Match Point

Chapter 1584: open and honest

Obviously, Lawrence was caught off guard by being killed. He never expected that Gao Wen would be so direct and calm, and cut straight to the point. For a moment, even as bold as she was, she couldn't help being stunned.

Seeing Lawrence's stunned expression, Gawain raised a smile on his mouth, "Sorry, are you being too straightforward?"

"I should first thank you for coming to watch the game. I hope you can enjoy the charm of tennis. Maybe this is not my best game, but at least, I made the cut in the end, which is worth cheering for."

Then, Gao Wen looked at Lawrence again, "So, thank you for coming to watch the game. But it has been a long time since the game ended, at least two hours, and you still appear here, are you waiting for me? You have a good impression of me ?"

The exact same question made a small circle, and then returned to the original place.

This time, Lawrence had come to his senses, not only did he not panic, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "What's going on, your tone doesn't sound happy, oh, what a pity, I thought there were beauties Waiting at the door, a man's self-esteem will be particularly satisfied."

The corner of Gao Wen's mouth tugged slightly, and he endured it, but he couldn't hold it back after all, and raised his eyebrows, ""

The doubtful voice made Lawrence's eyes widen, he looked up at Gawain, and opened his mouth slightly uncontrollably, "I didn't expect you to be such a Gawain, are you complaining about me?"


Gao Wen tried his best to hold back his smile, but the flickering smile still surged in his eyes, and his expression became serious again, "I think the focus of our conversation has deviated from the track, you should know that after the news came out, when I saw it, my head turned serious. There are question marks in there, and clearly, something is not quite right."

This time, it was Lawrence's turn to take pleasure in others' misfortune, "Yes... yes, yes..." He nodded perfunctorily, but couldn't help the smile, and in the end he couldn't hold it back, he burst out laughing, "I should have seen your face when you read the news."

Gao Wen was speechless, "So, are you taking revenge on me? Because of the incident in the hotel lobby? Or is there something else hidden? What's going on?"

Lawrence didn't hide it at all, he opened his mouth and laughed heartily, his sparkling eyes showed some gloat, and then nodded without hesitation, "Yes, it's revenge."

He just admitted it.

Lawrence looked at Gawain's wide-eyed eyes, and slightly raised his smile, "To be honest, I also want to see you slumped, who made you so arrogant and self-righteous, as if nothing can escape your guess— Of course, all your guesses are indeed correct, but it is precisely because of this that I want to see you deflated even more."

After finishing speaking, Lawrence winked playfully at Gawain, not hiding his mischievous intentions at all—

Sure enough, just like the rumors, frank, bold, and crazy.

Lawrence noticed that Gawain was about to respond, so she simply turned her body slightly, tilted her head, stared at Gawain's expression and eyes with wide eyes, and could clearly feel that the sound of shutters coming from all directions went up a step, " "Kacha Kacha Kacha" rushes forward.

Without words, Gawain could see the playfulness and narrowness in Lawrence's eyes, this was another prank.

Lawrence seemed to realize that Gawain was about to fight back, so he took a step ahead and stood on tiptoe to get a little closer, as if he was exploring the reflection of himself in Gawain's eyes. In an instant, he could feel the sound of gasping around him, The people who eat melons at close range can hardly breathe.

Immediately afterwards, Lawrence continued to speak—

fight back.

"But the real reason is that Mr Gao is right."


what is correct

"Didn't Mr. Gao ask just now, do I have a crush on you?"

"Yes, that's true. I thought about it seriously. I do have a crush on you, and the favor is increasing little by little. It has even turned into a liking, especially after today's game."

"So, in the process of slowly getting to know what I said to the reporter with a good impression, from my standpoint, it's all true."

The smile rose little by little, like a skirt fluttering in the wind, blooming proudly among the green trees and white clothes of Wimbledon. Lawrence just looked straight into Gawain's eyes, generous, brave and direct, and blew the bell. horn.

"Gao Wen, I realized that I really like you."

"So, after the game, I didn't leave. I've been waiting for you, even if it's just to see you. Of course, the main purpose is to send out a date invitation."

In that room, Gao Wen got straight to the point.

Here, Lawrence took the initiative to attack.

Between you and me, you can clearly feel the slight tension in the air, sparks are flying—

"I reject."

Gao Wen replied.

Because Gao Wen's answer was too straightforward, too neat, too direct, too fast, without leaving any gaps at all, the wall-hitting response cut off all of Lawrence's attacks, so that Lawrence's smile at the corner of his mouth couldn't help but froze. There was a look of astonishment on his expression.

The air fell into silence.

Lawrence: ? ? ?

In an instant, the smile fell apart. Even though Lawrence tried hard to maintain his image, the curve of the corners of his mouth could not be held back at all. She had to spend countless efforts to control her bursting impulse on the spot.

One second, two seconds...the air froze like this.

"At least…"

Lawrence took a deep breath and forced a smile.

"You can at least think about it before giving a reply. This is the basic character of a gentleman, isn't it? Why did you refuse without even a second of hesitation?"

In Gao Wen's opinion, Lawrence's confession was indeed a surprise, but such a surprise may be a good thing, since everything is laid out on the table, there is no need to cover up, hesitate, or be vague. The roots are broken, and everything is sorted out.

So, after a brief moment of astonishment, Gao Wen also regained his composure.

Looking at Lawrence, Gawain also knew that his refusal was too decisive and hurtful, but it was necessary and they needed to draw a clear line between them, "Because there is nothing to think about. Don't be ambiguous, don't be vague, be clear. Give an answer, and I think that's the respect for each other."

Lawrence: …

She opened her mouth slightly and tried to say something, but her voice got stuck in her throat, and she couldn't believe her ears.

Then, UU Reading www. What about now?

"Because of what?"

Lawrence is not a character who retreats without a fight. She likes Gao Wen, not only for his calmness and wisdom, but also for his temperament on the field.

Even if it is a refusal, she needs a clear answer, not procrastinating, and not escaping from reality.

"Because of the hotel? Or the scandal? Or because of the negative news about the fans in the bar?"

"That was all a misunderstanding."

"You don't know me at all, at least you should give me a chance to explain and show your true self, don't you?"

Generous, frank and straightforward, Lawrence did not show his vulnerability after hitting the wall in his confession, but continued to fight like a soldier.

Those eyes were still clear and bright.

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