Master Summoner Online

Chapter 642: Start offense

It is impossible to kill on the high ground, and it is also a ball on the high underground passage. The soldiers of Lingyun Pavilion are incapable of fighting with ordinary players. The starting point in the game is equal. Do n’t worry, what are you doing? People who play this game will not have any advantages. The advantages they have accumulated gradually during their growth.

Even if I have such a physical fitness, I can at most say that in the game, he jumps higher and runs faster than ordinary people. In fact, he can't go any faster. It can't be said that a long-distance running champion comes to the game to practice warrior results. Running faster than other assassins, this is absolutely impossible. If you want to be really stronger than others, you must have all the elements such as equipment, level, attributes, skills, operation, and response. Everyone knows that a game is the most What's important? That is its fairness! Whether you are poor or rich, the opportunities in the game are equal and there are no privileges. Poor people want to spend a good time, they must spend their brains, rich people are too lazy to use their brains, it also costs money, and must pay the corresponding price!

Everyone who plays the game is equal and will not let some people who will work hard break this balance.

Dusk ghost's long-faced mad warrior, full-buffed, with a tomahawk in his hands, unstoppable, one man and one axe on the fighter position blocked by Lingyun Pavilion, invincible, unstoppable, Lingyun Pavilion profession Soldiers, in reality, maybe they are very powerful. Compared with real game masters in the game, they only have other abuses.

However, the opponent is expensive and the attack is very orderly. Under the violent bombardment, the blood and blood had to be backed up and then filled with blood by a group of priests. Above the high ground, the Ninja Leopard Cavalry killed more than ten mages and priests in succession, a second who broke the shield. Spike, the mage and archer who got it are endless, but they want to kill each other but they disappear quickly.


Watching the battle under the mountain, I said, "Are we here?"

"How to fight?" Lonely sang, "Would you like to kill the ghosts of dusk?"

I said, "It's useless without them."

Erica also said: "I suggest that we rush forward like this, if these people step back we will kill them, if they move forward let them be cannon fodder."

"I agree with Sister Erica's attention." Xu Yu walked out of the crowd under the leadership of Saber.

"I agree." The street building also raised its hand.

Our group of people looked at each other and nodded and then charged after taking the commanding heights!


The tens of thousands of cavalry and more infantry of the three families did not last for a while. Under our full attack, the team of Lingyun Pavilion could not be stopped. The man dominated the world and said loudly: "This group completely took us but cannon fodder, hateful, I want Destroy them! "

Long Horse's face shouted after slashing a swordsman in Lingyun Pavilion with an axe: "Chairman is absolutely necessary!"

"Why not?" Said Xiongba.

Long Horse's face: "Did you not see? Death, Scarlet, Dragon, and War Soul have all colluded together, and we will come back and be caught in the enemy on both sides."

"How are we like Xiao Ma?" Xiongba the world was anxious, and the number of people watching themselves decreased one by one, although there was a quantitative advantage but it could not be cheaper in quality.

Long Ma face said: "I can only rush forward, and then find a chance to return to the city when they are fighting, and call more people to come and grab it."

"Okay," the hegemony raised his tomahawk and shouted, "Everyone of the Twilight Ghost rushes forward and take me down the station!"


Under the leadership of the president, the players of the Twilight Ghost continued to run forward and entered the back of the canyon. After a few minutes after they entered, everyone took the pace and ran. After a short time, they crossed the canyon and immediately followed me. There is a huge castle in front, or a huge blockhouse, to be precise. There is a large circle of city walls on the periphery, and these walls are not neither wooden fences nor stone walls, but steel walls. When you see this castle, you should say Everyone was shocked when it was a bunker. This is the steel fortress?

The dark steel wall encloses the entire territory, and the area is not very large. It is a circular package. There is a gate in the northeast and southwest. The gate is constructed with rusted iron plates and carved on the iron plates. With countless words, the defense force should not be low, and the teams in Lingyun Pavilion were standing on the periphery, neatly lined up, and some of the teams in front were fighting at dusk. The 100,000 troops in Lingyun Pavilion were not covered. of.

