Master Summoner Online

Chapter 686: Seal failed! Breakout all!

Zhang Tianshi, who was concentrating on the curse in midair, suddenly recruited a violent impact from the sky, and suddenly fell into the air, fell heavily, and fell heavily to the ground, spitting out blood!

Suddenly, everyone was shocked, and no one even understood what happened.

Zhang Tianshi was planted, and the other five parties were all conspired almost at the same time. The five elements that were about to be successful immediately collapsed.

I saw a humanoid figure in the sky, with sharp claws in both hands and feet. The wings on the back were a pair of transparent insect-like wings, a narrow front and a wide head, and a pair of scarlet eyes.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!" After this guy knocked Zhang Tianshi out of the air, his wings made a strange sound and spread from under his wings. Then, hundreds of red traces flashed through the sky.

"Danger! Hurry up!" I rushed to Zhang Tianshi as I shouted, and let the Amber Dragon protect us above us.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Countless blood-stained mushroom clouds exploded on the ground, and a strong explosion even blasted the fragments of some incomplete buildings into the sky.

At this time, at least a hundred people were bombed back to the city. They protected me and Zhang Tianshi by the defense of the Amber Dragon. At this moment, countless abyss monsters rushed out on the Holy Meteor Mountain. At this moment, the scarlet-eyed guy in the air A green unicorn monster appeared next to me, two monsters with a blue appearance, and the three-headed monster swooped down thinking about where I was!

At the same time, the thunder dragon that Karel controlled was on top!

"Bang!" It was fancy, the two collided, the claws of the scarlet-eyed monster ripped Karel's armor, and Karel's War Halberd cut one of its wings.

However, at the same time, the other two cyan unicorn monsters and the blue-skinned monster pounced on them together. The sharp-cornered horns of the unicorn and the tail-spurs of the blue-skinned monster simultaneously stimulated Carel's body, almost at the same time. The dragon's claws caught the bodies of the two monsters, and then the bodies of the three monsters burst into a fiery glow.

"Boom", the three monsters blew up at the same time!

The explosion created a huge airflow at a height of more than ten meters and overturned the surrounding players, monsters, and NPCs. I saw the giant thunder dragon and Karel falling to the ground in the smoke of the explosion!

"Cough!" Carel coughed violently and stood up from the ground reluctantly. Thunder Dragon also shook his body and stood up. At this moment Carrel's armor was broken in many places, very embarrassed, and that Thunder Dragon was on him. There are also several wounds. Each of the Dragon Knights is an NPC with a level of 200 or more. In this way, the NPCs will be blown up. It can be seen that this group of monsters is not an ordinary monster. Whether it is action, speed, or attack, it is far beyond. Other abyss monsters. No wonder the real red-eyed black dragon guy would say it was all in vain.

"Everyone withdraw to the city! Don't stay in the city anymore!" I yelled and dragged Zhang Tianshi to the back of the Amber Dragon, directing the Amber Dragon to take off. Countless players on the ground did not need my words at this moment. Someone started running long after the explosion just ended.

The overwhelming monster rushed into the city from the direction of Holy Meteor Mountain at this moment. In other directions, countless abyss monsters were thrown out wildly, rushing out in all directions, and suddenly, a fierce battle began.

"Forbidden! Thunder Thunder!" Until now, Thunder Dragon Knight Karel, the Thunder Dragon beside him roared loudly, and immediately the golden thunderbolt instantly eroded the earth, the sky, the abyss monsters surrounding it were hit by the endless thunder and lightning. Coke.

"Come on!" Carrel lifted the war halberd high, and the cloak behind him rose high.

"Pah! Pah! Pah! Countless light blue lightnings are winding around her halberd like a serpentine snake, forming a huge light blue lightning vortex, with a crackling crackling sound, you can imagine How terrible it will be once this horrifying power erupts.

"Electromagnetic Thunder Prison!" The blue lightning swept around, from the sky to the earth, there was no place to avoid this violent thunderbolt attack. This is a complete indiscriminate destruction attack. Countless monsters in the abyss have been swallowed up. Whether they are running on the ground flying in the sky, as long as the creatures in the range are destroyed as soon as possible.

