Master Summoner Online

Chapter 664: Bone Hunter (1)

After clearing the dross of Lingyun Pavilion, we continued to move towards the top of the mountain. After walking along the mountain for about an hour, we saw a huge building in front of us. This building looks like a pyramid, but its top is flat. And there is a very large open space in front of the building.

As our group descended from the hillside and saw a lot of people gathered in front of this huge building, there are still many people gathered. At first glance, there are already thousands of players in the dark and innumerable clothes. Ragged armored monsters fight, players are generally divided into several teams, the few are only three or four, more than a dozen people, etc. Think about the jungle behind, but they are desperately fighting all the way, unless each person's strength is against the sky If you do not go out in groups, it will be easy to be buried by such monsters.


Bring everyone to rush down the hillside, and a prompt jumps out at the same time-"Ding ~! Quest [Hidden danger] The first stage is completed and the second stage is started! Mission objective: Go to the hinterland of Saint Meteor Mountain through the legendary array in the building."

I chuckled: "In front of this building, there is a legendary array heading to the hinterland of the Holy Meteor Mountain. The top of the Holy Meteor Mountain is our sole purpose!"

Xueyue laughed: "Yes, but you have to kill in here first. The monsters in front of you must be very high. Be careful, this time is not a joke, you may lose your life at any time."

The old cow shook his axe: "Come on, kill these guys!"

"Come on!"


The Raptor Cavalry flew forward, and I summoned the Wolf Emperor and the Water Dragon to cooperate to summon the beasts to kill them. At the same time, I also rushed up. The blue flame of the dragon gun burned in the hand, and the position of the neck of this monster ——The barriers are broken!

— 16841 "Roar ..."

In the monster's low roar, he waved an iron sword in his hand and slashed away, avoiding the iron sword and then hitting the rusty armor of the opponent with the power of the dragon.

—9014—9014 The power of the dragon triggers an assault, a scan of fire and golden eyes-Black Xuan Fighter, Level 120 Elite Beast, Blood: 34869150000, Introduction: The skeleton that was once controlled by the Undead Mage can be polluted by the abyss breath, and its strength is better than before And the ability to act autonomously.

Wow! An elite beast with 150,000 blood, I am afraid that this BOSS is just the same. When I looked at the information, the black warrior who was beaten by me raised his iron sword and was shocked on my armor!


"Fuck, this attack power is too high!" Watching his own blood volume, he immediately persuaded, backed up and poured a bottle of sun potion, and Mo Yan's treatment fell on me.

I ordered the Wolf Emperor and the Water Dragon to attack the black black fighter who was injured by me at the same time and said in the guild: "These black black fighters have very strong attack power. Everyone is careful. The two Raptors are against each other. Everyone switches. Kill with 15 times the damage of 'Joint Attack'! "

"Riding players slowly move forward, do not leave the healing range of the priest, the mage archer, divided into two groups of skills to use in turn, just kill the past, maintain the overall pace, and move forward!"

The Raptor Cavalry immediately began to line up. The two Raptor Cavalry attacked the same black mysterious fighter, and before the monster counterattacked, a magic arrow fell, and a **** black mysterious fighter was leveled for 15-18 seconds.

The wolf emperor and the water dragon also successfully obtained the black mysterious fighter, bursting out a pile of gold coins and several pieces of equipment, collecting the gold coins, giving the equipment to worship, and gathering the beasts to advance, and the dragon gun threw heavy bombardment on the ground. "Dragon Soul Break" was launched, and the dragon-shaped air waves soared into the sky. At the end, the "Dragon Soul Slash" immediately fell over a range of more than ten meters. However, these monsters have too much health. Let them remain blood.

Fighting from the residual blood, summoning the beasts to come forward, breath, energy, bullets, missiles, lasers fell into the strange group, the black **** drove the chariot into the strange group, but when they saw the void, they thundered and thundered. After landing and slashing, the black **** warrior with a stub of blood was instantly torn apart without any trace of resistance.

The summoned beast and the Raptor Cavalry were my pioneers. There was cover in the open sky on the ground. Snow Moon's ice crystal phoenix sprinkled a blizzard. The black mysterious warrior was greatly reduced in speed. Xiao Ai also threw a shining javelin in the air. Ziyue stood on the back of the battle eagle. The battle eagle hung a wave of wind. The wind was composed of numerous wind blades, and a single black mysterious warrior was swept in and crushed.

