Material Empire

Chapter 121: Old and dirty tricks

"Let's go now?" Qin Hai froze.レ; 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ

On the way from Pingyuan to Beixi, Qin Hai explained to Ning Zhongying his arrangements in detail, hoping that Ning Zhongying would help him to hold Ichiro Kawashima and prevent the **** train from leaving. The test analysis by Li Linguang will soon have results. Once a formal conclusion is reached, Kawashima Ichiro should not expect to take away the slag. In the worst case, he must transport the **** at the price of the ore. Instead of taking away for free.

The changes in the situation at the scene were unexpected by Qin Hai. He originally envisaged that when Liu Zunian came forward, he would clarify the situation himself, no matter the Foreign Affairs Office or the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. I am afraid that he would not release the wagons casually, but would wait to see Li Linguang's test results before making a decision. Who knows, Kawashima Ichiro splashed the dirty water of Qin Hai directly, so that Zeng Yongtao and Wang Yiqiao had preconceived aversion to Qin Hai, and it would be useless to say anything. Now Wang Yiqiao instructed to leave immediately. If Qin Hai and Ning Zhongying leave, the **** of these dozen cars will be on the road.

Of course, it will take some time for the **** to be transported from Beixi to Cenzhou Port. If Qin Hai gets evidence, it is also possible to rush to Cenzhou Port to intercept the slag. But in this way, there will be much more trouble, and the scope of the matter will be beyond Beixi, and it will even adversely affect Chaped.

"Let's go, haven't you listened to the director Wang, let's not go, he will ask the Security Section to catch us." Ning Zhongying said to Qin Hai in a mocking tone.

"Okay." Qin Hai was helpless, and Ning Zhongying resigned. What could he do? His protagonist's halo is limited to having some skills. People ignore him, what can he do?

The two returned to the jeep. Qin Hai started the vehicle and drove off the field. Wang Yiqiao looked at them with a contemptuous smile on his face, while Zeng Yongtao was still angry, thinking in his heart which department should reflect the problems of Qin Hai and Ning Zhongying better.

The jeep drove out of the waste **** yard, and in front of it was a railway crossing. From here, the self-provided railway of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant led to the yard. Ning Zhongying pointed her finger at the crossing and said, "Xiao Qin, park your car at the crossing."

"How?" Qin Hai didn't understand it. He drove the car to the crossing and stopped.

"Did you understand me when I spoke?" Ning Zhongying asked with a gaze.

Qin Hai pointed at the crossing and said, "Don't you say you parked your car at the crossing? Isn't this the crossing in front of you?"

Ning Zhongying said, "I mean, stop at the crossing! What does it mean, don't you understand?"

"Uh ..." Qin Hai was speechless. People usually say "stop at the intersection", and no one will understand it as stopping at an intersection, but will stop at the intersection. But what Ning Zhongying said at this time was to stop him right in the middle of the railway crossing, in other words, to block the railway with a jeep.

"Director Ning, isn't this too cruel?" Qin Hai said in his mouth, but he put a stall in his hand. He really drove the jeep to the crossing, and then stopped across the two tracks. He is essentially a Sven man. Like this crazy approach, he really can't think of it. Only a reckless hero like Ning Zhongying can do so extreme.

"Sit down and sit." Ning Zhongying pulled the door of the car, sat on the railroad track, and then took out the cigarette case, lit a cigarette for herself, and motioned to Qin Hai.

Qin Hai waved his hand to show that he did not smoke, and then learned Ning Zhongying's appearance and sat down on the opposite rail. Looking at Ning Zhongying, who spontaneously spit smoke, Qin Hai shook his head and said, "Director Ning, if we do this, there will be no room for it."

"Your boy!" Ning Zhongying yelled, "Our country is so big, and we still lack these hundreds of tons of waste slag? Let rì Benla go and pull away, why are you tossing like this?

Qin Hai touched his head and said, "Well, obsessive-compulsive disorder, that is, people who don't like their own country are counted by others."

"Me too." Ning Zhongying said, "So I tossed with you."

"Director Ning, I remember, in fact, you can not participate. You leave now, I stay here alone, can also block the car, why do you have to carry a bag for me?" Qin Hai said.

Ning Zhongying took a deep breath and said leisurely: "With me here, you have no responsibility. You are still young, I am a half-infiltrated person. When the sky falls, I will carry it, you There is still a future. "

"Don't say thank you." Qin Hai could only say so. It's pointless to say anything sensible. Ning Zhongying eats more salt than Qin Hai eats. Anything he does must be thoughtful and not impulsive. His willingness to stay and carry the possible risks for Qin Hai can only show that Qin Hai was indeed regarded as a nephew worthy of protection in his mind. It would be hypocritical to say anything at this time.

