Material Empire

Chapter 143: 20 children

"Even if you are a miner, even if you have worked hard in the mine, are you eligible to own the money? How many miners do you have in your mine, they just have not become mine directors. If they are qualified, they also have Eligible to get this money? "Qin Hai retorted recklessly.

Prior to this, Qin Hai was still thinking about paying attention to the skills of conversation, but when he heard Sha Renyuan's reason, he couldn't help getting a little hot, and couldn't control it with one mouth. These words were spoken out, and he cried aloud in his heart, and he seemed to be overdone.

Sha Renyuan was stunned by Qin Hai's words, and half a word was speechless. He reached for his hip flask and poured another glass of wine. When the glass reached his mouth, he stopped, took a sip, and said leisurely, "Young man, let me tell you a story. "

"Please," said Qin Hai.

Sha Renyuan said: "That was almost 30 years ago ... I ca n’t remember some things. To put it simply, there was a roof accident in a laneway in our Jianxing Mine, which collapsed. The coal seam was very thick, and all the exits from the roadway were blocked. At that time, a 14-person mining team was operating in the roadway. When the roof collapse occurred, the people in this group were still alive, but they could not persist outside. The day the people dug the coal seam. "

"What then?" Qin Hai asked casually. What Sha Renyuan said was not enough to shock him. This was not because of his hard-hearted heart, but that in those days, coal mine accidents were not rare.

"The leader of the mining team, everyone called him Lao Xingtou, an experienced old miner. He remembers that there are several old roadways dug in the past when he was mining. Shibi, when you find the old alleyways, people in this group will hope to escape alive. "Sha Renyuan continued.

"So, did they find those old laneways?" Qin Hai was attracted by Sha Renyuan's story and couldn't help asking.

"I found it." Sha Renyuan said, "Lao Xing's head is like a gopher. With his nose, he can smell where the roadway is. He took the whole group of people, leaning on the only little dry food and cutting through After a dozen stone walls, I finally found an abandoned air outlet. "

"So everyone is saved?" Qin Hai asked.

"No." Sha Renyuan shook his head and said sadly: "Because there is not enough food to eat, it is heavy physical work to consume through the stone wall and consumes a lot. The miners' bodies can't stand it, they ... they One by one in those laneways. When the air outlet was finally found, of the 14 people, only Xingtou and the youngest miner were left. The youngest miner survived because of everyone. I feel that he is too young to refuse to let him do the heaviest work and save his physical strength, that is to say, everyone used his life to save his life. "

"What's the last?" Qin Hai's heart leaped, he was finally moved by this tragic story.

"Finally, Lao Xing's head fell under the air outlet. Before dying, he said to the youngest miner ... He said: Xiaosha, you are the youngest and you haven't got married, you can't die. You have a flexible mind In the future, we will definitely be able to be cadres, and our families and children will count on you to take care of them. "Sha Renyuan said here, tears dripping from his eyes.

Even if Qin Hai is slow, he can hear that the "small sand" in the story is the sand mine manager in front of him. He said that his mine manager also got his life under the mine. If he wants to dig deeper, this is not just It was his own life, and the lives of thirteen miners, including Lao Xingtou.

"Lao Xingtou, what a good person, and a good amount of alcohol. Like this little brother, he won't get drunk. I will serve him alone in this life, but unfortunately ..." Sha Renyuan I could n’t say any more, raised my hand and spilled all the sips of wine in the glass on the ground.

Qin Hai was silent. He guessed something faintly, but couldn't believe it, just waiting for Sha Renyuan to solve the mystery.

"I survived." Sha Renyuan said, "With my own efforts, I slowly became the squad leader, foreman, and mine head. I have never been married. The 13 older brothers left 13 old sisters and 20 children, I take care of them like my sister-in-law, elder mother and children. So far, those children of that year have also been married to have children. The grandson of the old Xingtou was 22 years old this time. I said: Grandpa Sand, I want to go down. I gave him a big ear scraper on the spot. "

"Why?" Qin Hai asked.

"Why? This life is not yours when you go down the well. Old Xing, they lost their lives in the well, can I let their children and grandchildren take the risk again?" Sha Renyuan said with a stare at his eyes.

Kuroko interjected: "Why do they want to go down?"

