Material Empire

Chapter 140: I didn't shame you

The pub was full of vocals, but it only heard vocals, but no one was seen. It turned out that the lobby of this tavern had been divided into several closed single rooms. As the material of the partition, it was just some thin wooden boards or even linoleum. The light played a role of blocking the sight and could not achieve the effect of sound insulation. In each single room, there are shouts of drinking orders, and vaguely can hear the winery-specific terms such as "I drank you at will", "meaning in wine".

Seeing Qin Hai and Kuroko's interest, Su Yabo explained to them: "Most of the hotels in Quwu are separated in this way. It is said that the method came from the south. .We in Hongyuan are starting to do this now, you think, everyone wants to talk about business, and no one is willing to be stared at by others. In such a separation, no one can see who is more suitable. "

Sunspots are very new to this form, but Qin Hai is no stranger to it. This method of compartments was not very popular at that time, but it was very common in later generations, maybe because there are more and more posterity.

Xie Qijin asked the waiter for a big room. After entering, the people arranged their teeth in order, sat down, and then ordered food and wine. Qin Hai didn't want to hide it deliberately. He asked for a few good dishes when he opened his mouth, and the result attracted everyone's dismay. Qin Hai smiled and tweeted: "Our leaders attach great importance to this batch of coal, and specifically told me that at all costs, the standard of hospitality granted to me is very high. I met all of you today, and I would like to ask everyone for help later. Ordering a few dishes is also a little bit of our two younger brothers. "

"What kind of unit do you even have such an enlightened leader?" Zhang Wei asked enviously.

Qin Haidao: "We are a Beixi Special Steel Plant. The tasks in the province are very heavy. The raw materials are not available. The director of the plant is mad. This is not the case, we are sent out, and we must not leave the province. money."

Li Xiaopeng laughed: "Your leaders are really confused. They are willing to spend money, but they do n’t know how to use people. The two younger brothers do n’t blame the old man for speaking frankly. When it comes to supply and marketing, it is about personal feelings. You two are too young. And I haven't done this at a glance. It's a bit confusing for the two of you to do this. I think your director is also a young man. I don't have much experience as a director? "

"Uh ... it really made Brother Li say that." Qin Hai smiled awkwardly.

Xie Qijin interjected: "Lao Li, you're wrong. Although Xiao Qin and Xiao Fu are young, who hasn't come from a young age? I think they are enthusiastic. They have some rules for dealing with people, not necessarily better than us. Lao Youzi is poor. Those of us who are big brothers, we should help out as soon as possible. As the saying goes, we should not bully the old. We may not be as good as these two young brothers in a few years. "

"That's what it is, I speak straight, Xiao Qin, don't be surprised." Li Xiaopeng talked very well in front of his own people, and even if he smiled and made up for Qin Hai and Heizi, it was not.

After a while, the food and drinks had already arrived. The sunspot rushed to pour the wine on everyone, Qin Hai said a few toasts like "Please take care of it", and then everyone drank in a staggered manner.

As soon as the alcohol was on top, everyone's voice box was opened, and one after another talked about the suffering of the purchasers. It was the so-called Pingshui meet, all sad and heartbroken. Some talk about how suppliers are making insults and insults, some say how their peers drink alcohol and have stomach bleeding, some scold staff members for being insatiable, and some have complained that unit leaders are unethical. Although not everyone has encountered these things, they feel a bit empathetic as peers. For a moment everyone sighed and vowed that their children would interrupt their legs if they dared to work as buyers.

"Brother Qin, aren't you a state-owned steel plant, why are you so short of raw materials?" Wan Donghua, the owner of a private steel plant, asked Qin Hai.

Before waiting for Qin Hai to answer, Zhang Wei, who also came from the steel plant, picked up: "Lao Wan, what's the state-owned steel plant? We are also a state-owned steel plant, aren't we also lacking raw materials? Now we just rely on the planned production tasks. Where? Can we feed thousands of people in the factory? We are now working on unscheduled steel, and we have to rely on ourselves to get the raw materials. "

Qin Hai nodded and said, "Brother Zhang is right, the same is true of our factory. However, we are given a task in the province. Let us run without grass, we have to get the raw materials ourselves."

"Lao Wan, to say it, it's still hello. Although I'm a bit tired and tired, the money I earn is my own, and I'm tired too." Li Xiaopeng said with some sourness. As a person of a state-owned enterprise, on the one hand, he was grateful for his drought and floods, and did not have to be frightened all day long like Wan Donghua. On the other hand, he envied Wan Donghua to make more money, and a business was worth his ten years. This contradictory mentality was very common in that year.

