Master Summoner Online

Chapter 540: Evil Rambler

Brush constantly!

I spent a whole afternoon here constantly brushing and brushing. I completely finished my time and meals, brushed several passages and three halls. After I cleared nearly 500 monsters of various types in the fourth hall, it was already 9pm. The time passed so fast, I found a place to sit down and summoned the beasts to alert me. I started to organize my backpack and throw away all the scattered equipment and only pack it. I counted the recovery of one afternoon and one night. I have 13 A total of 21 sets of dead grudge suits and eight blood soul suits can achieve such a good performance and my lucky value is inseparable. This set is also said to be silver loading. At this stage, gold and silver are mainstream equipment, including sets. That's quite valuable, and this stage should be a long time for this.

After eating a supper to fill your belly, continue


After going online, we continued to kill monsters and searched for the way to leave here. After another hour here, the black **** chopped the last barbarian ripper in this channel into pieces, and we continued to wander for more than 20 minutes. The three of me And the summoned beasts came to the new hall but looked far away, and saw a lot of monsters walking around the hall. These guys are larger than the savage ripper, and it is estimated that they are over 130 . In the middle of the hall, a huge monster was sleeping and curled up. He was probably a BOSS, and he returned a very powerful BOSS.

However, before hitting the boss, let's get to the younger brother. Then, Tian Zhao came forward to draw the monsters, first sneaked and then slowly approached the hall, and slashed at the back of the monster near the entrance. -863 damage numbers floated from this guy, and Tian Zhao immediately retreated. This guy was indeed much stronger than those elite beasts. Tian Zhao hadn't cut out a thousand injuries, and this guy's defense was not covered. It must be a very difficult one.

When Tianzhao retreated to me, the monster rushed out, and luck was very good. Only one of them followed, nothing to say, **** up.

Fire eye golden eyes scan first-

Evil Rambler, Level 130 Mutant Beast, Introduction: The mysterious castle owner once captured a group of beasts into the castle and fed them a special feed. The beasts who ate these feeds evolved into evil walkers after a period of evolution. These The violent and irrational beast has very powerful power, and its armor is harder than steel. Many adventurers who enter the castle die under the steel claws of this evil rambler.

The evil rambler waved his claws from side to side, and several of us flew back as far as possible to take this guy away from the hall. We carried out simple attacks along the way to ensure that we could not hate, and started after we got to a certain distance! Rushing forward, the left arm turned into a dragon arm.

"Barriers break!"

The cyan flame wrapped the entire dragon arm into the dragon's head and differentiated into a cyan fire cone. It slammed on the evil rambler, shaking the guy's huge body, exploding -5904 points of damage. It was not bad, and the barriers were very powerful.

The attacked evil rambler roared and waved his huge claws and swept over. I quickly dodged, and the other side of the sky jumped up and gave this guy a head shot-1753. I also took the home-made red-eyed dragon gun to stab -1474. The normal attack is not powerful. The summoned beasts also launched onslaughts this time. Numerous missiles smashed their heads and covered their faces and shook the evil walkers.

But this guy is not vegetarian, he growled wildly, a paw lifted up with a red and black energy, and I flew away immediately, but then this guy's other claw fisted on me, Inevitable, flew away immediately-


Well, very aggressive attack!

Immediately following the roar of the evil rambler, the two claws suddenly waved out together, and immediately, four very crescent-shaped crescent-shaped energy waves from its claws flew over to me.

The wind howling from the energy wave in the air is screaming. This terrible power is obviously not a hard stop. I shouted, "Quick flash!" The first person rolled on the ground to avoid a wave of energy.

Amaterasu, the Black God and the summoned beasts also fled.

This time, the evil rambler rushed over and tried to kill me in one shot, but my summoned beasts would not allow it. Various missiles and lasers drowned it, but then unexpectedly, I could n’t think of this evil Since the rambler spewed an ice cone from his mouth, he was caught by the ice cone, and the ice cone penetrated the armor and pierced his chest.

For an instant, Qi and blood frenzy decreased by more than 5000 points.

