Material Empire

Chapter 134: Come by

"Tuk Tuk Tuk, Tuk Tuk Tuk. レ; 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ"

Qin Hai rang the door of Song Hongxuan's room gently, and then heard someone in the room ask, "Who!"

"Is this Comrade Song Hongxuan?" Qin Hai asked.

The door opened, and a young man with disheveled hair and thin body appeared in front of Qin Hai. As Yu Junsheng described, his eyeglasses were thicker than the bottom of the bottle, but Qin Hai could clearly see from behind the lens To a pair of wise eyes.

"I'm Song Hongxuan, may I ask you ..." Song Hongxuan looked at Qin Hai and Qiao Changsheng and asked in a surprised tone.

"I'm an engineer at Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant. My name is Qin Hai." Qin Hai introduced himself. He has many identities. On this occasion, he felt that using this identity to introduce himself should be more appropriate.

"Qin Hai?" Song Hongxuan muttered the name in his mouth, and suddenly his eyes flashed. He raised his head to look at Qin Hai and asked with uncertain tone: "Are you Qin Hai?"

"Well, I am indeed Qin Hai, but I don't know if it is the Qin Hai you said." Qin Hai answered with a smile. He didn't know what Song Hongxuan knew about his name because of what happened, but there was a goodwill in Song Hongxuan's eyes, presumably there was no bad impression on Qin Hai.

"Please come in." Song Hongxuan opened the door and greeted Qin Hai and Qiao Changsheng. As he walked into the room, he arbitrarily packed the books and tables on the stool, table, and table, to make room for Qin Hai and Qiao Changsheng.

"Sorry, I usually have no one in this small nest, so it made me mess." Song Hongxuan said apologetically, and at the same time I did not know where to touch the two cups, and poured water on the two of Qin Hai.

Qin Hai and Qiao Changsheng each sat down on a stool. Qin Hai thanked Song Hongxuan, and then began to look at the small house.

This room is only about square meters. Except for a bed, a school desk and a few stools, the rest of the room is filled with homemade wooden shelves. All these wooden shelves are piled with books, notebooks, papers, etc. Many books can be seen with bookmarks, and some books even have more than one bookmark.

Just having a lot of books doesn't make Qin Hai feel anything strange, because it is at best a nerd's humble room. What surprised Qin Hai was that, although Song Hongxuan said modestly that the house was too messy, in fact, there were some rules for the placement of various furniture in the house. Although there was a lot of information, it was well-organized, making people feel nothing messy. .

Before Qin Hai and Qiao Changsheng entered the door just now, Song Hongxuan didn't know what he was studying, and spread the books and materials in the room. But as soon as they entered the door, Song Hongxuan picked it up, and all the books returned neatly. Also, when Song Hongxuan found them to pour water in the cups, he also found the cups and thermos at once and replaced them with other bachelors. I'm afraid I can't find a clean and suitable cup for a long time.

"Director Song's house is neatly packed." Qin Hai couldn't help but sigh.

Qin Hai didn't know Song Hongxuan's current position, so he could only call Song Hongxuan according to the post of Deputy Director of the Workshop that Yu Youheng said. After hearing this title, Song Hongxuan gave a slight stun, and then laughed at himself and said, "Qin Gong still don't call me like this. I'm just a data manager now. The masters in the factory call me Song tube. "

"Song tube ..." Qin Hai felt a chill. The Qingfeng factory also has an administrator known as "a certain tube", but it is usually a half-old man, or a middle-aged woman or something. Song Hongxuan is an intellectual image, and is known as "Song tube". Not very harmonious. Qin Hai thought about it and said, "Otherwise, let's not be polite. You call me Xiao Qin, and I call you Lao Song, how about it?"

"Haha, that's a good name." Song Hongxuan was as good as he could, and Haha accepted Qin Hai's proposal with a smile. This smile made Qin Hai feel at ease, this scholar's xìng style is still very cheerful, and it seems not difficult to get along.

"You just said that my house is tidy? This is a bit of an overstatement. I just tried the requirements of smoothness and positioning, but it was mainly to make things more convenient for myself." Song Hongxuan pointed at his house and said.

"Are you talking about the requirements of fixed management?" Qin Hai asked with an eye on Song Hongxuan.

"Why, Qin Gong has also been exposed to Mr. Aoki's theory?" Song Hongxuan also asked in a surprised manner.

"No, no, I don't know who came up with the theory, I just heard about it." Qin Hai quickly explained.

Placement management is a theory in production site management. Its content refers to placing items that need to be used in the production process in the correct position through activities such as sorting and rectification, so that people, things and places are in the best combination. In order to achieve the improvement of labor productivity and safety production requirements.