Wan Donghua smiled bitterly: "It's so easy to make money. I'm still helping the bank make money. At the beginning, I got a set of equipment from a bank loan. Who knows that the equipment is available, raw materials are not available, and production is interrupted From time to time. There are hundreds of steel mills on our side. Nearly 30% of them are closed now. Maybe it's my turn. "

"No, right now, there is a shortage of steel all over the country. How can steel mills close?" Qin Hai said.

Wan Donghua sighed and said, "In the final analysis, it is still a technical problem. There is always a way to solve the issue of raw materials, but the problem of steel quality is difficult. We are a township enterprise. The technology is not good. Articles fail to meet quality standards and can only be sold to rural areas at reduced prices. So many steel mills are fighting for rural markets, all are reducing prices, and in the end everyone will not be able to survive. "

Qin Haidao: "If it is only a question of the quality of the steel, it will not be difficult to solve it. The technology, that is, a layer of window paper, is broken and understood. Why didn't Brother Wan think of going to the university to find some experts? Help guide. "

"Yes, they don't want to come." Wan Donghua said, "how can people's experts go to visit a small factory like ours?"

Qin Haidao: "I know some experts who are engaged in metallurgy. If Brother Wan does not dislike him, I will introduce it to you later. The technical problems of small steel plants like yours should be a piece of cake for these experts. . "

"That would be great, let's just say it." Although Wan Donghua is still a little doubtful, I don't know if Qin Hai has been drinking too much and promised blindly, but after all, there is some hope for him. Catch it.

"Come here, Brother Qin, let's do one. Feeling deep and sullen, brother, I'll do it first." Wan Donghua raised one or two glasses in his hand and tilted his neck to pour a full glass of wine. Go into the throat.

"It seems like I can't do it anymore ..." It's Qin Hai's turn to face his troubles this time. Whether he is a past life or a current one, the amount of alcohol can only be regarded as average, which cannot be compared with these old buyers. Just now, in order to get closer to everyone, he has already drank a lot, and then let him take a sip of "boring" for a drink or two. He estimates that he has to go out sideways.

"I'll take the lead for us." After coming to the table, the sunspot who was only responsible for pouring drinks to the crowd and rarely spoke himself stood up, took the cup in Qin Hai's hand, and said.

"Xiao Fu, you're always called Xiao Qin 'Head'. What is your leader?" Xie Qijin asked with a smile.

Heizi said: "He is my team leader. When we came out this time, the leader said that Qin Touer reads more than me, so let him be the team leader and I to be a soldier. The boss could n’t drink wine, so I had to stand against him Now, if the factory director has no opinion, we have the glass of wine, and I have done it. "

"That's not okay." Li Xiaopeng shook his head. "You have to help your boss drink, but you have to drink two glasses at a time. This is our rule, isn't it, Lao Wan?"

"Uh ... well, hehe." Wan Donghua started haha. He knew that this was Li Xiaopeng's intention to be tidy. This was not malicious, but it was a way of persuading alcohol on the table. Wan Donghua pleaded with Qin Hai and did not dare to offend him. However, it was inappropriate to openly excuse Qin Hai, so they could only hum and haha, leaving them to toss.

Kuroko smiled slightly, sipped the jug, and filled his glass with wine. Then he drank the wine in Qin Hai's glass first, and then drank the wine in his glass. At the same time, Li Xiaopeng and Wan Donghua said, "Drinking like this is considered legal?"

"Good amount of alcohol!" The crowd cheered together. These people drank not beer or low-alcohol liquor, but all over 50 degrees. Take two or two drinks in one sip like Kuroko. Even among these buyers, it is considered a good drink ~ ~ My little brother has such a drink, and it is suitable for dry purchases. It seems that your leader did not choose the wrong person . "Xie Qijin exaggerated the sunspots, and then filled the sunspots with wine himself. He poured the wine himself, toasting," Brother Fu, this glass of wine respects you, let's do one. " "

"Sunspot, can you?" Qin Hai was a little worried. He had never had a drink with Sunspot. He didn't know how much the sunspot was, for fear that Sunspot would have something to drink to stop himself.

Kuroko waved his hand and said, "Boss, don't worry, I have seven or two. I can drink a few drinks with these big brothers. It's okay."

Have you drunk seven or two? Qin Hai muttered secretly in his heart. He wanted to remind him again, but when he saw the sunspot winking at him, it seemed that he was not drunk at all. Qin Haisuo's surname was silent, and I thought that it would be impossible for the sunspot to make trouble.

Qin Hai's plan was not used in the end. Heizi asked the waiter to send four or five drinks in succession, and then laughed to the end. With the exception of Qin Hai, the remaining six people were flooded into the bottom of the table by the sunspots. Sunshoes used a chopsticks head to fill a piece of peanuts into his mouth, and then slammed Qin Hais and said, I didn't shame you, did you? "(To be continued.)

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