Material Empire

Chapter 136: Take care of the big picture

Qin Hai and Song Hongxuan talked until the middle of the night before leaving. Song Hongxuan sent Qin Hai and Qiao Changsheng away and returned to his hut, still excited. In front of Qin Hai, he worked hard to keep calm, unwilling to reveal his eager mood. But he knew in his heart that he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

No one is willing to sink forever, especially someone like Song Hongxuan who once had glory. He had also planned that if he could never be activated, he would choose to write a book and write his thoughts on corporate management as a book draft, and even raise money to publish it. But this life is only his choice under the most helpless conditions. Whenever possible, he still hopes that he can return to the world.

In the early morning of the next day, just after the factory department went to work, Song Hongxuan came to the office of executive deputy director Xu Yang's office. Xu Yang, who went out to open the water, was shocked.

"Excuse me, are you ..." Xu Yang asked.

"Director Xu, my name is Song Hongxuan. I am the administrator of the factory reference room. I only need to delay you for five minutes." Song Hongxuan said.

"Then you come in." Xu Yang promised. The little secretary in the office came forward to take the water bottle for the factory manager, and ran to the boiler room. Xu Yang turned back to the office, pointed his finger to the sofa next to him, and motioned for Song Hongxuan to sit down.

Song Hongxuan introduced his situation in very simple language, and then stated that he planned to respond to the call in the factory and suspended his salary to stay in the special steel factory to work. He did not cover up the appointment Qin Hai gave him, because he felt that there was no need to cover up such a thing.

"Introducing the competition mechanism and implementing the survival of the fittest are all practices advocated by the central government. How can it be considered a political error?" Xu Yang was upset about Song Hongxuan's experience. The new concept is unacceptable, and this is understandable. But it is now 1986. Haven't you reached a conclusion on your question? "

"It doesn't matter, I don't really feel wronged," Song Hongxuan said flatly.

Xu Yang said: "Comrade Song Hongxuan, I did n’t know much about it just after I came to Beijing Iron and Steel. Your situation. I also just heard what you said. You can rest assured that I will raise your question at the next factory meeting Coming out of the discussion should give you a correct conclusion. What I want to ask is, if the factory agrees to resume your job and treatment, will you stay in the factory to work? "

Song Hongxuan said: "Thank you very much for the good intentions of Director Xu. If the factory can give me a conclusion, I would be very grateful. However, I have promised Director Qin to come to him to assist him. , I ca n’t keep my promise, so please forgive me.

Song Hongxuan's answer was very euphemistic, but his attitude was very clear. That is not willing to accept Xu Yang's arrangement, but want to make a break with Qin Hai. He is not distrustful of Xu Yang's sincerity, but what Qin Hai said to him is more attractive to him. He was originally a very forward-thinking man and could see that the private economy would have broad prospects in the future. He hopes to connect his career with this broad prospect.

Like Qin Hai, Xu Yang also heard Song Hongxuan's talent in a few words. The Beixi Plant is full of rigid and short-sighted middle-level cadres. Talents like Song Hongxuan are extremely short of talent. Song Hongxuan's so-called political error. It is long gone today, and Xu Yang knows it well. Xu Yang was very distressed that Song Hongxuan was taken away by Qin Hai, so he only kept his word.

After hearing Song Hongxuan's resoluteness, Xu Yang knew that Song Hongxuan's choice could not be changed. Moreover, he had promised Qin Hai before. Asking someone to give someone, asking for conditions, Qin Hai has dug out such a treasure from the factory. If he resolutely does not let go, it will be unreasonable for reason. To know. Qin Hai is a pioneering talent that Yang Yihe hand-picked, and Xu Yang is also inconvenienced with Qin Hai.

After encouraging Song Hongxuan, Xu Yang agreed to Song Hongxuan's request and asked him to go to the personnel department to go through the formalities of suspension of pay and then go to work at the special steel plant. After sending Song Hongxuan away, Xu Yang walked around in the office for a few laps, and finally limped and said to himself: "No, this Qinhai is a mouse. The treasure buried by Beigang will be wiped out by him sooner or later. I have to negotiate with him. "

At the door of the No. 2 open hearth workshop, it is a lively scene again. Unlike the previous day, many people who come here today are already learning about specific treatment issues. Song Hongxuan and Yu Youheng, as the first batch of personnel to join the special steel plant, have already sat on Party A's position.

"I heard that when we come to work in our special steel plant, the salary can be doubled. Is that true?"

"Will it be tiring for work? Will you find a reason to deduct your salary again?"

"I'm a foundry. Would you like it?"

"Do you provide technical training? I didn't learn the technology very well, and I don't know if it meets your requirements."

