Material Empire

Chapter 112: 4 calabash

"You are the sunspot of Fu Chang's family?"

Qiao Changsheng was no small surprise. He squatted down and looked at the sunspot's face carefully, and he found some familiar traces.レ; 思 ♥ Luo Keke, who had mixed feelings, asked angrily and hately: "How can you make it look like this, really ... really shame the old factory manager!"

Qin Hai remembered Qiao Changsheng's words. When he first met Qiao Changsheng, he heard Qiao Changsheng talk about Fu Wenbin, the old director of the steel plant. It was this old factory director who instructed the workers to seal all the machines with butter when the steel plant was on the verge of closing, which enabled the equipment in the steelmaking workshop to be used after more than ten years. Speaking of which, Qin Hai was able to resume the production of the steel plant so quickly, and Fu Wenbin was the biggest contributor.

After listening to Qiao Changsheng, Fu Wenbin was transferred to Qujiang Farm on the spot after the iron and steel plant was closed. Since then, Qiao Changsheng has no idea. Who would have thought that in this game room, they encountered a poor youth who loaned usury, and would actually be Fu Wenbin's son.

The name of the sunspot is Fu Zhihao. In the past, he often went to the steel plant with his father to play, so he was very familiar with Qiao Changsheng. At that time, his nickname was already the sunspot. The last time Qiao Changsheng saw the sunspot, it was 10 years ago. At that time, the sunspot was 15 years old, which is very different from the current appearance. It is no wonder that Qiao Changsheng did not recognize him at first.

From the point of view of Kuroko, his impression of Qiao Changsheng is even more indifferent, only because he often listens to his father's personnel and affairs in the old steel factory at home, he remembers such an uncle who once took himself to play. Just now Qiao Changsheng let him find his own revenge. He contacted Qiao Changsheng from the words of the steel plant, so he shouted.

Seeing that Qiao Changsheng had recognized himself, Heizi's fear of Qiao Changsheng disappeared. He knew that even though Qiao Changsheng would still scold him, he could certainly hide from the bitterness. He slowly got up and said to Qiao Changsheng, "Uncle Qiao. Don't you know, we at Qujiang Farm have been suffering very hard for the past two years, am I not going out with a few buddies to find something to eat? Besides, I My father was very ill. I did n’t even have the money to buy medicine. I did n’t go to the county middle and put up a loan shark. My father was already sick. ”

"You are telling the truth?" Qiao Changsheng looked serious, carefully observed Kuroko's expression, and judged whether he was lying.

"Hey Brother is telling the truth!"

"Our farm really doesn't work. We don't have any food until we come out."

"We have eaten rì by digging rats now."

At this time, the little sunspots next to the sunspots also stood up, scrambling to testify for the sunspots. They are also children of Qujiang Farm, but because there is nothing to do on the farm, they ran to the city to hang around. What Kuroko said. Half is true and half is false. Part of the truth is that they do rely on doing things on the edge of the law to earn their food. The part that is fake is that they smoke and play games, and waste a lot of money. Poor people must have hatred.

"Qin Gong. Look at this ..." Qiao Changsheng turned his head to Qin Hai, not sure what to say. Counting from Fu Wenbin, these young people are all his nephews, but the work is really not a personnel matter, which makes him an old worker do not know what to do.

Qin Hai simply asked Qiao Changsheng a few words, then turned to Ning Mo and said, "Fat, you go back first. Bring this watch back to Xiao Chen, and tell her that Xiaodong returned it to her. Wang Xiaodong, bring him back to the steel plant and lock it up. Don't give him dinner before I return. "

"Ah ?!" Wang Xiaodong, who was still standing by the side just watching the lively moment, realized that his doom hadn't passed yet, but he was scared by Ning Mo and others again. Not even the guts to run.

Qin Hai handed over Wang Xiaochen's electronic watch to Ning Mo and said, "Fat, first take Wang Xiaodong to the classroom to get his textbooks, then lock him in a small black room and force him to copy the words."

Say nothing. He turned to Wang Xiaodong again and commanded in a stern tone: "Wang Xiaodong, before I go back, you have to copy the words all the time. I go back and check the paper on which you copied the words. The copy is scribbled, not enough, or the word is copied. Wrong, I'll let the fat pack clean up for half an hour. "

"Brother Qin, I can't do it ... I have a pain in my head when I look at the words!" Wang Xiaodong told Rao.

Qin Hai ignored him, but said to Ning Moo, "Fat, you stare at him. He dares to stop, and you will fight for me!"

"Good!" Ning Mo agreed quickly and waved a pumpkin-sized fist to Wang Xiaodong. Of course, he knew that Qin Hai said this just to scare Wang Xiaodong, and he really packed Wang Xiaodong to his death. I am afraid that Wang Xiaochen should be desperate for him.

Depressed like a dead dog, Wang Xiaodong was dragged away by Ning Mo. Qin Hai turned around and said to Qiao Changsheng, "Master Qiao, I have an idea. Heizi just said that Director Fu is not in good health, and we are all right today. Do you want to see Director Fu? "

"I have this idea, just don't know if Qigong is busy." Qiao Changsheng said.

