Master Summoner Online

Chapter 515: Snow Mountain Night Battle (2)

"Very confident!" The man in purple armor sneered.

I couldn't help but smile: "That's right, let the horses come! I will do my best to deal with you!"

"That's what you said." The other snorted, "Go!"

Immediately the eleven people spread out, and then suddenly a few dark shadows flashed in front of them. These people started. At the next moment, three people appeared next to me, three wearing black armor, and almost came around. At the same time, he flared his sword with his sword!

I wake up instantly! Attack! The shield unfolded at the same time. Three swords fell on the shield. The shield kept shaking and then broke instantly.




Three damage values ​​exploded at the same time on the forehead, and the qi and blood were removed instantly, **** it! This group of guys is really not a casual generation. Just when I was impacted, two people rushed on both sides. Above them were a pair of black steel-like gloves. The two combatants turned on the BUFF light. With a swift drink, the height of Mount Tai was raised three or four meters high, and then volleyed, and behind them appeared the tiger tiger boxing "Tiger Tiger Fist".

White Dragon Shield! The engraved shield of the blue-eyed and white dragon emerged. Two tiger fist punches landed on the shield and immediately dropped 10,000 points at the same time. At the same time, the flames spit out and the flame immediately swallowed the two, but they fled alone. When it came out, I immediately made a lightning announcement to that player!

The red-eyed dragon gun pierced his body with lightning. At this moment, the left wing shouted in his mouth, and a blue light array appeared under his feet. A huge angel emerged from the light array, followed closely by the two. Combined into one, turned into a male angel in armor about two meters away.

In my heart, since there is still a druid with a god-level angel summoning beast, after the other party is transformed, a cry is heard in the mouth, a silver spear appears in his hand, and the spear is cast into a flight during the flight. Huge lightning splits.

With a roar, the stabbed Sanda came to the lightning and found that it was thrown in the past. Although the attack with the team will not cause damage, it will hurt. After throwing it, it will retreat immediately. The group in front of them is obviously trained in battle. What comes out is definitely not comparable when the grand development of the exhibition is made with RMB.

The few players who have just shot are very extraordinary. After the Sanda took over the lightning for me, a carp stood up immediately, followed by two Sanda three warrior professional players at the same time. Wipe out in one fell swoop.

The situation is critical. I want to break the waves without thinking. I slammed on the ground and immediately broke apart. Five or six water columns rose into the sky and turned into water dragons. I greeted the people who had attacked. Then Gallulu and Gatling Blast Dragons summoned to join the battle at the same time.

One of the first two Sanda Roars was caught by the Dragon, and the other man hummed in his mouth. The Sanda skills broke out, and a morale ripple was blown out from both fists. He immediately met a water dragon and shattered it. At the same time, a soldier rushed on a soldier to take the lead and rushed forward to attract three water dragons to attack, and another two companions rushed with a stream of "slamming sword!"

Then the druid took the spear in his hand to the sky, and the countless spears appeared in the sky, and then fell at the same moment.

"Gatling blasts the dragon, Galuru greets!" The two beasts roared, the explosion breath and the laser greeted the two swordsmen at the same time, I also launched a hundred ghosts night strike to fly the Sanda, but at this time countless spears have been fall.

"An acidic potion!" A sneer sneered, and then a bottle of purple liquid was thrown over. I looked up and saw that bottle of purple liquid burst and poured me all at once!

"Ding ~! You are affected by acidic liquids, the defense drops by 30% and the silence cannot move, for 1 second!"

For a moment, I was so scared that the spirit was flying! Unexpectedly, the other side also hid a senior pharmacist profession "Garuru! Frozen Missile! Gatling Blast Dragon! Navigation light! Attack that Druid!"

The artillery fire arrived and swept the group of players in front of it. The explosion splattered numerous snowflakes. At the same time, the navigation light bypassed everyone in the Druid. He turned and immediately followed by a laser shot at the Druid. , Want to open the defensive skills can be laser range faster his body screamed, the body broke away from the waist.

Druids can have a few cells of blood. If they do not die, they will have ghosts. You can kill Druids almost at the same time. Several angers rang out, and the skills of the people around them fell down. He screamed and screamed for a few strokes, tumbling down and spitting out blood.

