Master Summoner Online

Chapter 647: Final shock

"An hour and a half," Shu Tao reminded.

Sui Ying said: "The other party has at least 30,000 people and nearly 40,000 people. There are only 26,000 people on our side. It is not a good sign to fight like this."

I said, "I rushed straight up, and now I'm thinking about tactics."

"Also, although the number is small, the rest of us can be regarded as ten, although they are not afraid of us." Rain fell.

I said, "Everyone is ready to take charge and win the territory!"

The companions with the summoned beasts and the dragon's teeth quickly rushed to the enemy line. At the same time, the opponent also rushed under the leadership of a team leader. As soon as the two sides contacted, they started a fierce battle.

The ark and the amber dragon first rushed into the battlefield. After applying the BUFF assistance to them, they had almost no rivals. They kept up with the invincible, the opponent was vulnerable, even a **** player could hardly resist.

The amber dragon breathed and spit out, and Yan Long fired at a player who was killed and fell down, and the ark could take away seven or eight lives with an axe in the past, then suddenly opened his mouth, raised the faucet, and blew out The dark blue shares a breath of dark red thunder and lightning. After the breath is swept away, several players in Lingyun Pavilion can be killed.

When did the ark learn to breathe, immediately opened its properties and was stunned at a glance-name: explosive double blade-ark.

Species: Fauna.

Race: Dragon Quality: Super God.

Special life form life: 300,000 points.

Attack: 13000 points.

Defense: 10,000 points.

Treasure: Explosive Double Axe, Explosive Double Blade Skills: Dragon King's Aura (Passive): Dragon King's Rage, Ark's attack causes splash damage that ignores the enemy and me. There is a certain chance of destroying the effect, but the Ark's health is below 20% The attribute is doubled for a certain period of time.

Power of the Dragon King (Passive): The majesty of the Dragon King. Decreases 30% of all attributes of all enemy units within 300 meters in diameter. (BOSS-level creatures higher than the master's level are invalid.)

Breath of Breath: A special dragon breath realized by the ark in the baptism of the Dragon Vessel. During the spray process, the dragon breath ignores the enemy and me. 05% deals 5 times damage, 3% chance causes 3 times damage, and 10 chance causes 25 times damage. , 15% chance to ignore defense. Cool for 1 minute.

Splitting Huashan: The ark wields two tomahawks to hit the enemy with physical damage, and causes a splash effect, causing damage to surrounding units (ignoring the enemy and me) and cooling for 1 second.

Super Vibration Wave: Ark sends a powerful shock wave from the unicorn on his head to cause magic damage to the target and the closer the launch distance is, the greater the power!

Firestorm: The Ark summons the fire elements around it to blast the target, causing fire damage to the surrounding units (ignoring the enemy and me), cooling for 10 seconds. Ultimate skill: inherent enchantment, the ark can develop a powerful inherent enchantment. , All the surrounding units will be included in the enchantment. In the enchantment, we will greatly increase the combat effectiveness and cool for 72 hours.

Introduction: The ark is the king of the red dragon. Its powerful fighting power makes it very incomparable among the dragons, but it has committed a heinous sin and the soul has been destroyed. Now, under the call of his children, the ark always has its own soul. Seeing the sun again, at this time it will surely revive the glory.

After reading the properties of the ark, my mouth immediately turned into an 'o' shape. The Ark's originally enhanced attributes have become utterly inhumane! The powerful offensive and defensive power, the skills are even more fascinating. If the amber dragon is powerful, then the ark is simply against the sky! The disadvantage is that its skills basically say that it ignores the enemy, which is very depressing.

While the two dragons were invincible, the old cow rode into the army like a tank riding a dragon, and no one could block his charge forward, the dragon's raptor, the deadly leopard cavalry, and the **** ghost wolf rider. , The cavalry of Mingshen War Soul, the dragon knight of the sea and the infantry of the opposing cavalry, most of the cavalry of Lingyun Pavilion are riding on a scaled horse and a part of the war tiger. The magic of both sides is also Constantly throwing various kinds of wounding magic into the opponent's position.

There are arrows and magic flying across the sky, and there is a strong collision of steel torrents on the ground. Numerous shadowy figures in the shadows are constantly ambushed and ambushed ...

In such a spectacular scene, soon, the players on both sides killed each other with red eyes, surrounded by the roar of roaring screams and the roar of various skills. At the moment, everyone only killed. Constantly releasing skills attacked all non-allied people, and a strong sense of excitement stimulated everyone's nerves, allowing them to fight tirelessly and fight regardless of time ...

