Match Point

Chapter 1192: little progress

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The situation is bad, very, very bad.


Gao Wen let out a roar from the depths of his dantian.

Three times in a row, stop and turn suddenly, even on hard ground, continuous rapid change of direction is a severe test, causing fierce impact on ankles and knees, and you may not be able to push the ground if you are not careful or not in place

It's a trivial matter if you can't connect with your mobile, but it's a big deal if you fall and get injured.


Gao Wen's footsteps this time were lighter and more flexible than the previous two times.

On the one hand, make adequate preparations. After the previous slide, adjust the small steps and jumps, regain the center of gravity, and control the body in time.

On the one hand, make a good prediction in advance. After Gao Wen's backhand slash forms enough impact, what route will Nadal choose for his forehand attack?

In the blink of an eye, Gao Wen continued to fall into a passive position. He had no time to predict in advance, but deep down in his heart, he was also mentally prepared for the repeated backhand shots. It was not surprising that Nadal attacked his backhand continuously. A momentary conditioned reflex has already responded.

In place, with one jump, the entire trend of movement is resolved.

At the same time as landing, I kicked my right leg, and felt the sliding of sand grains and the support of the soil. The strong reaction force was sent up bit by bit along with the bursting of muscles, and my body was already heading towards the ground like an arrow leaving the string. He rushed out on his left, leaving only an afterimage.

Great stride!

Again, great strides!

At this time, there was not enough time and space to complete the slide between sudden stops and turns—at least, Gawain's footsteps were not so proficient.

Gao Wen didn't panic at all, and continued to sprint horizontally with long strides, just like the acceleration stage of a 100-meter sprint, instantly increasing his speed.



Sprint again!

Go against the wind!

It seems very long to describe it; but in fact it is only two big strides, going back and forth, and Gao Wen has returned to his position in the blink of an eye.

Rapid response.


Moreover, Gawain's footwork was in place this time, which also meant that Nadal's return ball was sent into Gawain's hands, which instead gave Gawain room to hit the ball.

Here, Gao Wen has already started bidding.

On that side, Nadal also immediately judged from Gao Wen's second start speed, and immediately realized that Gao Wen might fight next.

So, how will Gao Wen choose the route? slash? straight line? Middle?

Look, this is the difference between good footwork and inappropriate footwork. This time Gao Wen's footwork is in place, and even if he changes his line, he already has room to swing his racket.

With Gao Wen's line-changing ability, he can directly aim at the dead corner of the straight line with his backhand with both hands, and turn the situation from defense to offense with one shot.

Nadal is in crisis.

This is tennis, which is ever-changing, and the transition between top players often occurs within a single shot, without warning or defense.

So, how did Nadal choose?


light jump.

Between the crossing of just two steps, Nadal has recovered his center of gravity, moved slightly to his right side, and kept his center of gravity active.

cross step.

Cross step again!

Nadal maintains a tendency to move back to the center of the court, regardless of whether Gawain chooses a straight line or a diagonal line, which also means that he can defend.

Just then, Gawain hits the ball, Nadal moves—

Nadal maintained a light posture with his toes on the ground, and pulled his body to the right, but then he noticed the trend of Gao Wen's movement. He followed the inertia of the lateral movement trend, without stopping or controlling, and threw his body directly Go, follow the forward inertia of the Lunyuan racket to complete the shot.



Obviously, Gawain went all out—

Directly superimpose all the weight of the body and the inertia of the forward rush, and choose to give it a go. This slash is aimed at the winning point.

Because Gao Wen's entire center of gravity has been thrown out, if there is a fourth emergency stop and turn, there is no way to do it. This also means that Gao Wen gave up the entire court on the right side and followed the centrifugal force Pulling his body out, as long as Nadal can return the tennis ball to the court, then Gao Wen can't save him.

There is no way to come back.

So, slashes.

Gao Wen did not choose to change the line, but also chose to return the ball repeatedly, and once again challenged Nadal's forehand head-on.



In the entire tour, there are very few players who dare to hit Nadal's forehand head-on.


Nadal was able to feel the desperate impact immediately, his footsteps landed lightly on the ground, and with a kick of his right leg, his body was already sprinting horizontally to the left.


two steps.

Three steps, and then, with a push of the left leg, the body has already slid out horizontally. The light and agile posture is astonishing. You can even see the hair band and the hem of the clothes dancing chicly. The transition from sprinting to sliding is seamless. Flowing clouds and flowing water, a pure enjoyment.


Nadal also roared to origin, because—

Gao Wen's backhand shot with all his strength, his strength and speed raised to a new level, bombarded like a cannonball.

Nadal couldn't keep up with the speed a little bit, and his body glides out like this.

Seeing that the tennis ball was about to hit the ground for the second time, Nadal's body was completely pressed down, almost parallel to the ground, and his left hand cut into the space between the tennis ball and the ground, as thin as a cicada's wing, and even scooped up a piece of red soil.





Nadal actually managed to save the ball again. As long as he stands on the clay court, he is like a magician, always offering incredible When his body is out of position, Nadal only relies on his wrist Strength, lightly shaking and picking, from sliding steps to arms, all stretched to the extreme—

Hit the ball, and that's it.

The tennis ball flew up and slid out a full and moving parabola.

Across the audience!

All the coaches, including those standing on the sidelines, raised their heads and watched the arc of the tennis ball.

So, what about Gao Wen?

Tread Tread!

Sprint, go, derail.

Gao Wen continued to move to the left, like a derailed train with brake failure. After throwing his body completely out of the centrifugal force, he couldn't stop the car. The red soil had almost no grip at all. Braking, judging by Gao Wen's unskilled pace now:

Injury may be a high probability event.

Therefore, Gawain gave up the brakes and followed the forward force, unable to hold back his feet.

At this time, there is no possibility of turning around, and gradually drifting away.

However, Gao Wen still cared about the game, turned his head, and looked behind him awkwardly, catching the trajectory of the tennis ball in the air, and then he could see—

A mustard yellow light and shadow fell rapidly.

Seeing that he was about to go out of bounds directly, but because of the "Na-style super top spin" to change the flight trajectory, he abruptly folded the parabola and fell off a cliff.

The incredible flying parabola is thrilling! Surprise everyone!

The whole audience focused their eyes.

However, Gao Wen had already lost his position, so he had to look back, look forward again, hit the barbed wire fence on the side of the court, and braked by external force.

So, what about this ball?

Did Nadal's return ball enter the bounds, or did it go out of bounds?



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