Master Summoner Online

Chapter 546: Outer player

After reading their attributes, I could n’t help but take a breath. The attributes of the sky have not changed, but the skills have been changed to become more practical, and the black **** is more exaggerated. Improper skills have been changed, even the attributes have been changed, and the attack and defense have not changed. Da Ke's life has doubled nearly 100,000 lives, more than 4,000 defenses, and is indeed the representative of the female tank.

correct! equipment! Thinking of this, I quickly ran out of the tent and saw that guy ’s equipment was still lying tight, but the color and dimness were a lot, and if I did n’t pick it up quickly, it was refreshed by the system, quickly gathered up and quickly drilled The tent is offline because I have a very important thing to do.

The next day I stretched out of the room, but at this time I found that the four beautiful women in the family had already been sitting in the living room. They were looking at themselves with a very curious look. I was absolutely certain what password was on my body. It's gone, but in order not to expose what happened last night, I yelled "Early!" And then calmly walked into the living room, but how can I always feel so nervous inside.

I said, "What's wrong with you?" Fire Dance couldn't help but burst out a laugh, and then the other three also laughed. I was suddenly confused and asked: "What's wrong?" "

Long Xin laughed: "Nothing, no brother, you don't care!" The little girl was laughing, and three pairs of wonderful eyes were scanned around my crotch from time to time. I pretended to be calm and walked to the table. Sit down, thankfully I got up in the middle of the night yesterday and washed my underwear to destroy the evidence, otherwise I can't say clearly this morning.

But how did I feel so distorted at this breakfast? Did they witness the process of destroying the evidence? I can't think about it, I can't think about it, and absolutely can't expose anything, but I want to bring it into the coffin.

Then we talked about the game. I also shared the set of things with the girls, and then quickly went into the room to go online for fear of a basket.

At this time, the two MMs were sitting beside themselves and said at the same time, "Master! Early!"

"Early!" I said.

The black **** said: "Master ... we."

I said very seriously, "It's a game, but since that happened between us ... as a man, I should be responsible to you."

"Responsible?" The two seemed to hear something very strange, looking at each other.

"Did I say something?" I was so confused by them that I really took away the purity of both of them (although it was just a game), and it was only natural to take responsibility.

The black **** said: "Do n’t say that, in fact, it is our side that needs to take responsibility. From the moment we come to you, we will be responsible for your life in the game. Even if you give us ... Said her blusher.

"This ..." A big drop of cold sweat appeared on my forehead. "Well, let's be responsible to each other."

Tian Zhao laughed: "Yes, the host is right."

I said, "Okay, that's it. Don't mention it later!"

"Understand," the two said in unison.

Then everyone started. I also received the loot in the backpack yesterday and poured it out for review. I remember that there were a lot of things that guy burst out. Putting them out one by one immediately made my eyes bright-

Drug Dragon Battlegear (one of the Drug Dragon Sets): Not identified.

Poisonous Dragon Shoulder (one of Poisonous Dragon Sets): Not identified.

Duron Pants (one of the Duron Sets): Not identified.

Duron Boots (one of the Duron Sets): Not identified.

Helm of the Dragon (one of the Dragon Dragon suits): Not identified.

Fatal Dragon Sword (one of the Dragon Dragon Sets): Not identified.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, I was stunned, and actually burst out a complete set of equipment, this equipment is definitely not low grade, the attributes identified must be quite incredible, and then look at other thing.

Then there is something else, first a tooth-like thing-

Poison Tooth (Special Item): Fangs contaminated with the poisonous blood of Poison Dragon, its giant toxin can kill any creature in one hit. Killing monsters with this item will not generate experience or drop items. Use times: 3 times, the item disappears after use.

The Dragon's Nedan (enhancement item): Enhancement object: Weapon, Effect: Inject dragon blood poison on the target when attacking, terminate the target's own blood-recovery ability and reduce the defense ability by 10%, and maintain it for 30 minutes (half the effect on BOSS), Only one second effect cannot be applied to the same target within one hour, and it has no effect on players.

Poisonous Potion (Dispensing Potion): Material: Poison Sac x5, Scorpion Sting x3, Vial x1, requires advanced refining skills. Effectiveness: Can reduce the target's defense power by 10% (BOSS is invalid). Can be applied to weapons Effective for 10 minutes.

The last item was a pair of bones, which seemed to be the spine.

Duron skeleton: Spirit-grade material, forgeable armor.

I remember that the materials and medicinal materials can be divided into elementary, low, intermediate, advanced, highest, master, spiritual, fairy, and god. The first three levels are more common, and they will all fall off. It is relatively easy to obtain. The highest level and master level cannot be dropped. They can only be obtained through material synthesis or tasks. The last three levels can be said to be hardly found. Only three of the spiritual materials have appeared in auctions so far. I remember that it was still hanging there. The last two were completely unseen. Now it ’s not a wise decision to get one and pick it up. If you make it, you can make dark gold equipment and even surpass it. The presence of gold.

Thinking of putting things away here, Tian Zhao said: "Once the owner has this fang, we don't have to be afraid of that big cat!"