The earliest proposed placement management was Ruki Aoki, an expert in industrial engineering. In the mid-1980s, Aoki's student Shimizu went to China to lecture and introduced the concept of placement management to Chinese companies. In that year, such a concept was very avant-garde, and Qin Hai was able to hear it in Song Hongxuan. It was indeed shocking. As for Qin Hai's own understanding of this concept, it is entirely due to the identity of the traversal, because this concept has become common sense in later generations.

"I have thought about this method myself in the past, but after reading the theory of Mr. Aoki introduced in the magazine recently, I feel that I have benefited a lot. RìI have accumulated a lot of theory in management, which is much stronger than us. We are not convinced. No, "Song Hongxuan said.

"Yes, Lao Song, you haven't explained it yet. You just said that I am Qin Hai. What did you mean?" Qin Hai asked with a smile.

Song Hongxuan also smiled, and from nowhere found out a bulging envelope, handed it to Qin Hai, and said, "Just look at this and you will know."

Qin Haihu took the envelope suspiciously, glanced at it, and found that the address of the recipient was written "Anhe Economic Commission". He opened the envelope and pulled out the stationery. He looked at only one line and was shocked. It turned out that this is an application for an appeal to the Anhe Provincial Economic Commission to protect the waste **** of steel mills in Beixi City. It mentioned that the waste **** may be rich in minerals such as tantalum and niobium, which has extremely high economic value. Judging from the period of payment at the end of the report, it was the time when Kawashima Ichiro negotiated with Beixi Iron and Steel Plant to clean up the slag.

"You mean, did you notice those slags?" Qin Hai asked Song Hongxuan in surprise.

Song Hongxuan said: "I also accidentally noticed this problem, but due to the conditions, I was unable to identify the composition of the slag. Before I came, I didn't think the matter was important xìng. I heard that rì I want to transport I ca n’t help taking these slags, I wrote this report and planned to send it to the Provincial Economic Commission for them to investigate the matter. Who knows, before I sent the letter, I heard that a name came from Pingyuan County The young man named Qin Hai drove the slag-carrying train to a halt, and finally caught the rì himself, which was really addictive. Alas, ashamed to say, I really don't have the guts you have. "

"So it is." Qin Hai smiled. It seems that blocking the train really added a lot of points to himself. At the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, not many people knew about his other deeds. But when it comes to blocking trains, it is a household name. Even if some people don't know the name Qin Hai, at least they know that there has been such a sensation. The original factory director Wang Yiqiao was transferred away, which is related to this matter. How could people in the factory not know?

"Yes, Xiao Qin, why did you come to Beigang, and why did you come to me?" Song Hongxuan remembered to ask Qin Hai's intentions. He had a rather speculative chat with Qin Hai. Even forgot to ask Qin Hai how to find him here.

Qin Haidao: "If I say I came here by name, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it," Song Hongxuan replied decisively. "I don't have anything to be concerned about. How can you know my name?"

Qin Haidao: "What I said is true. I heard that you were once the deputy director of the No. 2 open hearth workshop of Beigang, and have a good set of tube production, so I came here to invite you out."

"Please go out of the mountain?" Song Hongxuan asked strangely. "Why, have you transferred to Beigang to work?"

Qin Haidao: "You can also say this. My Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant has contracted the No. 2 open hearth workshop of Beigang and is ready to introduce a market-oriented business model, but now lacks a good workshop director. Someone recommended you to me , So I came over to ask for help. "

"So it is." Song Hongxuan heard this explanation and nodded ~ ~ As long as he was a worker who had worked in the No. 2 open hearth workshop, he must have been impressed, and it is reasonable to recommend him to Qin Hai In. However, after all, he is a politically wronged person who has been named. Isn't Qin Hai taboo about this?

"Xiao Qin, since you know that I was a deputy director in the No. 2 open hearth workshop, you must also know why I was fired?" Song Hongxuan asked.

Qin Hai said bluntly: "I heard it was due to political issues, but the specific details are not clear."

"That's it." Song Hongxuan said, "I have a big problem. I was named directly in the province. After I was fired, Beigang changed three leaders and did not dare to use me as a criminal. Do you? Aren't you afraid of being implicated? "

He spoke so seriously, but with a ridicule in his tone, he didn't seem to take his so-called political issues to heart. Perhaps it was because he knew what Qin Hai was doing to stop the train, and he had an instinctive identification with Qin Hai, so he was more open when speaking.

"Lao Song, can I inquire about what political mistakes you made so much that you were beaten into the cold and never used it. You made it clear to me, maybe I will die. You say?" Qin Hai Also changed a joke tone, said to Song Hongxuan. (To be continued.)

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