Qin Haidao: "I'm not busy. I've always wanted to visit Director Fu and thank him for leaving so much equipment for the iron and steel plant. Since Heizi said that he is in a bit of a difficult situation now, we should visit it, and it should be, maybe Can help him solve some practical difficulties. "

"That's good, that's good, I think so too." Qiao Changsheng said with joy.

When I heard that Fu Wenbin was sick, Qiao Changsheng was very concerned and very sad. Qin Hai said that he wanted to visit Fu Wenbin, and of course Qiao Changsheng was very happy. He knew that Qin Hai was now a rich man and extremely enthusiastic. Heizi said that Fu Wenbin's family didn't even have the money to buy medicine, and Qin Hai went. Maybe he could help him?

I heard that Qiao Changsheng and Qin Hai wanted to visit Fu Wenbin, but the sunspot was unhappy. All these things he did in the county were hidden from his family. His father was ill and rarely came into the city, so he didn't know what he did in the county. Now that he has loaned usury and bullied middle school students, they have just been arrested by Qin Hai, and Qin Hai has threatened to go to his house. Isn't this obviously a complaint?

"What are you holding on to!" Qiao Changsheng reprimanded when the sunspots didn't move.

"Uncle Qiao, ... and this brother, Qujiang Farm is far away from the county seat, and there is no car now, so you don't have to go? I'll go back and bring a good one for you." Said quietly.

"Qin Gong has a car, you can follow us and take the car to lead the way." Qiao Changsheng cursed, he pointed a few young men with his fingers, and said, "You all have hands and feet, and do something serious. Alright? I beg Qin Gong to ask you to go to the iron and steel plant to do something. How can it be better than being foolish? "

"What, what's the iron and steel plant opening again?" Kuroko was so surprised, but also because he was hanging around in the city all day long that he had never paid attention to the old iron and steel plant where his father had been a factory director. Pointing at Qin Hai, he asked Qiao Changsheng unsurely, "Uncle Qiao, what Qin Gong are you talking about? He has the right to recruit us into the factory to do things?"

"As long as you are willing to change the former, the steel mill is not incapable of keeping you. If you work hard, it is not difficult to make 70 or 80 yuan a month." Qin Hai said lightly.

The next step of the steel mill is definitely to expand, and expansion means more manpower. If Qiao Changsheng was willing to give them a guarantee, Qin Hai would not refuse to recruit these people into the factory. The so-called street bastards, in fact, most of them just give up because they don't have a proper occupation. Before people like Qin Hai knew Ning Mo, weren't they similar to the sunspots?

"Great, Qin Gong, where is your car, I'll take you to my house ... But don't tell my dad what I'm doing in the city, he's sick, just in case It's impossible, "Kuroko said to Qiao Changsheng and Qin Hai in a begging tone.

A group of people came to the jeep in Qinhai and saw Qin Hai expertly seated in the driver's seat. Everyone was surprised. The person who can own a small car is definitely a top cattleman, and this cattleman seems to be much younger than everyone, how can we not sigh.

With Qin Hai's thoughts, it would be sufficient for him to lead the way to Qujiang Farm alone. But his few Milos wanted to ride a car, and it was inappropriate for anyone to stay. Helpless, Qin Hai had to let Qiao Changsheng sit in the front row, and then let the four big and small guys squeeze in the back row. As to whether it could be squeezed, it was not Qin Hai's heart. As a result, the sunspots and their little friends were sitting in a row in the back row, like four gourds strung together, but they were excited one by one, as if they had enjoyed any extraordinary treatment.

There is a river between Qujiang Farm and the county seat. To cross the river, the car needs to go to the ferry terminal. After getting off the ferry, there are still dozens of miles. Then we came to the site of Qujiang Farm. Without the jeep from Qinhai, it would be very difficult for them to come to Qujiang Farm.

Sunspot pointed the route and guided Qin Hai's car to drive a long machine-cultivated road ~ ~, bypass the office building of the field department, and arrive at the family hospital. He pointed to a bungalow in front of him and said, "Qin Gong, Uncle Qiao, that's my house. Well, today's weather is good, and my dad is sunbathing at the door."

Qin Hai stopped in an open space, and Qiao Changsheng pulled the car door and jumped out of the car. The four young men in the back row also pulled open the car door and rolled down from the car sloppy.

The movement of Jeep into the family farm of the farm shocked Fu Wenbin, who was sitting on a bamboo chair in front of the house and reading the newspaper. He took off the reading glasses, looked intently, recognized the son who got off the car, and shouted. "Sunspot, whose car did you come back from."

"Director Fu, do you still know who I am?" Qiao Changsheng stepped forward a few steps and greeted Fu Wenbin excitedly.


The fourth is even more. Thank you for your support. This book has risen from No. 10 to No. 5 at noon.

The classmates gave 200 tickets to Orange in total, which made Orange believe in love again.

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