Master Summoner Online

Chapter 699: Promise yourself?

The blood commander, after glaring at us for a second, slowly lifted the huge **** sickle, a thick blood exuded under the **** cloak, and then started violently with a roar.

Very fast, we had no time to avoid, we could only parry, Xueyue turned the double swords into a cross, Shu Road opened the defense magic, Yun Lan crossed his arms, I opened the White Dragon Shield and the attack at the same time, and the black **** stood upright to the sky Shine forward. The sickle was in front of everyone's chest. Everyone knew that this attack couldn't escape, so they put on a blocking posture.

The **** commander's sickle turned into a red flash. Flashed before our eyes.

The next moment I felt like I was spinning. First hit the ground, then bounced and hit the ceiling, and finally fell back to the ground.

His head was completely hazy, and in this hazy consciousness, he confirmed his blood volume, and was surprised to find that after the previous blow, the improper two layers of shields were lost forever and the blood volume fell below 50%. Scan people around. It was found that with the exception of the Black God and Shu Dao, everyone's blood volume became ruthless blood red. When the qi and blood dropped below 10%, the data showing the blood volume changed from normal white to blood red. This is A very bad signal, this signal means we all don't want to survive the next attack.

at this time.

The **** commander's scythe dragged his blood-red light and waved it mercilessly. That can only be described as a fierce slash.

At this moment a huge body but in front of me, the huge body is exactly my Gatling Blast Dragon. Just the blood marshal's slash, my summoned beasts stood far away and were not hit. The blood marshal The scythe dragged the blood-red light sharply to the Gatling Blast Dragon in front of him.

The scythe, which can be cut off, can not break through on the extremely hard shield outside the Gatling Blast Dragon, but it just opened with a loud sound.

Seeing his attack bounce off, the blood chief seemed to be overwhelmed by his eyes.

It is also the action of Gatling Blast Dragon that we have the opportunity to replenish the blood. After standing up and quickly replenishing the blood, the battle resumes. At the same time, the blood commander immediately screams. It continuously cuts in Canada with a sickle After the Tling blasting shield was ineffective, a blood-colored energy group gathered in one hand directly smashed towards the Gatling blasting dragon, but it did not break the shield ...

When the blood captain kept venting the shield of Nagatlin's blasting dragon, we immediately found a chance to attack. Shu Tao immediately threw out a magic, and I also launched a dragon gun to start the Red Dragon Roar, and Xueyue used it. Gathering out, Yun Lan fired a cannon, Dragon Slayer and Humor launched a melee, Tian Zhao and the Black God also joined the battle and my other summoned beasts. One by one the skills are continuously used ...

But the next thing that made people break their glasses!

The word "immunity" is all over the head of the blood commander! This really makes people can't believe their eyes.

"Fuck! That's how it is!" Nether cried.

"Since we are immune to our attacks, how can this ... be possible."

"Too exaggerated! This can't be beaten at all." The Dragon Slayer exclaimed.

"Roar!" The blood commander screamed sharply, and the blood sickle in his hand swept out again mercilessly, setting off a skyrocketing energy flow, and immediately lifted us out again, and fell to the ground after turning 720 degrees in the air. All fell flat in an instant.

"I can't fight at all." I shook my head and said.

Xueyue said angrily, "What should I do? It won't work like this."

"Hehehe, useless adventurer die!" Said the low voice of the male voice. at this time.

The sound of crackling footsteps came into my ears. I saw long red hair wearing a blood-red cloak. It was the blood charm standing on the periphery of the magic circle just now. At this moment, she was looking at the huge blood commander without a glance of fear.

"Fool! Run away!"

Shu Tao desperately propped up his upper body, yelling at the same time.

"Blood charm you! Do you want to protect these **** adventurers?"

Blood Charm shook his head and said, "Master, you also know the current situation. It is very important to resist the invasion of the abyss, these adventurers with the equivalent of eternal life, aren't they?"

"Blood charm, you are really a country-worrying person, but you should know that believers who violate the precepts of the Church will be regarded as traitors, and you improperly disobey my orders and kill these humble adventurers and protect them. I'll kill you and this group of adventurers together! "The low male voice turned to growl, saying that his voice fell, the blood commander once again waved the sickle heavily, and no matter how strong the blood charm was, it was only a hundred-level king. BOSS, but the blood leader is a super BOSS who can't see the level and grade at all. In addition, the blood charm is a magical unit with less blood and defense. I am afraid that this blow must be spiked.

However, something incredible happened the next moment.

