Match Point

Chapter 871: Interfering factors



The boos were overwhelming, and the audience was full of turmoil, but the situation was really vague, and no one could tell exactly who the boos were aimed at.

Hush the referee?

Express serious dissatisfaction with the referee's penalty? After all, the second set was over before Kyrgios got angry, and the follow-up warning punishment seemed unnecessary.

Hush Gawain?

Do the home fans think Gawain's deliberate provocation provoked Kyrgios to use improper means off the court in an attempt to win the game?

Hush Kyrgios?

Not only condemning Kyrgios' dangerous moves, but also condemning Kyrgios' attitude towards the game, this is obviously a discredit to the Australian Open.

Hush organizer?

Is the battle of security personnel entering the field too exaggerated? This farce may be about to become the biggest **** moment of this year's Australian Open. Is it really okay?

Boos, it's hard to tell exactly who it's for.

But what is certain is that Kyrgios once again thought it was aimed at him, and raised his chin and roared loudly like a howling dog looking at the moon.

"Shut up!"

Even in the face of the home fans, this rebellious genius can still scold him.

"Shut up!"

The boos did not stop, but became more and more violent.

However, the boos did not last long, and after a brief distraction, the home fans were dragged back to the ground in despair and sadness.

Then, they finally start to realize the reality.

The second set, it's over.


Gao Wen wins.

Kyrgios held two consecutive set points in his serving victory, but regrettably failed to win. As a result, the tie-break was deadlocked all the way to "3:3", but Gao Wen scored three points in a row, and simply won the victory In the bag.

Especially in the last three points of the tiebreaker, Gao Wen really showed his demeanor as the world's top eight, and proved his ability with an absolutely tough attitude.

In stark contrast to Kyrgios' opening and closing and yelling, Gao Wen, who has always been good at roaring and celebrating, performed calmly in the second set, especially in the tie-break. , firmly grasping the initiative, the atmosphere of the game has quietly changed.

Margaret Court Stadium scene, home fans demoralized.

Different from watching the live broadcast in front of the TV, they can feel the atmosphere of the game more clearly and deeply when they are on the spot. The tension and excitement make their hearts undergo severe tests all the time. Consumption is very serious.

On the brink of suffocation.

The farce after the stocktaking ended broke down the line of defense from the mental and physical levels.

While no one can be sure exactly who the booing was directed at, and perhaps not even the booing fans themselves, can be sure that others are on their side; but it is certain that there is a lot of disappointment hidden in it.

Disappointed with Kyrgios.

Judging from Kyrgios' performance, he is still the spoiled child, doing whatever he wants, taking whatever he wants, and finally concentrating for a while, but after things didn't develop according to his expectations, he then fell into shirk model of responsibility.

Losing the second tie-break was like a blow to the head.

The Australians at the scene were a little dizzy, and they would not be able to recover for a while, and then they realized that the third set might also be difficult.

Kyrgios, what a burden.

Even, one after another, a small number of fans can be seen leaving the field—

They couldn't bear to continue watching.

Of course, objectively speaking, the game is still not over. Kyrgios can still win three sets in a row with a super comeback, and the suspense of victory and defeat has not yet been determined.

Agassi once said a famous saying: There is no timer in a tennis match, everything is possible before the winner is decided.

Whether it is football or basketball, these games have time limits. No matter what, the game always needs to decide a winner within the time, even if it is overtime superimposed.

But tennis doesn't.

In the past, there was a long-set tiebreaker, so Isner and Mahu played a score of "70:68" at Wimbledon.

Now, there is no long game tiebreaker, but there is still a tiebreaker/tiebreaker, and in the tiebreaker, the surprise score of "30:28" also appeared in the small score.

Opportunities always exist objectively.

It is precisely because of this that unless the players give up the game themselves, the outcome of tennis is always in suspense.


The home audience couldn't stand it any longer. Rather than having no confidence, it was better to say that they had no strength, energy, and enthusiasm. They really had no way to continue. Watching the game was also a torment, and the heart couldn't bear it. .

A kind of despair, a kind of fatigue, a kind of lack of interest, more turbulent than anger, gradually spread in the Margaret Court Stadium.

Although only a very, very small number of fans left the field, the whole atmosphere was different from the first two sets after all.

The fans are still shouting and cheering.

"Go! Nick! Go!"

A small group of fans painted with paint, that is, a dozen or twenty people, cheered happily and energetically, and did not feel tired at all. The scorching atmosphere of the disc made their voices seem extraordinarily lonely.

Then, the third set began.

Kyrgios, not giving up.

The problem is that he is always angry, and it can even be said that he is furious, so he starts to exert force blindly, just like tennis is something that kills his father and enemy, pats and exerts force, unreasonably.

The problem is that tennis is not a sport that can form an absolute advantage through strength. No matter how hard you exert your strength, it is useless except to waste your strength. The ball goes off the board.

In fact, it can be seen that this is the purpose of Kyrgios, he just needs to vent his anger, if he does not vent it, he may explode—

Then the Margaret Court Stadium should be very bloody, and it is not sure whether the broadcaster can continue to broadcast live.

After waiting for the anger to be vented for a while, Kyrgios's spirit began to collapse. He obviously couldn't concentrate. The audience finds fault.

Even the cheers from the fans seemed to be a kind of disturbance. It was obvious that Kyrgios was becoming more and more irritable, and his complaint index was skyrocketing.

He even got into a direct confrontation with fans in the first row at the back of the field After the opponent yelled an inarticulate sentence, he launched a counterattack.

"Shut up!"

"Shut your mouth, I don't need you to tell me how to play!"

The fan seemed frightened and kept his mouth shut, but Kyrgios, who won the scolding battle, still couldn't regain his focus.

Naturally, hitting accuracy has declined, and the number of unforced errors has skyrocketed.

However, the real key problem is that Kyrgios' prediction has a very serious problem.


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