Match Point

Chapter 1613: 1 chip

Chapter 1614

stride, traverse—

With just one step, Gawain's footsteps were already in place. At this moment, the impact of Dimitrov's lack of polish in the details of the second serve can be seen.


Stepping on his left leg to support his body, Gao Wen didn't hesitate or hesitate, and the whole batting swing followed the turning movement, and he made a powerful attack in one go.


The two-handed backhand shot is very solid and tough, with full force, and even after the shot is completed, you can still see the body continue to turn to complete the entire swing action. Dimitrov lacks the threat of the second serve. Hitting it back like a cannonball creates the visual effect of a home run.

The whole audience exclaimed.

The tennis ball, with the momentum of the wind, crossed the court and came to Dimitrov's backhand along the diagonal.

Dimitrov, who had just completed his serve, felt the strong wind blowing towards his face before his footsteps had time to return to his position.

The footsteps were obviously hasty, and it was impossible to fully adjust in a short period of time. They barely got in place in a hurry, but there was no time and space for the body to stretch.

At this time, the advantage of the one-handed backhand was brought into play again. Dimitrov leaned forward with his whole body, sliced ​​with one hand, and successfully touched the ball before the tennis ball hit the ground.


Dimitrov snorted, but had no time to rejoice. After hitting the ball, he continued to adjust in small steps, repositioned, re-judged the position, re-examined the situation on the court, and cut the backhand to slow down the entire ball speed and rhythm. Gain precious time and be able to recover a little bit.

Tread, Tread—

Dimitrov's muscles tensed all over his body, and he stared at Gawain with fiery eyes. He could see at a glance that Gawain was ready to go like a fully drawn bow and arrow. Gawain, who was standing in the backhand position, had already locked his position in advance and was ready. The next shot is to attack, but the key is, which direction will Gao Wen choose?

Forehand? Backhand?

Judging from the entire game, the backhand is a high probability event; but judging from the past four rounds, Gao Wen repeatedly broke through with the forehand and reversed the situation.

However, whether it is a forehand or a backhand, this is a probabilistic event. Gao Wen's shot layout is often full of changes, constantly breaking the routine. If Dimitrov falls into one mode, Gao Wen will choose another mode. , this is also the most brilliant part of the Gawain competition.

More importantly, Dimitrov didn't have time to think, he couldn't spend 30 minutes to make a decision after deliberation, everything had to be done in an instant, so he had to trust his intuition, he couldn't hesitate or hesitate—

Bet, guess, fool.

Not in any way, but sometimes competitive sports just have to trust gut instinct, which is as much a part of the game as luck.

One kick, one kick, Dimitrov made a fake move towards the forehand, but then went back and stayed in the backhand defense again.

next second—


Gawain, hit the ball.


Calculation and game play, guessing and prediction, the two players must continue to confront each other in an ever-changing game, but this time, Gawain's opposite behavior fell into Dimitrov's judgment, so Gawain The backhand attack fell into Dimitrov's arms, and sparks blazed in an instant.

One brake, one forward, Dimitrov's one-handed backhand hit the ball, chic and light, the whole body is completely stretched, as if you can see the hunting wind leaving tracks on the white clothes like water, even Even the fluttering hair is dancing, a pure enjoyment.

Turn to guard! For the attack!


This is the most exciting and best-looking part of the men's game. One shot can turn the situation from defense to offense. The connection between offense and defense is undoubtedly the watershed between ordinary players and top players. The strength is that they can do better.

Seeing that Dimitrov was passive because of the weakness of the second serve, but in the blink of an eye, a one-handed backhand has turned the situation around.

So, what about Gao Wen?

Don't give up an inch!

With solid footsteps and a steady center of gravity, he did not back down at all, and he backhanded forward with both hands.

This time, Gao Wen didn't pull the racket too hard, but gathered the batting movement as much as possible, made a small pull on the racket in a small range, borrowed his strength, and used the sweeping motion of his wrist to tear the angle apart—

The slash is still a slash, but the landing point is shallower and the angle is wider, and the counterattack is launched in this way.

Strong, tough, strong, the collision of power and power, the duel of backhand and backhand, seems to return to the familiar pattern of the first half of the game.

Dimitrov, who is not afraid at all, has already been fully prepared; what's more, when discussing the angle of the backhand duel, the one-handed backhand is the absolute king.

Gao Wen's return ball landed very, very close to the sideline, a big step away from the bottom line, and the angle of tearing directly pulled Dimitrov out of the singles sideline, and quickly approached the doubles sideline.

However, Dimitrov was already in place with one stride. He turned his upper body forward, flipped a backhand with one hand, and hit the high point of the shoulder. His arms were fully stretched in a circle, and he could clearly feel The tension and flexibility of the opening of the chest, the strength instantly burst into a wave of air.


The whole audience exclaimed, but before the voice had time to surge, it was automatically cut off due to shock and astonishment, and fell into silence again in a blink of an eye.

In the head-to-head confrontation between strength and speed, Dimitrov's one-handed backhand did not lose the wind at all, his whole body condition was improved to the extreme, and the angle was further torn apart. The second shot put pressure on Gao Wen from the backhand position.

This time, Dimitrov's return ball landed in a small triangle on the bottom line of the service area, which was almost equivalent to an excellent outside corner serve. It shot out of the sideline of the doubles, and directly pulled Gawain's footsteps out of the court. The field was completely emptied and Dimitrov regained the upper hand.

Of course, Dimitrov was not so easy, because the force was also due to tearing the angle, centrifugal force and inertia pulled his body to continue to rush outwards, and his center of gravity was unstable. He also paid the price and had no way to return to the court to complete it immediately. He also needs some time for the follow-up Similarly, Gao Wen is the same.

So, in such a situation, how would Gao Wen respond?

Rip the angle further? Seeing that the angle has been torn to the extreme, can you continue to pull it apart?

Or is it to break the routine attack line?

But the trap of hitting the ball this time is that Gao Wen's body has been completely pulled out of the field. If he chooses a straight line—

First, you need to face a relatively short straight-line space. If you don’t pay attention to the hitting line, it will be too long and lead to out of bounds.

The second is to face the referee chair on this side, like a huge obstacle lying on the straight line, the passage is basically equivalent to a line of sky.

So, how will Gao Wen choose, or in other words, how should Gao Wen choose?

Dimitrov really played to the extreme and dug a big hole for Gawain.

All eyes were on the audience, but they saw Gao Wen kicking his feet, squatting down, his backhand with both hands turned into a cut, a side cut, and the shot was completed——

small ball.

(end of this chapter)

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