Match Point

Chapter 1319: drama within a play

"...Wait, wait, wait, is this really good? Will the child not leave a psychological shadow?"

On the monitor screen, you can see Sinner's mixed expressions of surprise, excitement, confusion and anxiety, trying to look up to the waiter's eyes, but he feels well-deserved panic while being flattered, and his pupils keep shaking Then, inadvertently drifted away towards the distance.

It may be difficult to capture so many details in such a scene with the naked eye; but through the camera lens, you can clearly feel the cameraman's capture, and the changes in the expressions of those details are presented in every detail, and you can clearly feel The turbulent emotions in the air.

At this time, Gao Wen was sitting in front of the monitor.

Moreover, he is not alone, there is McEnroe next to him.

Gao Wen waved his hands again and again, he felt that the current situation was not suitable for laughing, but the smile couldn't help but rise—

Audiences have always enjoyed watching reality TV, and not without reason.

Then, Gao Wen turned his head to look at McEnroe, a little bit dumbfounded, showing a little worry.

"Should we stop shooting the show, before the kid gets hurt? What if Yannick is suspicious when he sees the fans in the future?"

McEnroe waved his hand boldly, "Don't worry, I believe that this kid will definitely have his own fans in the future, and they will cheer and applaud him. Now he is just getting used to it in advance."

Immediately afterwards, he added, "Moreover, the focus of today's event is not on acting and cheating, but on giving Yannick an unforgettable day. Everyone revolves around Yannick, including you, so when When you are on stage, that is the happiest moment."

Gao Wen spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face, "John, I'm really not good at acting, and the Golden Raspberry Award is not rare for me to give me a look."

"Haha." McEnroe was immediately amused, "It's okay, it's okay, you just play the vase, haha, Gawain, you're such an interesting guy."

Everything, everything is a routine—

A special event from Nike.

Everyone has seen the grand occasion of the past few months, and Nike naturally did not miss it. They also realized that Gao Wen's popularity is rising strongly around the world, and his overall influence is rising steadily. This is precisely the reason why Nike signed the contract They had to grasp the situation that Gao Wen was looking forward to.

The "jersey event" is an opportunity.

In fact, at the beginning of planning, this was just a small activity to sell jerseys.

Previously, Nike and Adidas were the same as the two giants. They did not spend too much thought on the tennis equipment market. After all, basketball and football are the real big players in the equipment market. Tennis is not ranked at all, so planning tennis jerseys This is the first time for commercial promotion.

Everything is an experiment, including Nike itself, and did not have too high expectations for the event.

Very, very unexpectedly, the popularity of the event remained high. Both the participation rate and social network traffic easily exceeded Nike's expectations, proving once again Gao Wen's super popularity; and in the next period of time, the discussion was always hot maintained at a high level.

So, Nike seized the opportunity and pushed the boat along—

"The fans are particularly surprised", just like that.

According to the original plan, the final grand prize of the jersey event was "Paris for three days and two nights", including a meeting with Gawain, a half-day tour of Paris, and going to Roland Garros to watch Gawain's first round match, etc.

Later, on this basis, Nike further added the meaning of special surprises, and deepened the bond between Gao Wen and the fans, planning a "play within a play".

Things are not complicated.

To put it simply, just like a couple planning a surprise event, Nike tailors it according to the situation of the final grand prize winner, bringing surprises step by step:

Yannick Sinner.

When investigating the personal situation of the grand prize winner, Nike accidentally discovered that this is actually a tennis player, and not an amateur, but a young player undergoing professional training; at the same time, the tennis idol of this young man is Gao Wen, things became clear.

Right now, this lunch was originally arranged by Nike for the Sinner family, and the waiters and the lobby manager also received instructions from the Nike team in advance—

In fact, they were a little bit worried, because Sinner has only received professional tennis training for less than a year, and he has not participated in many youth competitions, so the chance of meeting fans is really too small.

But if you think about it carefully, it may not be impossible:

After all, when Sinner fell in love with Gao Wen, Gao Wen was still an unfamiliar name in the professional tennis world. There were no fans on Gao Wen's side, and no fans would have expected the follow-up development of the US Open; It has been less than a year since entering the profession.

From Gao Wen to Sinner, the experience of idols has been reflected in reality, and Sinner is likely to believe it.

Of course, the focus is still on the acting skills of the waiters, neither too exaggerated nor too bland, just catering to the right, perfectly fitting the situation.

At the same time, Gao Wen and McEnroe were in the building next door, watching the whole scene through hidden cameras, waiting for the opportunity to appear.

In addition, the Nike team also sent a second team to film the reactions of Gao Wen and McEnroe, almost completing the production in the way of reality TV.

In the end, all of this will be edited into a special program, which will become the climax of the entire "jersey event". In the way of a play within a play, it will completely revolve around Sinner's fan and further increase the high-level fans. The bond between Wen and the fans is looking forward to detonating the traffic frenzy again.

Gawain is no stranger to this—

I have never eaten pork, but I have always seen pigs run away. Among all kinds of variety shows, such a model has been used to produce programs long ago. From singers to actors to idols, they have everything that one expects to find. They come to satisfy all fantasies of fans, the most romantic, wild and happiest fantasies.

It's just that Gao Wen didn't expect that he would become the protagonist of the show one day. That kind of feeling is really strange.

On the monitor screen—

Sinner's immature face, which had just started to show pimples, was full of surprise and confusion, obviously dizzy from the shock of the situation in front of him.

Perhaps, on the court, Sinner always appears rational and calm, even a little mature; but in life, he is just a child after all, and he is only thirteen years old this year. He has not experienced so many situations. It's hard to stay calm and to organize your thoughts.

"Ha, haha, you can almost see the question mark on Yannick's face." McEnroe clapped his hands directly and laughed.

Gawain also had smiles in his eyes and the corners of his mouth, but he still defended Sinner, "It's normal, and I am the same way. I still remember when I met the fans for the first time in the tour. Same performance."

"I am happy and happy, but at the same time I am uneasy. I can hardly believe that all this is really happening. At the same time, I need to maintain a calm expression and try to avoid being seen by the fans as embarrassing."

The vivid words easily made McEnroe laugh.

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