In a situation where countless crazy magic and skills attack each other! Once entangled, no matter how high the blood is, only the ash will end.

"Jianqi crosses the sky!" Yan Yuliu Nian held a long sword in each hand. The long sword emitted two golden sword lights, and a Ling Yunge swordsman was twisted in and turned into meat meal.

After he spiked a player, countless skills of the opponent fell. After being beaten by a mass of smoke and rain, he had to retreat. Suddenly, a scream rang out, and the snow stood up in the camp of death, and the position of this guy's eyebrows now Opening a golden pupil's eyes shot a **** light. After shooting through an assassin's head, he manipulated the **** red light and immediately swept at the players around him. This warrior almost killed other professional players. It was very sharp.

Fire Dance rushed in without saying a word, and in front of Lingyun Pavilion players in front of them shouted with a very seductive voice: "Brother Lingyun Pavilion, look here!" Followed by many Lingyun Pavilion players There was a flash of light. Hundreds of players in the front turned into stones in an instant, and the teams behind rushed up and the petrified teams in front of them fell apart.

Chu Han rides on the back of the mount, and a long bow comes to shoot out arrows, followed by a huge virtual shadow and six magic spears burst out. Instantly, six Lingyun Pavilions rushed around and fell down with a roar. Everyone was pierced by a spear.

After a blow, suddenly, in all directions, countless magic skills were covered up crazy, Mrs. Xiao immediately drove the wolf king into position, and swaggered left and right to avoid surrounding magic skills. Jing Long appeared in time to protect the young lady.

Xiaozheng was relieved and took a deep breath: "Thank you."

The guard laughed: "You're welcome." He continued to command the mechanical army to kill the players around him. Erica stood on the feather snake and unfolded the magic book and whispered: "Deep extreme cold!" As soon as the sound fell, the two Lingyun Pavilion players were instantly Frozen, frozen instantly smashed into countless fragments by a magic frenzy, and scattered in the air.

At this time, the three players Lingyun Pavilion players rushed towards Erica on their mounts. When the three men charged, they were wearing silver-gray armor wind marks, and their hammers smashed into the ground, and immediately a silver more than four meters high The giant A broke out of the ground. The giant armor A holding a double axe, immediately swooped down the three players, and then Erika summoned a spell of ice and snow.

Wind marks continue to direct the silver armor giant forward, this silver armor giant must be the set of armor armor skills, with this powerful beater he is not afraid that his DPS is not enough.

The battle has completely entered into a feverish state. When the last melee players retained by the two sides rushed again, the long-range players on both sides began to attack more violently, and the entire sky was covered by the gorgeous magic and arrows again.

After standing on the tower and reading a series of spells, Haolong dropped a huge black meteor in the sky, and all Lingyun Pavilion teams within a 100-meter radius were hit, and the coverage was wide. At least more than 100 players were killed by this trick. More residual blood survived and was stunned on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Lonely sang a few lasers, and the laser swept across the border. Nearly 100 players in the range were killed by this trick.

The bow and arrow in Fire Phoenix's hand suddenly shot like a meteor.

After the arrow shot into the air, it suddenly turned into a flaming phoenix. The phoenix issued a crisp low chirp, spread its wings, and dived towards the player below. When the phoenix passed, it produced a violent explosion. Qi's air wave rushed around, accompanied by bursts of flames, dozens of players fell under this trick.

Silver Moon next to Fire Phoenix also burst out with a thunder and hurricane arrow, and cut off a knight's head. Just as she cut off the man's head, the Captain of the Flying Tigers moaned, The guarded mechanical tyrannosaurus grabbed it and threw it into his mouth to bite.

The players on my side were killed. With the powerful output of the summoners, my DPS on the battlefield must be the highest. There were more than a thousand players killed by me and my summoners.

I rushed towards the crowded place with the summoned beasts, and then solved all the players around that after a mess. My output may not be very scary, but the output of my summoned beasts was just deadly, so scary. Lethality, all the players were killed, everyone around him who noticed this scene could not help but blew air conditioning ...

After breaking through the front and smashing into the back of the opponent, in just ten seconds, the number of players buried in front of me was nearly 500. On my side, other people were not hiding and were hiding their own big ones. All the skills were used. Under their attack, the soldiers of Lingyun Pavilion fell like wheat, and Ling Yunge's defeat was only a matter of time.

I have seen the right time. After a summon of beasts was summoned, I immediately turned and rushed towards the Blade of the King holding the ‘Territory Token’ ...

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