Match Point

Chapter 676: break the routine

"Match Point(

"I think you and Maria should become very good friends. You two training freaks should be able to find a common topic during dinner."

"Oh, are you sure Maria doesn't mind? The fact that Serena and I are friends?"

"...Gao Wen!"

Dimitrov and Gawain were walking side by side, chatting with each other, but suddenly Gawain stabbed him with an arrow, his face was speechless, but seeing Gawain laughing He looked very, very satisfied with his little "revenge", which made Dimitrov very helpless.

At this moment, the two of them finally took off their usual sportswear, each put on their casual clothes, and walked on the streets of Paris, just like college students, who attracted the attention of passers-by because of their tall and slender stature; Under cover, it has not been recognized yet.

In fact, according to the daily itinerary, Gao Wen should be on his way back to the hotel right now. After dinner, he and Sampras will watch the game video to prepare for tomorrow's quarter-finals.

As for training, during the competition, in order to avoid overloading the body, it is often practiced once a day, and extra training is avoided as much as possible at night—

Unless there are special circumstances.

However, Gawain could sense that Dimitrov was still a little depressed and couldn't fully come out.

Life, that is.

Everyone understands the truth; but when we really face it, we still need time and energy to face it, digest it, and solve it. It is far from being able to disappear in a few words; after all, real life is not Disney animation. Song can solve it, if not, sing another one.

They are all ordinary flesh and blood.

So, Gao Wen proposed to go out for a drink with Dimitrov, and to deviate from the daily track a little bit—

Of course, it was Dimitrov who was in charge of the drinks; Gao Wenming still had competitions tomorrow, so he would not touch alcohol tonight.

Dimitrov's first reaction was to refuse.

He was worried about Gao Wen's next game, and waved his hands again and again to express that he was fine and there was no need to break the daily routine. He sincerely hoped that Gao Wen could continue to fight in Paris.

However, Gawain still convinced Dimitrov.

"...You know, I actually used you as an excuse to go out and get some fresh air."

Dimitrov quickly reacted:

Kei Nishikori and Raonic's double wins also officially announced that Gao Wen missed the year-end finals, just like Dimitrov.

Realizing this, Dimitrov felt very, very guilty.

He was so immersed in the pain and annoyance of his own failure that he completely forgot that Gao Wen was also facing the same loss and bitterness. In the end, he even asked Gao Wen to come here to comfort him, but he didn't think of Gao Wen at all.

"If you feel guilty, then the first drink tonight, no matter what it is, is up to you to pay for it."

Gawain's words made Dimitrov regain his smile, and then they left the court—

Of course, they informed Tobias.

If it was another player, Tobias might be worried, going out during the game? Is this inappropriate? What about the preparation rhythm and daily biological clock? What should I do if it affects the next day's game?

But if it is Gawain, Tobias is very relieved, he knows that Gawain has a measure; moreover, Dimitrov is also a player who knows how to stop.

Gao Wen also sent a text message to Sampras and Pelt, and neither of them had any worries, so they directly replied "Got it", and didn't ask any more questions.

So, two big men appeared on the streets of Paris, walking under the tall plane trees, blowing the late autumn night, covered with a layer of colorful neon cream color, faintly able to catch the water vapor on the banks of the Seine in the wind Floating, the figures that come and go in a hurry never stop.

"...Actually, you are all mistaken, Serena and I are also friends, and Maria has no problem with that."

"Grigor, are you sure?"

Dimitrov looked at Gawain's eyes full of melons, feeling helpless for a while, but finally couldn't hold back, "Why didn't I know you were so gossip?"

"Don't you know today?"

Dimitrov was shocked by Gawain's majesty, he stared at Gawain with wide eyes, unable to say a word.

Gawain laughed happily, pushed open the door in front of him, and greeted Dimitrov, "Here we are, this is the place I told you about."

Dimitrov finally came back to his senses, and followed quickly, "Gao Wen, I never thought you would be such a brazen person!"

It's obviously a complaint, but Dimitrov's complaints are not powerful at all, and he is still too kind.

Gao Wen didn't refute, but pinched his own cheek, "Tell me, which one is thicker than the Great Wall?"

Dimitrov: ...jawed.

"Haha." Gao Wen laughed wildly, "This is the tavern I told you about. I really like the atmosphere here."

While talking, he went to the bar.

"Good evening."

Gao Wen proficiently greeted him in French, and the bartender who was busy at the bar raised his head, and his expressionless face immediately brightened.

"Hey, Gawain, my buddy."

"Mud howl mud howl, boots?"

Reciprocity, the bartender also immediately searched the residual Chinese memory in his mind as a response, while speaking, he looked at Gao Wen for help, which made Gao Wen laugh happily, and then the bartender continued happily~www. ~ Welcome back to Paris, are you going to dine or drink tonight? Let me tell you, the clams tonight were very fresh and our chef was extremely pleased. "

Dimitrov opened his eyes wide, looking at Gawain who was chatting happily with the bartender. Immediately afterwards, the other two waiters also came over to say hello. Mud Howling", the scene was extremely lively.

Dimitrov was shocked—

Didn't it mean that Parisians are very proud and cold? He has lived in Paris for so many years, but he has never seen such enthusiastic Parisians.

Gawain introduced Dimitrov enthusiastically, and then greeted him enthusiastically. After getting the recommendation from the waiter, Gawain ordered at the bar directly, and then went to an empty seat to sit.

Dimitrov was dizzy for a while, as if he had just experienced a storm, and he didn't know what happened for a while:

Who am I Where am I What am I doing?

The broken focus of eyes is sending out soul torture.

Then Dimitrov finally regained some sense, "Gao Wen, do you come here often?"

Gao Wen said mysteriously, "Actually, I own this tavern."

Dimitrov blinked, "I see..."

Believe it like that?

Gao Wen pretended to be mysterious and showed a smile, trying to hold back the smile, allowing this beautiful misunderstanding to continue, but he still couldn't hold it back.


Seeing Gawain's full smile, Dimitrov realized that he had been duped. He swallowed a **** that reached the tip of his tongue, rubbed his face hard, and let out a long sigh, depressed and funny.

"Be sober, Gregor, be sober!"

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