"Roar!" A loud dragon groaned. A thick ice elemental dragon appeared, sandwiching a icy breath, roaring, flying away, Erica's frost dragon howl smashed into the strange group to create an ice sculpture, and then No tears, Big Brother Superman, and the blood that was almost forgotten led the magician team to launch an attack. For a time, the red fireball, the cyan wind blade, the blue and white or black current, the snow-white ice, the earth-colored meteorite were like an explosion. The shrapnel raged wildly, and in the blink of an eye a large number of monsters flew—11008—11000—8800—9100

All the elemental magic is roaring. Under this overwhelming terror, the black mysterious warrior can only collapse one by one.

The polar devil wore a polar storm, and the small knife also threw out the destroyer. The dart was shuttled through the monster group as fast as lightning. Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and a series of eye-catching injuries bounced out from time to time. There are already a large number of black mysterious corpses stacked on it. The huge experience team made some players around to upgrade.

Guarding and commanding the army of machinery, the two-level destruction of the mechanical tyrannosaurus exploded among the black black fighters, and in an instant, hundreds of black fighters were smashed and the energy beam of the electronic ultimate dragon swept by. , The blood monster is dead.

Ziyue's Hell Flame Demon is also full of flames, and plunged into the monster group. A black mysterious fighter was forced by the powerful power of its huge flame double boxing to monsters one by one, and the big devil also wielded a great sword. , Constantly attacking the monster ’s blood, Kuqiulin double guns to make up the knife, of course, the knife is not the only one, the wings of the battle eagle dancing in the air, sending out a wind blade, but the iron dragon is a bit difficult, and was suddenly blockbuster Hei Xuan gladiator Hei Xuan swooped up, his life was bottomed out, and Ziyue quickly put it away.

On the entire front, the team of the Dragon's Tooth, grouped to attract monsters, each broke, everyone killed in an orderly manner, spread the front in the monster pile, and pushed forward to countless black mysterious fighters.


The rest of the surrounding parties, those who are professional players, have their own skills, and have successfully broke through the blockade ahead.

In front of the door of the building we came after more than half an hour, but not all, only our core players and some powerful members, most of the players are still fighting in this black mysterious fighter, we ca n’t wait for them, the surrounding is dark The Xuan Fighter refreshes infinitely, and stays there sooner or later. The monsters pile up to death sooner or later, and the players behind can't rush up, and God knows that there are still some powerful monsters in it, leaving behind to kill the Black Xuan Fighter, which is also very oily.

Looking at the heavy and blood-stained iron gate, I don't know how many years the dust was sealed. The iron gate was almost rusty. He reached out his hand, pressed it against the iron gate, and pushed it hard.

"Squeak ..."

The iron gate slowly opened, a famous player entered, and the exit went in. It revealed a huge space full of moisture and odor. After we entered, there was a steady stream of players coming in.

Soon there were hundreds of professional players in this space. When the players came in, the original door closed automatically. At this moment, there was not much panic. Obviously, we were ready for this kind of thing.

As he glanced around, he said on the guild channel: "Everyone must be more careful. This is expected to be a very difficult battle."

"What are you afraid of, is it a grade drop? I've dropped it several times."

"Everyone strives to be guarded by a big boss here."


Hundreds of people were waiting in this quiet hall. There were no exits around. I want to go out and I only have to defeat the guarded boss, but where is this boss?

I kept scanning around without seeing any traces. Isn't the surrounding area above my head? I immediately looked up and thought I was dumbfounded! As I looked up, the players around me also looked up and looked at the ceiling with the same dumbfounding.

Because on the ceiling in our eyes, there is a monster with a pale face hanging upside down. It is composed of white skeletons without flesh and blood. The body is very long, about 20 to 30 meters away. The body is like a white bone that has been magnified many times. Alas, there are four hollows in the head of a huge and cricket skull, with a blood-red, fist-sized fireball burning in the hollow, and the jaw is divided into three **** with its roar, which makes people look creepy. On both sides of the head there is a long and long bone, and the front part of the bone is connected with a cold sickle.

Skeleton Hunter, Level 120 King-level BOSS, Introduction: No one knows where the Skeleton Hunter came from, and no one knows how it was born. It only knows that as long as it appears, the place will be easily coated with charcoal. A long time ago, many adventurers wanted to hunt and kill this monster, but they could return to their lives alone. Many large and medium mercenary regiments on the mainland have been destroyed by it. It can be said that it is a killing machine !!

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