Master Summoner Online

Chapter 556: Grey Sand Dragon

I went back home after dinner and checked the information about the castle on the Internet. Unfortunately, the information is too simple. It's all things we already know. The official hasn't released more news. It just says that things will move around. Randomly determined by the main brain, there is no regularity in the time and place of movement. It could be a few minutes. It may be a few days or even longer, and it is also marked that entering the castle will get very rich benefits, and also the extremely dangerous inside, all kinds of unexpected things will happen, and nothing more.

After reading the information, close the notebook and bring the helmet online.

Mirror composition.

Tian Zhao and the Black God were waiting for me at the gate when I got out of the tent. At the same time, everyone was already online, but they would all gather on one wall. I leaned over to see a huge hole appeared on the wall.

I said, "What's going on?"

The legendary life said: "I first saw the extra hole here as soon as I went online. I think someone should have deliberately blasted it out."

I said, "It looks like someone is still ahead of us."

The legend said throughout his life: "It seems so, and I'm sure that group of people is very powerful."

I said, "Let's go and see, maybe we can meet."

The crowd nodded and then passed through the empty hole. After the empty hole, there was also a hall. There was a passage at the front of the hall. After walking through the passage, there was a vast expanse of sand in front of us. There was nothing, no monsters and no players. No one will feel relaxed, because God knows if a monster is hiding in the sand and waiting for us. It really didn't take more than ten meters. The aborigines here rescued us.

The sand beneath the feet was turbulent, and the raging winds that rose like the sea rose. The crowd was shocked and retreated quickly. The next moment, a gray monster suddenly emerged from the sand. It was more than four meters tall and resembled a giant fish animal. However, it had a pair of huge claws and a large mouth opened with blood. Full of fine teeth.

"Wow! Something ..." Startled me with five fingers, and yelled, "Slam!"

At the same time, the monster also started to act, and took a big mouthful, and directly spit out a gray breath! The tremor of the shield burst immediately.

"This guy!"

I gave in a little bit, and immediately rushed forward. The Red-Eyed Dragon Gun made a lightning announcement! The sharp gun tip stabbed into the tiny eyes of this monster immediately—11,406 great damage came out!

Once again, it's a mess!

A giant steel blade emerged and slashed sharply on the monster's body--


The power of the fast knife chaos is not great, but it has a long attack distance and a good ability to strike, leaving a shocking wound on the monster.

Immediately afterwards, a hundred ghosts walked away and immediately scanned it with fire eyes--

Grey Sand Dragon, Level 135, Elite Beast, Introduction: Sand dragons are a kind of ichthyosaur living in the sand. They are about 4 meters long. They can walk on two feet. Their huge bodies and powerful muscles allow them to be Swinging in the sand, these guys are omnivorous. As long as they pass by their sites, they will become their food. In the castle, the gray sand dragon is suitable for being fed a potion by the castle owner. Compared to ordinary sand dragons, the attack is based on attack. Sex, this guy has swallowed countless adventurers who entered here today.

After looking at the data, I heard "Shasha" in all directions. The sand suddenly set off a splash of yellow sand, and the gray sand dragons burst into the sky, and everyone fell into the encirclement of a dozen monsters.

"Scattered battle!" Ziyue shouted sharply and then the whip waved to summon the beasts to land. I also called out the summons. At this moment, the group of gray sand dragons also snarled, and we immediately came forward to meet.

A gray sand dragon rushed up to meet with a sword and pushed it back, but then another gray sand dragon flew from the other side to bite in the smoke and rain from the waist, and the two rained swords roared in both hands. Two beeping sounds were inserted into the grey-sanded dragon's eyes almost at the same time, and then a cold air and flames were blown out to kill it.

A gray sand dragon rushed on my side, and Galulu roared up to meet him. The violent and turbulent force knocked the gray sand dragon out, but the gray sand dragon stood up quickly, but this was Tian Zhao Pu On the other hand, the storm of blood pierced the gray dragon's cheek fiercely, and then immediately loosened his hands with his fingers and fists on the forehead of the guy.

"Squeaked", the monster's face was struck by Tian Zhao and spread in. "Hoo!" The gray sand dragon roared, one thigh was kneeling directly on the ground, and the black **** should have rushed to the sickle in his hand, and his whole body exploded. With a wave of blood, a large amount of blood was sprayed out, and a blood spray was sprayed on the black god's face. Immediately after that, Galulu pressed down with one claw to collapse the abdomen instantly, and the huge body was planted diagonally.