"Teacher thank you for the grace of raising blood charm for many years, but we are also human beings who are also human adventurers, facing such a dilemma in the world we live in ..." He bit his lip hard.

While talking, the sickle that was glowing with blood had been cut down against the blood charm!

"No ...! Run away. Hurry!" I shouted, but the blood charm was like I could not hear what I said at all. Waving mercilessly at that. That can only be described as fierce slashing, and suddenly it is about to be slashed on the blood charm!

A bright purple baffle blocked the sickle, as if cutting the shield of a Gatling Blast Dragon, with a loud pop.

"The majesty of Blood Flame!"

With the sound of "Boom!", A blood-colored flame sprang around the right hand of Blood Charm. The flame spread in an instant, and immediately condensed and entangled into an elongated shape. Seeing gradually turned into a staff of nearly two meters. A scarlet gem rose to the top of the staff with a **** flame.

The wand appeared much longer than her height. Then a bright red flame rose under her feet. The flame wrapped her body in an instant, but it was incredible that although her cloak and long red hair were also caught in the tongue of fire, it was completely unaffected.

Then she slowly drawn a semicircle in front of herself with the wand in her hand, and saw no hesitation. The flame condensed a half-meter short dagger above the wand, and drank two and a half meters. The left and right daggers pierced the bell-shaped eyes of the bloods commander fiercely. In the bloodshot eyes, a clear look of fear was seen. The short swords about half a meter completely fell into the eyes of the bloods commander. "Two huge explosions sounded, and the position of the eyes of the blood chief was exploded into two caves!

"Ding ~! Bloody Commander's **** eyes have been destroyed and immunity has been lifted!"

All the players in the group heard this system prompt, and looked at the bloods commander in surprise. At this moment, the bloods commander fainted. No wonder the previous attacks were all immune to the fact that this guy is invincible, really a daddy's monster.

The blood charm of the vortex of fire was entangled throughout the body, and the staff shot forward with a slender bloodlight with a finger forward. The blood commander raised a scythe forward and posed in a defensive posture. The explosive light shot collided with the scythe handle held high.

The blood light ate into the handle of the sickle little by little, blooming a fierce blood light, the **** commander's sickle could not withstand the impact of this blood light from breaking into two with a loud noise. The next moment, the **** commander's chest was blasted out of a huge hole!

The blood marshal's huge body dropped to the ground, and at the same time, we finally recovered our strength and slowly stood up with our own weapons instead of crutches. The crowd stood up one after another, and staggered closer to the blood charm.

"Great!" Sighed.

At this moment, the fresh blood commander stood up, and the huge hole in the chest was repaired at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. The **** eyes of those two holes reappeared, and said, "Blood charm did not expect you to know the weak blood commander's weakness, it seems that I am small I count on you."

Blood charm said: "Master Lord, please let them go."

The leader said with a **** commander: "I have realized the mystery in your attack of Blood Charm. You are also for the sake of the church, but what I have said cannot be withdrawn. From today you are no longer the sage of the **** church. You go with these adventurers. "

I asked, "Will you let us go?"

The leader said: "Yes, but you must promise me to close the golden gate. What you have done here today must not be disclosed to anyone outside."

"What if we say it?" Tulong Shidao.

"Then die!" The leader said, slamming the back of the Dragon Slayer with a finger on the palm of the Dragon Slayer's helmet.

The Dragon Slayer shuddered, the palms of the fresh blood commander removed, floated in front of us and said, "Let's go, don't wait for me to regret it." After finishing speaking, he flung his sleeves and disappeared into the void.

"Just go like this." Nether Road said.

I said, "It's best to come and eat offline."

The crowd left the Scarlet Castle. This tour of Scarlet Castle, except for acquiring some equipment and experience, did not get anything but brought a beautiful MM, Shu Tao asked: "You are now homeless, what should I do? do?"

Xuemei shook her head and said, "I don't know. I grew up in a **** church since I was a child. I don't understand anything outside."

I said, "What then?"

Blood charm said to Shu Tao: "Mr. Shu Tao, thank you for saving me."

Shu Tao scratched his head and said, "It's okay, just raise your hand."

Blood charm said: "Mr. Shu Tao, the **** church I can't go back, but I thought of what to do next."

The Shu Road froze slightly, wondering, "What do you want to do?"

Blood charm pouted with a smile: "I read a book from a book in the library of the church and saw the sentence," The grace of dripping water should be reported to the spring! Of course, the grace of life is promised by your body. "You saved me Life, Mr. Shu Tao, I will be yours from now on. "

The audience was petrified in an instant.

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