes of the fire are swept by the players. These are only flying intermediate beasts. The grade is only intermediate, but it has an absolute vision advantage in the air. As soon as someone was found approaching, the summoned beast would inform the summoner of the news, so I descended to the ground first. The trees here are very tall and very concealed. So we, walking through the woods, relying on the thick branches, must watch the sky to detect , Slowly approaching the Grand Canyon, not far away at this time, on a small open field, there is a group of many thick-clad long bear monsters and a dozen players started a torn.

This group of bear monsters is about three meters high. A pair of huge claws looks daunting. The most striking thing is that they have a horn on their head and the scales all over them make them look dangerous and ugly.

The information of this group of monsters jumping out of my scanner is a level 70 elite beast unicorn bear, which is a more powerful monster in the dark forest. Fighting with these strange bears is a guild player 'Devil's Kiss' It seems this group The guy ca n’t do anything to kill the monsters by the way. Compared to this group of people, there is an animal trainer. The flying summoned beast is of course a guard. As long as someone approaches, they will report them. However, there must be a few secrets. They are too relaxed. I only know to kill monsters, I don't know if we have mixed in!

Looking at the number of these players is about twelve or three, the level is about 60, which is quite low. Now the mainstream level can be between 70 and 85. Among these people, a 75-level Berserker should be this squad. Captain, he took these sixty players to deal with these strange bears.

Each of these unicorns is also very powerful, like a heavy tank, launching a **** kill with the players.

At this point, the bodies of more than a dozen weird bears have fallen on the ground. Players have not been killed. Here is the only way to go to the stone bridge outside the Great Rift Valley. After all, the stone bridge is controlled by the troops. , So he was going to kill the guy first, and at the same time sent a message to Wu Canhua: "How are you doing now?"

"Not great, we deal with them in the jungle! Try to delay as much as possible."

"Okay! I'll find a way now to take down the stone bridge. After that, we will tear a hole from the outside and get you out."

Wu Can Hua said: "I see, right! There are more than 100 senior players guarding them at Shiqiao, you must be careful!"

I laughed and said, "Rest assured!" After speaking, I switched off the phone and was ready to take down the team!

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