"Master-!" Black God and Tianzhao yelled, and they cut them off at the two of them at once, and then rushed over to me, but the two stood up quickly and watched the person against Tianzhao Raising the black giant sword in his hand and waving it to Tianzhao from the back can't imagine Tianzhao being short. This sword passed above Tianzhao's helmet.

Tian Zhao turned around quickly and sent out with two knives. This action was fast, the man was broken and caught a terrible cry. Tian Zhao pushed forward and let loose the man, then fell back and left the knife on his body. Tian Zhao fluttered up again and again, her hands pressed against the head of the man, it should be the eyebrow seat, the dance of blood slammed down and ...

One punch, two punches, three punches ... the man's head was shattered and he was killed on the spot. On the other side, the black **** slammed sharply. The sickle chopped the other person, then waved continuously, chopping it into several sections.

At this moment, several other people couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioning. They estimated that they never expected that these two MMs were so powerful, and I stood up in front of me who would pull out the two swords and the black **** together. Use a bloodstone to fill the blood.

"It's really strong, how long did it take me to lose three of them!" The head of the purple armored man looked cold, with one hand on his back, and the other hand waved coldly: "Up!"

Suddenly, nine people rushed on, and the powerfuls came together and bombarded them.

I didn't budge. I was ready to meet but I didn't want to hear a long howl in my ear. Instantly, I saw a huge magic array behind me, the magic array turned, and a huge incomparable body emerged from the magic array!

At this instant everyone, including the one who was headed, couldn't help but take a step back, and the next moment couldn't help but be taken aback.

A phantom emerged, followed by a dark shadow, and a huge and strange claw fell. A "bang" made a terrible noise. The first three soldiers who attacked could not be stopped, and they were swung away by one claw. .

Then, a monster that was too large to imagine, the ghost slowly turned into an entity, revealing its true form.

There was a roar of dragon groan, the most majestic voice between dragon and world, but it saw its huge red body over thirty or forty meters, with a pair of red wings covering the sky flying behind, two dragon claws on the ground, a pair of dragons, majestic You ’re a god, but you also despise the small life underneath

"Roaring!" Suddenly bowed his head, sending out a long, screaming dragon that shook the world.

"What is this!" Suddenly shouted alone.

"Dragon?" Someone screamed.

This dragon is my most disobedient calling beast 'Ark'. I didn't intend to call it, but it ran over by myself. The destructive absolute coercion emanating from the ark made everyone around me feel inexplicable. Heart palpitated, this card made me feel as if suddenly suddenly become as tall as a ridge in the mountains, unbreakable and overwhelmingly powerful.

"Ah!" After a brief silence, one of the two Sanda rushed out with rage, with various skills and a fierce blow.

The corner of the ark's mouth moved slightly, and these guys were totally vulnerable in the eyes of the ark! The ark popped a claw to resist, and it had eight thousand points of defense. These attacks did not reduce it by even a little life.

With the help of the dragon claw, the man was pinched in the palm of his hand, then tightened, and the crisp sound sounded like a burst of beans. The Sanda screamed with heartbreaking, and was pinched to death by the ark!

It ’s terrible. It ’s indescribable. The ark that I have n’t said a word has taken the initiative. This time, the dragon's claw swept a large amount of snow on the snow. Seven or eight people were overturned at the same time. These people stood up, not to mention that they didn't have time to stand up at all. Another giant dragon claw swept over these people's seats, and the next moment, a scream of screaming, screamed, containing a tremendous amount of fear.

Then the Ark's claws fell heavily on the ground, "Boom!" A loud noise, and then the Ark roared like a rolling thunder. This roar forced me to cover my ears and open my mouth.

After the roar was over, I saw at this moment that one body after another fell on the snow in front of the body, some were fragmented by the body, some were turned into a pile of rotten meat, and the seven holes bleed, and the worse brain blew off the blood brain. One place.

"Haha, I haven't loosened my bones for a while, and the boy has left you to be the third one, I'm sleepy!" He said a big yawn and disappeared into the air.

The state of the Ark in the summoned beast space became dormant. I watched a bitter smile. In front of the absolute power, the cooperation and skills were jokes. The leader of this operation, the man with purple armor, was already furious at this moment. Then, two earthworm-like green tendons suddenly rose from the temples on both sides, and a strong anger rushed straight into the brain.

The red-eyed dragon gun came out and said, "Come on!"

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