Master Summoner Online

Chapter 602: Storm Dragon Lizard

The cat group's face was even more ugly: "This guy's too difficult to deal with."

"what should we do?"

A bold player shouted: "Nothing to say, brothers, I don't believe how many of us are afraid to beat one!"

With that said, a player from the cat group stepped forward, slammed a gun, and shouted, "I'm no matter your beast **** or great god. The Tigers mercenary regiment that messed us up is definitely not going to end!"

"Slightly boned! Go up! Destroy them!" I shouted immediately the summons who stopped beside me came forward, I drew a gun to the front, pointed at the group of people in front of me and drank, "The cat group came to fight us for three hundred round!"

A group of cat group players jerked fiercely: "We are tigers! Not cats! Your uncle!"

Talking about a hundred cat group soldiers came running, and I walked with a gun, facing the hundreds of people in the other party, without fear, just a simple hey smile.

"Red Dragon growls!"

The Eastern Dragon roared and flew forward, and the Dragon roared and hit the player in front of him, followed by Gallulu's mouth opening absolutely freezing air, and the cold air raged in the crowd ahead. At least fifty people were recruited at the same time. A group of people were frozen in place, and then the explosive atmosphere was sprayed out. This blood-scarred fighter of the cat group fell to the ground. The priest player in the back of the group had been killed by Xueyue and the amber dragon. This group of people Mainly, there are very few long-range occupations behind the warrior organization. These few crunchy players can withstand the slaughter of Xueyue and Amber Dragon.

At the same time, everyone in the cat group was killed, and countless soldiers knocked on my armor, and countless damage figures floated from the brain—-745-729-728-721-898 ...

Although this group of people is only less than a thousand points, the ants have killed the elephant, and the numerous attack damages are still very horrible. After taking out the sun potion, they will quickly start to chase, and the blade of steel swept away!


A group of knights with top shields shook me off. "BOSS fell!" A player shouted cheerfully.

Seeing the violent sound of that Thunder Dragon, the huge body fell to the ground, and then the armored player shouted, "Wolf, two dogs, help the boss to clean up the loot. ! "

After saying that, a group of surviving players rushed in. The faces of these cat groups changed greatly. In this way, they did not have a slight chance of winning. Five people chose to turn around and escape, but they just ran out a few steps and suddenly stepped under their feet. Cracked ground





Five people fell into the cracks and screamed with heartbreaking heart, followed by blood squirting out of the cracks. These five people screamed screaming, even if they encountered the most terrible thing in the world.

But this scream only lasted for less than ten seconds and suddenly came to an abrupt end. However, at this time, the abnormal sound was sudden!


The earth suddenly shook violently, and this time accompanied by a trembling roar that lasted for more than twenty seconds!

As the roar continued, an overwhelming pressure suddenly covered my whole body, and for a moment I felt that my whole body's blood was almost solidified at this moment, the heart temporarily stopped beating, and even breathing became a luxury. .

"Ding ~! You are under the coercion of the storm dragon lizard ~!"

Spiritual coercion! Storm Dragon Lizard! I have n’t looked for it yet, but he himself came out, and gave us a power down when he played. Although this power was not damaged, we could n’t move. At this time, occupations such as priest mage archer fell directly to the ground. Mo Yan suddenly fell down from Amber Dragon's body. Fortunately, Amber Dragon responded to catch her in time, which basically scared her out of control. I also know that this is just the beginning!

boom! With a loud noise, the cracked place suddenly arched at a speed of more than ten meters, and then burst open, and the scattered gravel was flying!

When the rolling dust was slightly scattered, a huge and unmatched monster had appeared on the ground, only a few meters away from us!

This monster that came out of the ground is about 20 meters long and 10 meters high. Its appearance is not much different from that of the previous Thunder Dragon, but its head is not so much a lizard as closer to a dragon. The scales of the whole body are yellow, and there is a series of blue and white currents walking on it. There is a white mist in the nostrils. The sharp corners on the head are not as gray as other earth, but golden yellow. Under the sun, this corner emits eye-catching. Light, extraordinary eye-catching!