I stood on Gallulu, licked my lips, and laughed, "What a great castle, this castle is great. I want this castle, I want to build it into the strongest fortress in the world!"

Lonely singing and chuckling: "Don't forget that we are here!"

"Just keep the rules," Yu Luo said.

I laughed: "Of course, you obediently defend the city for Lao Tzu."

Yu Luo laughed: "The beast **** is young and the air is not small."

"Fuck! You're not much older than me," I countered.


When the ghosts of the dusk battled, everyone did n’t do anything, because the territory looks simple but it is a copper wall and iron wall, but there are nearly 100,000 players guarding it. Lingyun Pavilion ’s team does not want other guild teams. No amount of beneficiaries is enough to consume.

"The man who is calling God is here ..." said a phoenix.

Everyone turned around and looked, and sure enough, Shu Tao came with his team.

Shu Tao took the lead and said, "Don't you fight?"

I said, "Isn't this waiting for you?"

"Wait for us? What are we waiting for?" Shu Tao asked.

I laughed and said, "Wait for you to help my brother stay on the ground."

Shu Road laughed and said, "You think so beautiful."

Xueyue sat on the ice crystal phoenix and said: "The number of Lingyun Pavilion occupies an absolute advantage, and we can't take much advantage in strength. I suggest that we do not scatter the offense and should attack together in one place."

Shu Tao: "But we don't have as many people together."

"That's what we are!" At this time, a low voice came from the periphery of the canyon. I saw a large group of players appearing at the mouth of the canyon. Everyone in this team was emblazoned with the badge of "Canghai".

"Cang naval power!" I groaned.

Cang naval forces entered the gorge, and players around the commanding heights made preparations for the offensive posture, but when the rain fell, they were ordered to let them in, and players around the commanding heights returned to the trenches.

Soon the Cang naval force entered the huge basin behind the canyon. The Cang naval force was about 20,000, and there was a complete cavalry unit. The creatures these cavalry players were riding were not wolves, tigers and leopards. It is a huge lizard with blue scales, scarlet tongues, and a pair of blue eyes revealing murderous spirits.

The man who brought this Canghai Cavalry Regiment was a young man in his twenties. He rode a larger dragon under him, but the dragon's head resembled a dragon, and he should have stepped into the dragon Realm.

Standing next to this dear is a butcher carrying a large iron anchor, a male wizard wearing a blue magic robe and a male wizard wearing a purple magic robe, and so on.

The player riding the blue dragon lizard came down from the mount and hugged us: "I have seen you in the shadow of the president of the Xiachang navy!"

"I've seen President Canghai." I got down from Garulu and returned my fist.

After I greeted, I said, "Chairman Suffering, should we rush in together and wait for the station token before we can compete?"

Sui Ying said: "I mean the same, Ling Yunge didn't suppress us in the early days of our sea. Brothers in the sea, kill me all the **** of Ling Yunge!"

I thought about it and said, "Well, kill us all Lingyun Pavilion players in the station with us!"

"Ok, no problem!"

At this moment, the scene was very lively, the ghosts of dusk had been defeated one after another, the cannon fodder was almost finished, it's our turn!

Seeing the ghost of Dusk and Lingyun Pavilion in front of me, he shouted, "Fast Cavalry Regiment is lined up, ready to charge!"

With a shout, Ye Shuang's cavalry regiment who brought the dragon's teeth began to line up. Soon, the dragon cavalry riding the raptor was finished. The raptors, who were all-in-one, looked quite powerful. There are blood-colored ghost wolf rides, sea lizard knights, death stealth cavalry ninja leopard cavalry, war spirit cavalry, and Ming Shen cavalry. Some are cute, some are riding bulls, some are riding, and some are riding wild boar Compared with our all-in-one mounts, how can the opposite side not look like a cavalry regiment, it seems to be juggling!

I said, "Lonely your cavalry?"

Lonely sings: "Not quite organized yet, let's play with some miscellaneous cavalry first."

I drank, "It's our turn, let them know that we are great, brothers, rush! What soldiers crush me all!"

"The name of the dragon!"

"Crushing cut!"


Killing sound! Thousands of horses gallop! The battle begins!

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