"You can get more money down the well." Sha Renyuan sighed. "I have arranged the children, grandchildren and grandchildren of the 13 big brothers outside the well. The safety outside the well is safe, but the salary is lower than the lower well. Mine is a state, and the salary is not something I can control. When they were young, I made money alone and subsidized 13 families. But now that they are 20 big families, how can I make up for it? Come here. Besides, they are also dozens of years old. How can they let their Uncle Sha take their salary to subsidize them? "

"So, the money you want is ..." Qin Hai hesitated and didn't say his guess.

Sha Renyuan said: "You guessed right, I want these 200,000, and I want to give them to these children. I think that a family of 10,000 is enough for them to live a relaxed life. Now young people want to talk about marriage. This is a pomp, with the money that Grandpa Sha has prepared for them, these children should be able to marry a beautiful daughter-in-law. When I go to heaven to see the older brothers, I can also explain. "

"So you want this transaction to be safe and secret." Qin Hai understood, he had mixed feelings, and didn't know what to say. The previous abominations of Sha Renyuan no longer exist, and the rest is just endless sadness.

"Sand ... Sand mine, we can all understand your mood. However, is there some risk in doing this? Anyway, you are still in the seat, why not batch by batch, a little less each time?" Liu Ziwen Rumblingly suggested. He was originally a timid person, and was a little apprehensive about Sha Renyuan's approach. Now I heard that the inside story turned out to be this way, and paid a little respect to Sha Renyuan, so I planned for him.

Sha Renyuan said suddenly: "There is no time, last month, I found out ..., forget it, you don't need to know these things. You also know my thoughts, okay, you give a promise . "

"It's ..." Qin Hai broke down.

Sha Renyuan's reasons made Qin Hai really unable to refuse. But Qin Hai was also a little hesitant to give such a high rebate all of a sudden. After all, this is not a matter of a few packs of cigarettes or bottles of wine, but a full amount of 200,000 yuan. This amount was appalling in that era.

"Sand mine director, I don't think you have the right idea." The sunspot brought by Qin Hai as a human-shaped wine barrel suddenly interjected, making Qin Hai sting.

Sha Renyuan turned his head, squinting at the sunspot, and sneered: "Young man, what do you think is wrong with my idea?"

"Sand mine director, I'll tell you a story, too, okay?" Kuroko said unhurriedly, and he really deserved to have loan sharks in Pingyuan County. At the critical moment, he really looked calm.

Sha Renyuan laughed abruptly: "Okay, young man, I want to hear your story."

Kuroko said: "My story is not very far away, that is, three days ago. I happened to play billiards with a few people on the street outside the gate of your Jianxing mine. I saw a shaved head at the table next to me. The young man was betting with others. I remember he said, "My grandfather is a mine manager, can I still rely on your money?" I didn't understand this at the time, and now I understand, he should be You said the grandchildren of the 13 miners' homes? "

"Temo's, this must be the kid in Wang's second family. This kid hasn't learned well since he was a kid!" Sha Renyuan's face turned green, and he scolded his teeth.

After Sunspot tells this story, he no longer makes a noise, but just gives Qin Hai a look, which means that he won't tell any truth, and leaves the rest to Qin Hai. These days, Qin Hai sent the sunspots to a few coal mines in Quwu to inquire about the relevant information, but unexpectedly made him accidentally hit a young man covered by Sha Renyuan.

Kuroko himself is a child of the cadre family ~ ~ and has also experienced missteps in a mixed society and is extremely sensitive to this kind of thing. He told this story at this time, clearly sending a very good speech to Qin Hai.

Qin Hai took the words of the sunspot deliberately, and said to Sha Renyuan: "The story told by the mine director, Xiao Fu, is very enlightening. You can get money for these children, but can you protect them for a lifetime? If these children do not fight for themselves, you give them so much money, I am afraid not to help them, but to harm them. "

"Yeah!" Sha Renyuan patted his head and said in a mournful way: "My most misconduct is that I did not manage these children. There is no elder discipline in their home, and I am a mine manager and I do n’t have much time to go Regard them. As a result, Xiao Fu said, I also know that among these children, there is very little fighting, and most of them ... are shaming their grandpa. "

Qin Hai had a good idea already when Sunspot finished the story. Seeing Sha Renyuan's thoughts floating, he said, "The chief of sand mines, in the old saying, it is better to teach people to fish than to give them fish. Why don't you give them a chance to make money?"

"What opportunity to make money?" Sha Renyuan's eyes brightened, and he saw some new hope vaguely. (To be continued.)

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