The legendary life at his own speed, while dodging and carrying a long bow, he shot wildly, killing a gray sand dragon alive, but then the gray sand dragon pounced on him and suddenly fell like a kite off the line. He flew out and fell to the ground, and immediately a gray sand dragon came forward and wanted to open his mouth and bite.

Immediately, I opened a heroic charge and passed by, hitting my shoulder on the gray sand dragon's body, and then exalted me alone!


The huge cuboid face appeared under the gray sand dragon, and it was bitten and fixed there, quickly destroying the blow, crushing the blow, and exploding the energy to kill the gray sand dragon's blood of 6,000.

Who knows, the Grizzly Dragon roared suddenly, now that it was freed from the solitary self-respect, the huge tail swept through me!


The huge arm stood up, and the grey sand dragon's tail-flicking attack hit the mighty hall. The mighty hall vibrated violently but it didn't break. I immediately rushed into the sky with a cloud attack--


While the gray sand dragon has not yet countered, there is an afterimage on the tip of the gun.





The faster the number of attacks, the lower the damage. If it is not the defense of this product is not very high, I am afraid that the damage will be lower. This record will directly solve this gray sand dragon. !!

At this time, the sand surface cracked suddenly, and then the fiery red magma spurted out from these cracks, covering all directions in an instant. Where it fell, the sand melted the stones, and the purple moon **** flame magic skills were really terrible. Coupled with the animal tamer's auxiliary skills, this terrible lava sea instantly flooded the surrounding gray sand dragons, the magma rolled, and a gray sand dragon skeleton was exposed, not even the gray sand dragon hiding under the sand. Survived.

After a fierce battle, the bodies of Grey Sand Dragons were everywhere, and we started to clean the battlefield. The equipment out of the Grey Sand Dragons was high in purple and now we ca n’t use them. There is also a pile of gold coins. There is no other thing. .

After a period of rest, we hit the road again and said, "I'll take the way later. I have the search skills. I should be able to scan the seats of these guys. Here, there are many N monsters lying in the bottom of the desert. It is too dangerous to walk brightly." Nod.

After I finished talking, the golden eyes and thermal scan turned on at the same time. Soon, everything within the 100-meter radius of Huangsha was within the scope of my scan. I found a gray sand dragon lurking in the place. This guy does n’t How to move is obviously a monster-type monster.

I said, "There are a group of gray sand dragons lurking in front, and it would be very troublesome to walk over."

Everyone looked at me. Ziyue couldn't help but wonder: "What skill is this?"

I planted the windshield of Isolde and shared it with the team. The legend said, "Where did such good equipment come from?"

I said, "You can do the task."

"I do tasks every day and I don't see one like this."

"My brother is good!"

"Despise you!"

Yan Yuliiannian said, "Everyone, let's go to those who lead out to kill and then leave, so it is safer."

I nodded and said, "Who will blame."

"You!" Ziyue pointed at me.

I pointed to myself and said, "You kindly asked me to be a fragile summoner to blame."

Ziyue said: "You are fragile, please see who has seen a summoner with a defense force of three thousand blood and over twenty thousand."

"How do you know that so clearly."

"I said your wife."

Ziyue also said: "Besides, your search skills can know the location of the monster. If we go, what if we rush directly into the monster pile."

"Well then, I'll just go."

After the red-eyed dragon gun turned back, Tianzhao and the two beautiful black bodyguards laughed together: "Master, be careful!"

I nodded, and rushed towards the sandy front, valiantly rushing across the sandy land, and immediately the sound of "rustling" around the sand, a gray sand dragon hiding behind the sand rising to the sky, strangely followed me After catching up, I immediately turned back, and the sparkler fire started to run back.

The group of gray sand dragons in the back did not attack like other monsters. Instead, they jumped up and plunged into the sand pile, then exposed huge spines on the sand, followed quickly, and came at a fast speed. It's less than five meters behind me.

Then hesitated, a gray sand dragon jumped out of the sand, and a gray breath spewed out of my mouth. I hurriedly launched the white dragon shield. These breaths collided with the lasting crazy decline of the shield. Our range.

I looked back and smiled, "Come on! Let you taste the power of high technology!"

This loud roar also announced the end of the elite monsters such as Grey Sand Dragon.

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