The workers are asking inquisitively about their concerns. The demonstration role of Song Hongxuan and Yu Youheng has been demonstrated. What everyone is most worried about now is that they can't meet the requirements of the special steel plant, and they missed this attractive cake. .

In this traditional state-owned enterprise, the herd mentality is very common. Everyone believes in a dogma: others can do it, so can I. When no one joins the special steel plant, everyone just waits and sees, no matter how much expectation in their hearts, don't stand up and eat crabs first. But when I saw other colleagues coming forward, everyone had the courage. I believe that even if there is something unexpected in the future, it will not be possible to affect so many people.

When Xu Yang took the factory secretary to the No. 2 open hearth workshop, he saw exactly such a scene of enthusiastic registration. Looking at a smiling face full of expectations, Xu Yang only felt that the boss in his heart was uncomfortable: Nima, these are all people who are going to abandon me. Am I just so unpopular?

"Director Xu is here?" Qin Hai saw Xu Yang, quickly put down his hands to meet him, and greeted him warmly.

"Director Qin, I think our workers at Beigang are eager to join your special steel plant." Xu Yang said sourly.

If you can't hear the mystery in Xu Yang's words, Qin Hai shouldn't hang around here. He said with a grin: "The Xu factory has a long story, and there are thousands of workers at Beigang, not even one-tenth of them. It can be seen that most workers are still very pessimistic about small enterprises like ours."

"Oh, the township and village enterprises are good. The central government encourages the development of township and village enterprises." Xu Yangpi replied with a smile. Qin Hai's answer made him feel a little more comfortable. Although he also knew that there were thousands of people at Beigang, not all of them met Qin Hai's requirements. Those who did not sign up did not dislike Qin Hai's special steel plant. It just didn't find a suitable position.

"Xiao Qin, I just thought of one thing and wanted to discuss it with you." Xu Yang whispered Qin Hai to a quiet place.

"Director Xu, please." Qin Haidao.

Xu Yang said: "The province instructs Beigang to carry out reforms, and there is a prerequisite. That is, it cannot affect the original production of Beigang, especially the production tasks of steel products in the plan. You cannot recruit talents from Beigang, It will leave us some backbones. "

Qin Hai laughed: "The director Xu has thought about it, I know it. Many senior technicians who are working as backbones in the workshop did not come to our special steel to sign up. In addition, Song Hongxuan also reminded me specifically about this matter, he listed I made a list of the number of people who were recruiting for each post, and made it clear that we cannot recruit all the senior technicians from Beigang. At this point, you Director Song is very holistic. "

Hearing Qin Hai's position, Xu Yang was at ease. He originally thought that if Qin Hai ignored the overall situation and wanted to empty the foundation of Beigang, he would have to go to Chai Peide to participate in a copy and let Chai Peide come forward to beat Qin Hai. It now appears that Qin Hai is a modest person, and it is a pleasure to cooperate with such people.

"Yes, Xiao Qin, where did you dig up Song Hongxuan? As an executive deputy director, or did I just realize that our factory has such a treasure this morning, why did you get a first move? Xu Yang asked.

Qin Hai pretended to be pitiful, and said, "Director Xu, I can't compare with you. It doesn't matter how many soldiers you have, one more and one less. I started from scratch and didn't have a few hands to reuse. People can only find people everywhere. This Song Hongxuan ~ ~ I also invited him to look around. He only has a data administrator here, and we have to take the heavy responsibility. This is the case with our township and village enterprises.

"You little Qin, you are cheap and sell well!" Xu Yang scoffed half-jokingly. "I have talked to him. His vision is very broad and his thinking is very meticulous. It is also a rare talent to be in Beigang. Unfortunately, Robbed by you. A gentleman doesn't take away people's love, but you can remember that this talent is I gave to you, you must remember my friendship in the future. "

"That's what it is. If there is any achievement in the special steel mills in the future, it will be the result of the great support of Brother Xu. The younger brother dare not forget it." Qin Hai said.

The conversation between the two seemed like a joke to each other, in fact, each sentence was meaningful. Qin Hai's words show an attitude that he will never grab Xu Yang's limelight, and both sides can be honored. This is a very important commitment for Xu Yang who intends to achieve great progress in the career.

"Xiao Qin, the recruitment work on your side should preferably be completed as soon as possible, so as not to affect the normal production order of our Beisteel people. After the production has started normally, our two parties should strengthen communication and maintain contact. What are the difficulties, You can ask me at any time, and I will try my best to help you coordinate and resolve it. "Xu Yang also voted for Tao Li, and gave Qin Hai an equal commitment.

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