Master Summoner Online

Chapter 608: Crypt Lord

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"Nice! I like your courage. When you come back, I use the power of the Dragon Soul to open the third layer of power on that trouser belt." True red-eyed black dragon said again: "Yes, I will give you a few things, you will Needed. "

"Ding ~! You get Immortal Guardian x3, Jinzhiyulu x3, Guardian Stonex1, Shenlong Cave Teleportation Stonex1, Shenlong Cave Map x1 ~!"

Immortal Guardian (Quest Item) Effect: After being killed, the player is revived without damage, and enters the invincible state for 2 seconds without cooling.

Jinzhiyulu (mission prop) effect: restore all health and magic after use and increase all attributes by 40% for 30 seconds and cool for 5 minutes.

Guardian Stone (Quest Item) Effect: Call the power of heaven and earth to protect yourself into an invincible state within 30 seconds, and cool for 180 minutes.

Shenlong Cave Teleport Stone (Quest Item) Effect: Teleports the user to the intersection of the first floor of the Dragon Cave.

Shenlong Cave Map (Quest Item) Effect: A drawing describing the details of the Shenlong Cave.

Good things, absolutely good things, but unfortunately they are mission props, three of which have not been heard, three immortal guards. I know that the auction house sells them, but each one is sky-high. The quantity is scarce but there is no invincibility after the resurrection and the cooling time Up to 10 hours.

"Okay, goblins, the next thing is up to you!" True red-eyed black dragon.

I nodded and took out the Shenlong Cave teleportation stone and clicked on it.


The white light flickered for a moment, and I felt only a momming force tearing my body apart, and when I recovered my vision, I was slightly surprised! Only to find myself in a bright place, this hole is made of crystal, there is dripping water around it, the sound of "tick and tick" is worn in the ear, and the new place name is displayed on the head: Shenlong Cave !!

I sent you a message telling them that I ’m going to stay overnight all night. After I finished sending the message, I started to move forward. I just walked forward and did n’t take a few steps. A black shadow came to me. Pulling out a weapon stood by me.

This shadow is getting closer and closer to me. Finally, I see the appearance of this guy. This guy is two meters tall but looks like a spider, but it has armor-like scales, and an ordinary spider has eight legs. The guy has only six legs, four legs for walking, and two shorter front legs that stretch out in front and want to have paws.

Crypt Caretaker, Level 101 Ordinary Beast, Introduction: The protector of the first floor of Shenlong Cave, a creature created from crypt spiders through magic and genetic mutation. These guys lurk inside the Dragon Cave to kill the intruders who entered the Dragon Cave.

This crypt caretaker spearheaded a spear at me—180 isn't it? This product has a low attack power. True red-eyed black dragons say that these guardians are in a weak state, and it's not that simple!


With a command, the Black God stepped forward to carry the attack. The opponent's attack could not break her defense. Tian Zhao double-edged Huo Huo from the other side, and chopped this guy down three or two times, and then seven or eight grounds were drilled out. The cave caretaker, when I saw the great here, I immediately called out the three headed beasts of amber dragon, gatling blast dragon, and galuru. Now I do n’t need to hit my hands at all. In the frantic attack of my summoned beasts, it turned into a pile of broken wrecks.

This group of crypt caregivers is also the poor clanking master, not giving half a copper coin, and the experience is poor

Keep moving forward, from time to time I meet the crypt caregivers in twos and threes, without me. In two or three seconds, it was solved by my summoned beasts. There is no danger in the first floor of the Dragon Cave.

Holding this map, I'm not afraid to get lost in this troublesome cave, this cave is like a labyrinth tortuous and dizzying. If it weren't for me, there are seven, eight or nine bends, five or six or seven holes. And there are all kinds of dead end, making people panic! Crypt caregivers continue to come out to make troubles, things don't explode, and experience is little. There is no fun in brushing, and the more you brush, the more annoying.

After clearing a few waves of 'Crypt Caretaker', after walking along the road for a while, I encountered new monsters and there were two types, namely 'Crypt Warrior' at level 103 and 'Crypt Hunter' at level 105.

But when we arrived, a small group of Crypt Warriors came face to face. Crypt Warriors are pure melee units, unlike the Crypt Caregivers who spray spikes, but they have higher attack power and are not more difficult to deal with than the caregivers outside.

And those crypt hunters are a bit difficult to deal with, because these guys spray jet webs, once they are caught, they are bound for up to thirty seconds. This is not a big deal, so it takes no time to clean up these guys. Less time.

