Material Empire

Chapter 154: The principles of the commodity economy

While listening to the noise of other companies in the audience, Wei Rongping watched the reactions of the leaders on the stage. He noticed that Guo Ming's expression was tense; Chai Peide was a little embarrassed, but still calmed down; Yang Yihe and Su Chengying exchanged expressionlessly and whispered something; while the most direct parties, Yang Xinyu and Ning Zhongying, were His face was ashamed, as if watching a good show that had nothing to do with himself.

Wrong, wouldn't the old guy Ning Zhongying stay behind? Wei Rongping's heart started to get a little scared. The result he originally envisaged was not the same. He felt that Chai Peide should come out to mediate at this time, Yang Yihe and others would be furious, and Yang Xinyu would confess to Ning Zhongying Xingshi. Even if Ning Zhongying wanted to carry it to the end, it was simply Can't withstand such pressure.

However, all the original imaginations did not appear. He saw from the eyes of the cadres of the Qingfeng Factory sitting under the stage that it was a bit of pity ...

"Lao Wei has finished his opinions. Is there any other comrades that need to communicate?" Ning Zhongying stood up, took the microphone in front of Wei Rong plane, and asked the people under the field with a relaxed tone.

"I ..." Cui Guodong of Ganqiao Hardware Tools Factory raised his hand halfway, and hurried back again. He has always been a cautious person, and at this moment he felt that the situation was wrong.

"Before the on-site meeting, I had an exchange of views with the leaders of the companies present. At that time, everyone had already mentioned the question raised by the director of the factory. Now in front of the leaders in the ministry and province, everyone clearly Say, are you unwilling to continue to undertake the collaborative task of localization of Pusang accessories? "Ning Zhongying glanced at the audience with an eye-catching look.

Quiet, deadly quiet, the calm performance of the leaders at the venue made the directors sitting below feel strange. At this time, no one dared to come out and be the protagonist.

"Lao Cui. Tell me a bit?" Ning Zhongying simply started to roll. Among this dry factory director, he is the oldest. When he was the factory director, people such as Wei Rongping and Cui Guodong were still middle-level cadres in various factories. So Ning Zhongying still has some prestige in front of them. At this live meeting today, he is the host, and it is his power to name someone else to speak.

Cui Guodong couldn't pretend to be deaf anymore. He reluctantly stood up and said, "Director Ning, look at what you said, how can we not be willing to take on the task of localization ..."

Having said that, he saw Wei Rongping still sitting on the stage throwing a bunch of angry eyes at him, and raised his hand. He made a gesture of Wang Ba. Two hours ago, he once said to Wei Rong and others that if he pretended to be seduced, it would be Wang Ba. Unexpectedly, Wei Rongping now uses this to force him.

Is it Wang Ba? Of course, Wei Rongping can't count when he says it. However, Wei Rongping made this statement to Cui Guodong to remind him not to become a traitor, otherwise he would be attacked by everyone. Cui Guodong gritted his teeth and went on to say, "But well, Director Ning, you also know the situation of our factory. If ... the price cannot be loosened a bit. We may not be able to complete these tasks ..."

"Lao Qu, are you the same?" Ning Zhongying got Cui Guodong's answer and stopped asking him, but turned his attention to Qu Guiquan, the director of Yuxiang Electromechanical Equipment Factory.

"Lao Ning, can't you say anything else? In front of so many leaders, discussing these trivial matters. Isn't it appropriate?" Qu Guiquan pretended to be very considerate of Ning Zhongying and said.

Yang Yihe grinned and interjected: "This is the director Qu, it's okay, let me tell you face to face in any case. Minister Su and I were here to listen to everyone's opinions."

"Yes, we are here to hear opinions." Su Chengying also echoed with a smile.

The smiles of two provincial and ministerial officials made the hearts of the factory directors below fall into the ice cave. Facing the threat of interruption of parts, shouldn't the ministers be so anxious, how can they laugh? Even if they want to show their calmness and stubbornness, it should be at least sneer, sneer, and skinny smile, but looking at the two, the smile is warm and humorous, it doesn't look like unhappy.

"We ... are willing to continue to cooperate with the Qingfeng Plant, but ... the situation mentioned by Director Wei and Director Cui also exists in our factory ... Of course, we are trying to avoid ..." Qu Guiquan used an octave lower The voice answered, his eyes did not even dare to face Ning Zhongying on the stage.

"Oh, Director Yang, it seems that the situation we have is true. It is true that the companies in Beixi City have a certain degree of difficulty in cooperating with Pusang auto parts. Director Yang, how do you solve this?" Ning China and Britain turned to Yang Xinyu and asked.