Storm Dragon Lizard-Gat, Level 125, King BOSS, Introduction: Orthodox Dragons immediately became the paradise of these guys behind the Dragon Soul Valley. Gart was originally a Thunder Dragon, let alone a Dragon Lizard. It ’s too early to become a Storm Dragon, but once again coincidentally, Gart swallowed a Storm Dragon's egg, and absorbed the essence of the egg into the Dragon Dragon's realm in advance. After all the power is absorbed, it will take off the dragon lizard and become a dragon.

Sure enough, it is a king-level BOSS. This kind of BOSS makes people think of pulling legs, but I can't run because it is the object I want to crumble.

With the appearance of this guy, there is no doubt that the players who just fell into the cracks are absolutely dead, but it is obvious that killing the five people has not made it satisfactory, but the appearance of this guy is not a disaster for everyone. Far.

"I rely! King-level boss!" Someone shouted!

"I trust, why is there such a guy suddenly!" Even more frightened.

I immediately borrowed the power of two people to gather and aim at the moment of surprise-Dragon's Roar!

—12141 First injury! Just after I succeeded, the Storm Dragon Lizard immediately "screamed!" The roar of the boss shocked the audience and immediately bounced. This unusually large figure was actionable but very fast. It pushed forward and backward with four feet. If lightning!

In front of the BOSS, everyone knew that it was impossible to escape. A cat group warrior yelled and drew a long sword, a sword gas suddenly issued, and the sword gas hit a thick and incomparable thigh of the boss, let alone the upper one. A piece of scale armor smashed down and couldn't even hurt!

Already beaten by my dragon's roar, being hit by the sword of this "heroic and fearless" warrior completely angered this Godzilla monster. It seems that the group of players in front of it is almost equivalent to ants. Now, being challenged by a group of ants, can it bear it? Obviously not!

"Run!" I yelled and took the Skyshine Black God to retreat immediately. The Amber Dragon picked up Snow Moon and took off at a rapid speed. At the same time, the group of people who were ready to help us turned around and turned around and ran away. The cat group also knew that the boss would make a big move and ran away immediately, but they ran a little slower, and it was absolutely fatal.

Already adjusted the posture, BOSS shook its huge head, opened its mouth with transparent saliva, exposed the teeth built up by two rows of blades, and had a throat that was as tall as two people and was as wide as a tunnel!

At this point, members of the cat group who have known that they can't escape, instinctively pull out their weapons and start the charge. Although everyone knows the bad luck they are about to face, this is also a way to show their courage and not to be underestimated by monsters!


A dazzling thunderbolt suddenly spewed out of the huge throat of the storm dragon lizard! The powerful breath rushed through a distance of more than ten meters and devoured all objects on this straight line.

The members of the cat troupe who showed the spirit of "Dauntlessness" couldn't resist the breath that was so powerful. All of the seven or eight players who rushed forward suddenly became white and died in the thunder and lightning.

A cloud of aerosols rose into the air, the ground rocks were all electric paste, and the equipment left after the death of players was directly vaporized by powerful forces, and even the stone wall behind them had a huge hollow.

terror! Absolute horror! This is the power possessed by the king-level BOSS. In one hit, pay attention to the trick of tens of thousands of people flying away. It is indeed an SS-level mission. If you want me to deal with such monsters, you are really a red-eyed black dragon!

"This ... This is not the king-level boss and super-class boss at all!" Xueyue sighed.

Mo Yan said: "What terrible guy are we going to kill, my God! Can we kill this boss?"

I laughed and said, "How can I kill without killing without trying, my task is to crusade it, get ready!"

"Long Ling is right, everything is possible! Mo Yan's supplies will take care of you!"

"I will work hard! Let's all work hard!" Mo Yan said with courage.


The mad soldier carried his sword and shouted, "Brother of the Beast God, you have been so helpful to us just now, now we will do you!"

I smiled slightly: "This is a king-level boss, aren't you afraid of being countless times better than that elite just now?"

"Of course I'm not afraid!" The full-body heavy armored player took the front road: "We have no reason to be afraid of the war, the beast **** you helped us, and the grace of dripping water has been reported to Yongquan since ancient times, everyone said right!"

Suddenly, a group of people raised their swords and shouted, "Feng brother said well!"

I brought everyone in and shouted, "Everyone!"


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