It took more than ten minutes, and I met dozens of crypt warriors and crypt hunters along the way, all of which turned into my experience, but the more you go back, the more monsters appear, and it takes them to spend I have more strength. After I do n’t know how many of these guys, a new strange emerges. The newly emerged guy is called the Crypt Prophet, a magic monster, but summons the Crypt Caretaker to fight. And these crypt caregivers are very depressed when they have no experience killing them, but even then we brush this group of guys under overwhelming power naturally and very quickly, and their AI is not high.

The black **** choked the amber dragon and breathed a few mouthfuls, plus the Gatling explosive dragon and a bunch of missiles, artillery shells, bullets, lasers, lasers, and various high-tech equipment that completely crushed the past, of course, there were also some The monster's blood was beaten, and Tian Zhao was devoted to killing all the monsters ...

After more than half an hour, we finally passed through the tortuous path, and an open stone gate appeared in front of us. A slightly bright fire light was shining through the stone gate, and standing in front of the stone gate were groups of monsters. In addition to the monsters I have seen before, there are three huge monsters.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scanning the Past-Crypt Weaver, Level 104, BOSS, Introduction: A type of crypt monster that is good at netting to capture prey, and can form a tough big net. It is the leader of all crypt hunters.

Crypt Lord, Level 107, BOSS, Introduction: Therefore, the oldest brother of the Crypt Warrior, the guardian of the first floor of the dragon cave, will emit petrified gas in his mouth, which is very difficult to deal with.

Crypt Caretaker, Level 104, BOSS, Introduction: The leader of the Crypt Caretaker has this high authority, and this guy summons a large number of caregivers to fight for himself.

I said: "Tianzhao you try to bring these guys over, let's get rid of the mobs first."

"The sky is white." After finishing the stealth, he walked around the monster group. The AI ​​of this group of monsters was really not high and was easily deceived by the daylight. Once it was out, we were beaten up and then led again. A group came over, and after three or two times, the mobs were also cleaned up, leaving three bosses.

I said, "You and the Amber Dragon deal with the caretaker and the Amber Dragon, and the Garulu Gatling Blast Dragon against the weaver. The rest of the lord I will deal with it, and everyone will support each other in danger."

"Understand." Liang Mei replied in unison.

After allocating the tasks, we started to act. As soon as we acted, the other party also moved. I ran into the crypt lord heroically and rushed forward. Immediately, the guy's ugly face was knocked into a facial paralysis.

"Black Dragon Spike!" Immediately cast a new skill, the crypt lord's body was pierced by the black dragon's shadow pierced by pain, and I was not indifferent. I had already activated the power of death. Immediately after the start of the move, Guanghua instantly Flowing, the damage numbers are superimposed, and they are extremely bright!

The five-second outbreak instantly removed about two-tenths of the health of the BOSS. These explosive powers are currently considered very BT. After all, they have 7,000 attack power, and generally I have this level. Players are very good after they have 4,000 to 5,000 attack power.

A crypt lord who licked a cricket face to face, swept by a pair of sharp claws in front of him, because it was unavoidable immediately after the burst of combos, he was swept back several positions and the number of injuries—1856 flew up.

This product should be a weak one in the same level of BOSS. I was stunned. This product is not a big threat to me. If the first layer is used as a reference, then the monster strength of the following layers will not be strong. However, this is just a guess. With potion, relying on my perverted attack power and a decent position than most soldiers, I started to fight with the boss!

"嚓 ~!" The boss's claw swept across, and I ducked to hide, then stood up and stabbed this guy with a gun. The AI ​​of this product is not high, and it will not escape too aggressively, but it only occasionally escapes several attacks, and it also Several attacks on me were missed continuously, BOSS seemed to be annoyed, Zhang opened his mouth and sprayed a gray breath!

I flashed to the right quickly, this should be the gas with petrochemical energy stated in the data. After this guy spit out the gas, I immediately stabbed it, and saw that his head was tilted, the shot was missed, and then the guy's two paws There was a crazy and chaotic "疯狂 ~!" On me. As a result, numerous claw hits landed on my chest like this, and a total of ten attacks directly removed my nearly one-third of my blood, but for me There is still no life threatening.

Swallow the potion and continue to fight with this guy. I don't care about the attack power of this cargo for injury. I have to hurry up and know when the guys will be here.

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