At the same time, with a terrible blast, he was lifted upside down by a strong impact, and fell far away five meters away.

"Master!" Tian Zhao and the Black God screamed in horror at the same time, two swords unfolded and slashed at the evil rambler, and at the same time, Gallulu and Gatling Booming Dragon seemed to have the same feeling at the moment and roared and launched a storm.

"Abominable!" I took a sip to remove the ice cone from my body, and then treated the wound with aerotherapy. Fortunately, my dragon soul's armor was highly defensive or my whole body had to be pierced.

Stand up and swallow a pile of potion to fill the blood and then go in to kill. This will suddenly bring out a death cross, and the -2234 damage number will float from the evil walker's head. The Black God did not wait for the other party to respond, and immediately rushed up and kicked to destroy the charge. He kicked the evil wanderer's ankle fiercely. The evil wanderer suddenly fell on one knee, Gatling Blast Dragon and Gallulu. It is also not ambiguous that bullets, missiles, and lasers attacked continuously. At this moment, the evil rambler's head continued to emit damage figures.

"Roar ~ Roar ~" There was a fierce onslaught, and the wicked rambler was very angry. Suddenly, a black flame ignited on the claws and swept directly to the sky. As soon as the agile skylight was lowered, the claws swept over her head. At the same time, the other person's other paw was raised high, and patted to Tianzhao.

"Yeah!" The black **** sang and drew a knife at the other side. The evil walker who was attacked immediately turned around and gave her a claw and was blown away nearly 2 meters, and fell directly to my feet. An injury of -4872 came from the head.

At this time, the evil rambler came, and I quickly topped the opponent's paw before the black god. I turned on the hard attack, the shield lasted 5,000 points, and the lasting moment returned to zero. I also bounced this guy's paw. A Lulu shell attacked the BOSS. Fortunately, this cannonball is a frozen explosive that instantly freezes the evil rambler. The next string of frantic attacks unlocks the evil rambler and restores its ability to move. Then we fight for a while and this guy sighs and falls down. under.

This guy is really difficult to deal with. If you come over both ends at once, it will be troublesome. Then take a rest and continue. Tianzhao will lead an evil rambler over, and then pull it out a distance. Then everyone will slash. Garu Lu's artillery shells can be fired continuously, and it can be frozen. After being frozen, we immediately rush to the skill to start a mammoth. If it is avoided, the black **** will go to the top and play it for a while, waiting for the next moment to fill the frozen bomb, and then go up again.

Using this set of tricks, we were slowly grinding monsters, and it took about an hour. Finally cleared those little brother-level guys. Monsters are very experienced, and there is still a long way to go to level 98.

Then I knocked on the boss, and everyone walked into the hall. The curler's big guy started to move this time. The body stretched. I can see that this guy is a huge **** body, about 20 meters in length, looks like a dragon, but the angle It's very short. There are four feet that are not long. There is a hard thorn on the tip of the tail. This guy's eyebrows have protruding meat crosses between the eyes.

Venomous Mammoth, a 127-level elite boss, introduction: 蛟 often fights for control of lakes and other places. Powerful 蛟 can win a more comfortable lake, while weak 蛟 can only live in small In ponds or rivers, after five hundred years of tadpoles immersed in cold water, they can emerge as dragons and ascend to the sky, but not all tadpoles can ascend to the sky, and some of them have flowed into the sea and become subordinates of the dragon king, being forced Live an imperial court life, and this cricket is even more unfortunate. It was caught by the castle owner before it had fully emerged as a dragon, and was fed with a highly toxic drug, which did not kill it. Instead, its blood is full of toxicity and there is a poison sac in its throat, which contains the poisonous venom extracted from the blood, and it also has the ability to spray venom, making it famous as a castle. Fierce beast.

My obedient guy is more fierce than that tyrant, and the words "fierce beast" are marked on the information. I think that this guy is probably the fierce beast in that sentence. It seems that it was transmitted to the mission because it is needed. Well, no matter how many this beast must be defeated.

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