Carel and Thunder Dragon made a big move at the same time to kill all the monsters around, but I feel bad at the moment!

"Let's see what's over there!" Someone shouted. And faintly at the end of the plain horizon. From there. Seeing the black masses, that shadow is definitely not a player or NPC reinforcements.

"Ding ~! The monk of the Five Elements died, the battle of the Seal of the Holy Meteor Mountain failed, and the abyss forces officially surfaced!"

"Ding ~! Quest [Evacuation] is forcibly turned on, Quest Level: Level A, Quest Objective: Break through the abyss monsters, Failed Quest: Player killed, Quest Reward: 10,000 Honor Points, Remarks: Killing Monster Honor Points as usual during evacuation Calculation. "

Two prompts jump out.

Now we have a large number of abyss monsters coming and going. "Abominable! Where are the five guys going!" The annihilation of the **** stag beetle that rushed both ends up.

"The monster rushed over, the soldiers were about to go up! Protect the priest." Shouted in the team channel, almost everyone was put together by the system, wanting to return to the dragon capital alive to speculatively find a place to hide and wait for the end of the fighting state It's impossible. There is no time to force offline. To highlight the encirclement, the price of blood must be paid.

"Stupid humans! Become a sacrifice of the great abyss coming to the continent!" A cold word came from the first abyss monster that appeared, and the first round of attacks began without the words of the abyss monster.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Powerful energy waves, all kinds of spikes, colorful liquids, blasted over to the foremost player and NPC troops, announcing the official start of the war.

Attacks were also attracted in the sky on my side. There were no blood-red figures around me. It was actually a group of blood-red wings with blood-red scales on their backs. They had a human-like figure and sent out in their mouths. The sharp hissing, the delicate face was completely twisted, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at the front, full of hatred and killing.

Poison Woman, Level 132, Elite Beast, Introduction: Humans from the abyss species, born and emerged from the abyss. Poison women are low-level abyss people with little wisdom. Their bodies are full of killing and hatred. monster.

A large number of poisonous women rushed to the ground and the player forces also had a lot of poisonous women burst into a dazzling light towards the swords in my hands in the air, yelling: "Red Dragon Roar!"


The giant red dragon soared into the sky, swept through a poisonous woman, and the amber dragon spewed breath into the monster group. At the same time, Yan Long fired crazy shots to kill the monsters very vividly.

Players on the ground were attacked up and down. The magician and archer countered the poisonous woman in the sky and gave a strong counterattack. The soldiers roared and smashed into a group with monsters on the ground. The cow roared and waved the big axe in his hand and cut open the shell of a dark black abyss monster. But this monster is obviously a typical defensive type monster. The shell is quite hard. The old cow cut it a lot before he cut this guy. dead.

"There are more monsters, and we have to break out immediately." Guardian said that the silver moon around him had a long bow, and issued a sharp whistling arrow, shooting through a team of abyssal monsters in the shape of a mantis in front of him: "Where's Big Ben going, the chain is broken when it matters."

"In my opinion, the Dragon Spirit is also trapped by monsters. Look around. No more breakout today. But the disaster is on the horizon." After Yinyue shot a bunch of monsters, Xueyue's weapons were replaced with double swords. A dark red ray of light shows the number of Zerg around while killing nearby monsters.

Obviously, things are so bad that they can't be worse. The large and small teams around the Dragon Fang camp have either been completely surrounded or wiped out, and it's their turn after the surrounding teams are all light.

"This number ... is getting more and more!" Obviously, everyone knows that the situation has reached a very serious level, but the facts seem to be many times worse than everyone's worst situation.

"This task was pitted by the system. This is simply a death task. I see that the forum will be crowded by players after the task ends." Yun Lan's fist paired with Lan Lion. He just slaughtered. There are tens of thousands of abyss monsters, but looking at the number of monsters madly rushing around, this is not enough. There were several kinds of monsters that even caused her a lot of trouble.

But at this moment, a majestic and loud Dragon Yin suddenly cut through the sky!

"Oh my God, what is that?"

On the ground, everyone looked up at the sky, one by one, speechless in astonishment.

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