"If I go to jail, Ningmo and the quiet brothers and sisters, I will leave it to you." Ning Zhongying said jokingly. Of course, he also knew that there would be no jail sentence for such a thing, but if someone above With crooked lips, he must not be able to do the job. When he said this, he told Qin Hai that he could take care of his sons and daughters after his future development. He firmly believed that Qin Hai's future development is unlimited.

The two parked at the crossing and smoked and chatted while sitting on the railroad tracks. This situation was immediately reported to Wang Yiqiao by the workers guarding the railway crossing. When Wang Yiqiao heard the news, he was furious: "This Ning Zhongying is really endless! Relying on his old qualifications, Gente will not put our Beixi Iron and Steel Plant in my sight!"

"The **** is about to be shipped soon. They will destroy the normal production order without saying anything, and it will cause extremely bad international influence. Director Wang, you must solve this problem immediately!" Zeng Yongtao was also anxious, and the foreign guests were there. Looking aside, just in case rì originally said, how bad people's impression of China should be!

"Xiao Li, go and inform the Security Section and let Chief Hong take the person to the crossing. The director and I passed by first ... what, how many people, bring all! If it is not enough, bring the key militia in the factory. Bring it! "Wang Yiqiao jumped and issued an order.

If the train was really stopped by Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai, his face would be lost. Although Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai were the first to be held accountable, it was a serious fault that Wang Yiqiao did not have a plan in advance and did not deal with it in a timely manner. The point is, is he good at shooting while lying down? The grudges between Qin Hai and the foreign guests have nothing to do with him. Why should he suffer because of Qin Hai?

After receiving the phone call, the head of the security section, Hong Yuan, did not delay for a moment, and led a dozen people to the railway crossing. Among these dozens of people, there were the staff of the Security Section and the key militiamen Wang Yiqiao asked to bring. In order to increase the deterrent effect, the basic militia brought all the rifles, of course, there must be no bullets in the guns.

"Director Ning, what are you doing!" Wang Yiqiao had already come to the crossing first, and he saw the jeep parked at the crossing, and Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai who were embarrassed. He yelled and rushed to the two.

"Yo, the director Wang is here. One?" Ning Zhongying didn't move a bit, just raised his hand and handed the cigarette case to Wang Yiqiao.

Wang Yiqiao looked at the cigarette case, his teeth were rattling, and finally he managed to fly the cigarette case with a slap. He can yell at Ning Zhongying, but it's another level of action. Anyway, he is also the head of a factory. How can he do such a rude thing?

"Director Ning, what do you mean?" Wang Yiqiao asked.

"Exhausted, rest." Ning Zhongying said rudely.

If not for the crisis, Qin Hai would really like to applaud Ning Zhongying. When the old man was a young boy, he was an old boy, and when he gave birth to a son, he was also a fat boy. Fortunately, the serene xìng grid is a little different from the mother, not like the father, otherwise you won't be able to see it. To say that this quiet person is beautiful, xìng is also cheerful and enthusiastic, really ...

Ah, where do you want to go! Qin Hai couldn't help but gave himself a slap.

When Qin Hai wanted to get into trouble, Zeng Yongtao arrived hurriedly. He looked at the situation at the scene and said to Wang Yiqiao: "You must let them go immediately. It really is not possible. You can use coercive measures."

"Come on, let the train drive directly, this is the most compulsory method, anyway, there is rì himself to support you." Ning Zhongying pointed to himself to Wang Yiqiao and Zeng Yongtao.

"Comrade Ning Zhongying, you have to realize that this matter is very serious. This is not an ordinary corporate contradiction problem, it is an issue involving international influence!" Zeng Yongtao drank ~ ~ Qin Hai stood up Come and ask Zeng Yongtao with a calm face: "Director Zeng, for such a long time today, you have already spoken about the international influence seven or eight times. In your mind, is there only international influence and no national interest? Do you have I asked, why do we ask to temporarily suspend the slag, do you know what fame is in it? "

"What can be famous, isn't this a pile of slag? There are some slags like this in the entire Beixi City, and even in the Anhe Province." Wang Yiqiao said.

Qin Hai turned his face to Wang Yiqiao and sneered: "Director Wang, you are still the director of a large steel plant. Do n’t you know that there is also a difference between ore and ores? The iron ore in Beixi is not ordinary iron at all. Ore, but tantalum-niobium ore. The value of these slags is much higher than all the steel you make. Don't you even want to listen to such a big thing? "

"Is this happening?" Zeng Yongtao asked, looking at Wang Yiqiao with a stunned look.

"You listen to him talking nonsense. I have been a factory manager for so many years and I haven't heard of any tantalum niobium ore. Director Zeng, don't listen to this little young nonsense. You see, our comrades in the security department have arrived. You Make up your mind, I'll have them take them away immediately! "Wang Yiqiao said with gritted teeth. (To be continued.)

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