Yang Xinyu replied solemnly: "Director Ning, this is a mistake in your work. The localization of Pusang auto parts is an important political task, and this is not a fake. But you should not give your share of concerns for the country Put such great pressure on yourself. There is not only you in Beixi in the country. If you reflect this situation earlier, we can contact other provinces and cities to cooperate with your Qingfeng factory. Director Wei and Director Cui are so embarrassed. "

"Director Yang was right in criticizing us. We were just thinking about worrying about the country and overestimating the capabilities of the collaborating companies. This is our fault ..." Ning Zhongying performed the game extremely real.

"Director Yang ... Lao Ning, you ... are you singing double reed!" Wei Rongping suddenly made a mistake and suddenly understood. Yang Xinyu arrived in Pingyuan the day before. It is impossible for Ning Zhongying to report to Yang Xinyu on something as big as this. These words that Yang Xinyu said now can only be lines that have been discussed with Ning Zhongying, what kind of contact with other companies to collaborate, etc. This is clearly a threat.

"Lao Wei, it's unreasonable for you to speak like this. You said that Wanji cannot afford these services. Director Yang is willing to take off your burden out of good intentions. How can this be a double spring?" Ning Zhongying asked with a grin. .

Wei Rongping's face was iron-blue, staring at Ning Zhongying and asking, "Lao Ning, I ask you, are you ready for the backhand already, just wait for us to talk and you will kick us all away." "

Ning Zhongying shook his head and said, "I always have a bright mind when doing things. How can I prepare for what to do? You really want to say what to do. We do have some. In the past few days, we have been actively contacting other cities and counties' cooperative enterprises. As long as you interrupt your supply to Qingfeng, we will sign contracts with these companies. "

"Do you have time?" Wei Rongping asked.

"It must be too late," Ning Zhongying said calmly.

"You know it's too late, don't force me." Wei Rongping said fiercely, he is now in a difficult position to ride a tiger, and he has to say something like this shouldn't be said.

Ning Zhongying said: "I never forced you, but you ..." At this point, he waved his hands down the field, including all the directors below, and then continued: "It is you I want to take this opportunity to force us to accept the Qingfeng factory. I have acknowledged our mistake to Director Yang yesterday and expressed my willingness to bear the economic loss caused by the interruption of the supply. The loss borne by Fengchang will reach 800,000 yuan. I would recognize this money! "

At this point, Ning Zhongying slammed the table, and the microphone on the table buzzed. The old man's eyes were as big as the size of a copper bell, and his face was determined.

Ning Zhongying's attitude calmed the audience, including Wei Rongping, all at once. Everyone thought that collective pressure on Ning Zhongying would inevitably make Ning Zhongying submit. Who knows that this stubborn old man's temperament is so fierce that he would not hesitate to give up a huge sum of 800,000 yuan, and would not want to bow to everyone.

Yang Xinyu gestured to Ning Zhongying, and Ning Zhongying handed the microphone to Yang Xinyu. Yang Xinyu coughed slightly, cleared his throat, and then said in a calm tone:

"Dear leaders of the cooperative factories, this scene will be very good today. We have not only seen the achievements and experience in the localization of Pusang auto parts, but also the problems in the work. The relevant suggestions have not been delivered as scheduled. With regard to the issue of accessories, the attitude of the Localization Office is very clear, that is, everything is based on contracts, and it does not engage in political command or peace of mind.

Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory cannot deliver parts as stipulated in the contract ~ ~ then it is necessary to pay a penalty to Pujiang Automobile Factory as stipulated in the contract. Similarly, the companies where you are located cannot deliver rough parts to Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory, and you also need to pay liquidated damages to Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory in accordance with the contract. This is the principle of the commodity economy, and no one can exceed it for any reason. "

"Director Yang, we can't accept this. We have objective difficulties, so we can't deliver on time. You can go to our factory to see, the production equipment in our factory is indeed seriously aging." Wei Rongping argued.

Yang Xinyu sneered: "In that case, why do you sign a cooperation contract with Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory? If the problem of aging production equipment occurs after signing the cooperation contract, you can also revise the contract with Qingfeng Factory, but the matter has not developed Before you can't clean up, end the cooperation between the two parties. Since you have not done so, you have chosen to make a surprise attack at such a scene, then you can only bear the responsibility for breach of contract. "

"Comrade Xinyu spoke very well." Su Chengying spoke. Yang Xinyu hurried forward and passed his microphone to Su Chengying. Su Chengying glanced at the audience and said:

"We are here today to hold an on-site meeting of the domestic work experience of Pusang Automobile. First of all, we need to make clear that this model created by Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory is the most important inspiration."

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