I nodded: "Yes, it's a pity that it won't produce experience and drop loot, but it's worth it if it can pass smoothly."

The black **** shrugged and said, "Master, then we have to set off quickly."

"Good departure!"

"Hmm!" The black **** and Tianzhao nodded together and the three of us got out of the tent one after the other. At this moment, the two gate gods, Garulu and Gatling, are still guarding on both sides here, so I asked: What did you hear last night? "

As soon as the two iron maggots had their heads off, they said, ‘I did n’t hear anything. ’

After seeing their performance, I nodded and said, "Go."

At this time, a door appeared in the hall should be the organ that was opened after the BOSS was defeated. The Gallolu and Gatling blasters were taken back. The three of us quickly entered the door, and saw a diagonally upward stone step, and the three accelerated. In footwork, I should be in front, and the stone steps that are obliquely upward in a short time have come to an end. A platform was revealed, but there was blood on the platform, and a body two meters down in front of me had fallen.

What I thought was a monster can be completely seen since it is a human body, and in terms of appearance, it is not an NPC, but a player! Is it possible that there are other players besides me now that this is here, and then there has been a battle here, this person's body was cut into two sections, do not eliminate a large piece of head that looks deadly.

After seeing this situation, the three of us followed the platform deep inside, through a dark stone path, and found several corpses along the way, but I found that many of these corpses, including Western whites or African blacks, In addition to this, it is obvious that there are some people I do not know, and the more forward I heard the sound of a blade attack from the front, without saying a word, the dragon arm turned into the left shoulder, and the pace at my feet accelerated.

The sound became louder and louder, and then I saw several figures emerged. At this moment, before I could clearly see the other person's appearance, the other person suddenly raised his hand, and immediately saw the two arrows flying, and I immediately lowered my body.

At the same time, there were two explosions of "Boom" and "Boom" from behind. At this time, the lurking arrow skills of the lurkers shattered the ground behind me, and then I could fly over with a blade of wind and ice.

Attack! The shield quickly opened and collided with a piece of ice glaciers. The next moment I saw three figures rushing up, and three sharp silver swords fell to myself!

"Prestige! Iron cannon!" A huge arm raised to block the attack of the three, and then the steel projectile was fired out, knocking them all into flight.

"Come on!" I yelled, the Black God and Tianzhao rushed out at the same time, and the three stood up quickly. A soldier wearing blue and red armor took the lead.

However, he rushed to Tianzhao and lowered his body and passed by the black god's sickle, tearing the enemy in half, the scarlet blood was scattered all over the ground, and the two soldiers snarled and rushed over .

At the same time, I saw a hint in my prompt bar-

"Ding ~! Your exclusive mercenary: Black God, kill the player in the United States‘ Winks ’to get 100 trial points.”

"American ?!" Before I could react, the other two players had been chopped into N blocks by Tian Zhao and the Black God, and two prompts in the field of vision were also two American players. There are also two hundred points of trial points.

It's not famous for killing people to get trial points here, and how can there be foreigners here? My head is full of doubts now. This will cause the three remote professional players in the back to see that the three in front are instantly dropped and ran away.

"Chasing!" With curiosity and questions about the matter, I immediately led them to catch up. After running about one hundred meters, I came to the top of the hall. At this moment, there were fierce battles in the hall. Guys, people from all countries, one of them is a legendary life!

At this time, the one who fought fiercely with the legendary life was a German with a height of about 1.8 meters and a career as a knight. The two played inextricably.

Another Korean female mage wrapped in a blue magic robe was fighting a tall Japanese Berserker. Unfortunately, this Korean beauty was not as good as someone who was hit by the little devil's hammer from above. His head was suddenly smashed into a head. Lumpless flesh, killed on the spot.

This little devil just killed the Korean girl. He put his eyes on me, and immediately charged his charge skills.

"Hundred ghosts walk at night!" The roaring cube sent out, and this blow hit the little devil's belly and spit it out ten meters away, and fell deeply into the wall, but he was not fatally hit by a blow, his hands and feet were still Shaking slightly.

"@ # ¥ # ¥ %%!" After uttering a bunch of bird words that no one can understand, he rushed over again, but this will appear as the storm of blood behind him directly through the chest. When the blade was pulled out, the little devil screamed, and at the same time, the black **** rushed up and drank and swung the sickle in his hand from the bottom to the top, and chopped it on the little devil's body. The armor outside the little devil's body immediately After being cut off, the two turned the little devil's bones and flesh together into pieces.

"Ding ~! Your summoning beast: Amaterasu. Kill Japanese player‘ Waseda ’to get 100 trial points.”

Just when this little Japanese was killed, the legend was in distress all his life. The knight did not know what skills he used to teleport to his back, and inserted a short knife in his hand.

At the same time, a groan was heard, and a legendary man's chest was punched by a martial artist, and he was blown out.

"Save him!" He shouted and rushed out, blocking his right hand in front of the legendary life and picking up a punch from this combatant. The left arm opened a barrier against his chest and broke into it!

The summoner who likes online games, please collect: ( The summaries of online game summoners' literature are the fastest.

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